
October 2024

Gematria, Vesica Piscis, Pi and Genesis 1

What is Gematria?
The Oxford English Dictionary defines gematria as, “A cabbalistic method of interpreting the Hebrew Scriptures by interchanging words whose letters have the same numerical value when added.” This is actually a rather restrictive definition because gematria was every bit as important to other peoples in antiquity, and examples of its use are more common in the culture of classical Greece than in Judaism.
Hebrew and Greek are the two languages with which gematria has been traditionally associated and until now the gematria of other languages has not been on such a secure footing. English, with its origin in Latin script, is every bit as valid a language for gematria and that its heritage by this means is as rich as those of Hebrew and Greek. The only difference being that the gematria coding of English has been one of the best kept secrets of the English-speaking world.
How does it work?
Gematria works on the premise that the letters of the alphabet can also be used as numbers, and therefore words and phrases acquire distinctive numerical values. A well known example is that of God, whose name spelt in Hebrew, is IHVH. The values of these four letters are 10 – 5 – 6 – 5, thus the ‘number of His Name’ is 26. It follows from this, by means of numerical equivalence, that God is identifiable with AHBH and AChD – Love and Unity – because the letter values of these two words sum as 1 + 5 + 2 + 5 and 1 + 8 + 4 = 26. Each letter matches a number with no letter having a zero value.
Why the name Gematria?
Gematria is said to derive from the Greek word meaning Geometry. It may also be compounded with the word meaning Writing. The reason for the geometric connection is because the rules of sacred geometry play an important part in the secondary encoding of literary cabala. Isolated numbers, such as 26, have only limited utility: they are the words of the numerical language. The sentence structure, or grammar rules, derive from number patterns which are conformed according to the properties of ‘sacred’ geometry.
What is meant by Vesica Piscis?
The Vesica Piscis is an ancient symbol holding many meanings, which is found in cultures all over the world. A common element is that it symbolises a portal or bridge to transcendence, often an abstracted bodily aperture or organ.
The Vesica Piscis consists of two equal sized overlapping circles, creating a pointed oval shape in the centre. It has been used throughout history and holds significant meaning in various spiritual and esoteric traditions.
The Vesica Piscis, the “mother” of geometry, from which all other regular geometric forms are born, is a curvilinear form very easily created by overlapping these two circles at their central points. Its meeting points create a balanced tension, not resolved but held.
When two equal circles are joined so that the perimeter of one passes the epicentre of the other, it produces a third, intermediate section, which resembles the shape of a fish. This section further contains two equilateral triangles. The mathematical ratio of its width (measured to the endpoints of the body) is nearly 265:153, yielding the number 1.73203, or the square root of 3. This can be confirmed using Euclid’s 47th Proposition.
The form of the Vesica Piscis occurs everywhere in nature; in buds, leaves, fruits and seeds and in the basic body shape of many creatures, such as birds and fishes. Vesical structures such as seed pods and the chrysalis are often protective and temporary.
In humans, the Vesica Piscis is recognised in the shape of the eye and the mouth. It is also the shape formed in the penis and vigina when they are open.
The Vesica Piscis shares with the phenomenon of symbolism a capacity to act as a bridge or portal between different realms – divine and earthly, potential and manifest, inner and outer – whilst demarcating these realms. The most commonly occurring example in the Christian tradition is of Christ, divine yet incarnated into flesh. He is often shown in medieval illuminations and carvings emerging from a womb-like vesica which is also a halo or aura encompassing His whole body. He is human and at the same time, transcends earthly humanity.
Jesus Christ is a symbol of God in man. Essentially He represents enlightened man. Man becomes enlightened when ego-consciousness becomes aware of the split-off content buried in the unconscious.
This is the union of heaven and earth. Heaven is the Mind which receives the ‘Voice of God’ the superconscious. Earth is the personal unconscious, the repository for our programs which prompt habitual behaviours, beliefs, attitudes, perceptions, character traits, etc..
In Latin, “Vesica Piscis” literally means “bladder of a fish”, reflecting the shape’s resemblance to the conjoined dual air bladders (swim bladder) found in most fish. In Italian, the shape’s name is mandorla (“almond”). A similar shape in three dimensions is the lemon.
Science shows us that nature has to find balance in order for creation to flourish. We see this in the sub-atomic particles of an atom. Male protons (positive charge) bind with female electrons (negative charge) to try and find equilibrium.
When positive and negative charges of an atom find a balance, a perfect creation is formed. When they cannot find equilibrium, the female electron will look for another proton.
If the atom cannot find equilibrium, the neutron kicks in and the atom neutralises. This only happens if there is more or less of a balance of electrons and protons. If there are more of one than the other, an imperfect creation forms.
An equal amount of electrons and protons balance out an atom.
The Vesica Piscis is the shape in the centre of two interlocking circles. Let’s say one of the circles is the male energy and the other is the female energy. Male and female are opposites that create a balance in a relationship just as protons (male) and electrons (female) create balance in an atom.
The area of the Vesica Piscis: (1/ 6)(4 Pi ? 3 ?3) r 2 , which is approximately 1.2284 r 2.
The area of the Circle: Pi r 2.
The area ratio of VP / C = (4 Pi ? 3 ?3) / (6 Pi) = (2 / 3) – (?3 / (2 Pi)) = 0.39100221895577064191100341751018
391 = 17 x 23
391 = Holy One of God is Killed (Faith in Christ)
17 = Overcoming the Enemy – Complete Victory (sword of the Lord) – Perfection of Spiritual Order – Goodness and Sacrifice
23 = Death
391 = “Yah is Judge”.
The number of chapters in the 3 consecutive Books of Joel, Amos, and Obadiah = 3, 9, 1.
Joel + Amos + Obadiah = 391
391 is one of the key numbers in the New Bible Code, because it is the standard value of the Hebrew word for Jesus, transliterated as Yehoshua, and also because it is the standard value of the English phrase ‘Second Coming’.
At the centre of this number is Amos chapter 9. This is the 888 chapter in the Bible.
In Hebrew, 888 is related to The Lord’s Second Coming.
888 = Jesus Christ / God’s Holy Spirit – The Sum of the Tree of Life – First Resurrection of Saints
12 Minor Prophets / Book and Main Theme of the Book
Hosea – Salvation
JoelThe Day of the Lord
Amos – Judgement; The Day of the Lord; Redemption
Obadiah – The destruction of Edom; The Day of the Lord
Jonah – Serving the Lord; His mercy
Micah – Injustice; Oppression
Nahum – Judgement on Nineveh; Comfort to Israel
Habakkuk – God embracing Judah; Chaldea’s destruction
Zephaniah – God’s anger; The Day of the Lord; Repentance
Haggai – Building the Temple; God’s Kingdom
Malachi – The messenger to come; The Day of the Lord
The phrase “the day of the LORD [Yahweh]” refers both to the ultimate time when Yahweh will punish and restore the whole world through Christ’s first and second comings and to the periodic pen-ultimate days that clarify and anticipate it.
2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a THIEF IN THE NIGHT; in the which the HEAVENS shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
The Creator
The Vesica Piscis is one of the most important figures in sacred geometry. A vesica with a width of 26 – IHVH (the Creator), has a height of 45, which is the gematria value of the man He created ADM – Adam. The difference between God and man is 45 – 26 = 19. This is the value of the woman created as a companion for Adam, ChVH – ‘Eve’. In this way the sacred vesica defines the relationship between the Creator and mankind.
God’s primal act of creation is encapsulated by the first verse of Genesis. The Hebrew words here – BRAShITh BRA ALHIM ATh HShMIM VATh HARTz – have a value of 2701. Among the many interesting properties of this number is the fact that it comprises the sum of 26 squared (676) and 45 squared (2025) – hence the combination of God and Adam. This means that the 26 by 45 rectangle enclosing the vesica of creation has a diagonal of the square root of 2701.
In addition to this, the circle within which the rectangle may be precisely drawn has a circumference of 163, and by this means can symbolise that which was created: AaVLM HZH – ‘This World’. It is also a fact that the area of the rectangle is equal to that of a square with a perimeter of 139: the value of – GN ALHIM – the Garden of Eden. Furthermore, the difference between 2025 and 676, gives the value of GN ALHIM when the final letters N and M are counted high – 1349. At the same time, the area of the rectangle is equal to that of a circle with a radius of 19 – ChVH – Eve.
There are unfathomable mysteries in the gematria of Genesis and this but a gleam from the crest of the tip of a very large iceberg.
45 / 26 = 1.7307692307692307692307692307692
The square root of 3 = 1.7320508075688772935274463415059
The difference is -0.00128157679964652429667711073664 which is 1 / 780.2887819721870168081845756203
780 = The Hebrew name for the Lord Jesus Christ. [See below]
Consider an equilateral triangle comprising of dots.
In the first [top] row there would be just 1 dot; making [1!] 1 dot in total. This would form the triangle T1 where on each of the 3 sides you see 1 dot.
In the second row there would be 2 dots; making [2!] 3 dots in total. This would form the triangle T2 where on each of the 3 sides you see 2 dots.
In the third row there would be 3 dots; making [3!] 6 dots in total. This would form the triangle T3 where on each of the 3 sides you see 3 dots.
And so on.
In the 36th row there would be 36 dots; making [36!] 666 dots in total. This would form the triangle T36 where on each of the 3 sides you see 36 dots.
36! = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 29 + 30 + 31 + 32 + 33 + 34 + 35 + 36 = 666
In the 37th row there would be 37 dots; making [37!] 703 dots in total. This would form the triangle T37 where on each of the 3 sides you see 37 dots.
T73, which equates to the first 7 words of Genesis comprises of (3 x T36) + (1 x T37).
One T36 = 36! = 666 is on top, and beneath it are 3 triangles touching each other as follows:
A T36 = 36! = 666 being located each side of an inverted T37 = 37! = 703.
This layout results in the T73 having 4 triangles with the inverted T37 being an “inner” triangle.
Consider the first 7 Hebrew Words:
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth
913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 + 302 = 2701
(666 + 666 + 666) + (703) = 1998 + 703 = 2701
T36 36! = 666 2556
T37 37! = 703 2701
T73 = 3 x T36 + 1 x T37
2701 = 37 x 73
37 = The Word of God – The Godhead – God’s Attributes – Chosen Servant – Exaltation
73 = Babylon (World Rule)
Consider 2701-1072 [the reflection of 2701]:
2701-1072 = 1629 = 3 x 543
543 in Hebrew is I AM THAT I AM
Consider 2701+1072 [the reflection of 2701]:
2701+1072 = 3773 = 11 x 7 x 7 x 7
Consider the first 8 Hebrew Words:
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth; and the earth
913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 + 302 = 2701 + 302 = 3003
T38 38! = 741 2850
T39 39! = 780 3003
780 = The Hebrew name for the Lord Jesus Christ.
3003 = 3 x 7 x 143
T77 = (3 x T38) + (1 x T39)
77! = 3003
Thus the first eight words of the Bible offer a very similar pattern to that the first seven words (Genesis 1:1).
Most importantly, the interior triangle now reads 780, a perfect correlation to the perfect rendition of the highest name in Hebraic Christianity, the Lord Jesus Christ. This is achieved by using the correct biblical form of the name Jesus and the original proper name of the Lord.
This 77th triangle holds a powerful proof of the divinity of Jesus in its hidden inner triangle. Inner triangles are the basis of the fundamental mechanic of the mathematics of the first verse of the Bible. By applying that same mechanism to the 77th triangle we find a sum most triangular indeed.
The number 780 is the finest linguistic construction of the Hebrew name for the Lord Jesus Christ. So holy is it, that no practising Jew (non-messianic that is) would ever attempt to pronounce it, for to the non-believing Jew such a pronouncement would be akin to blasphemy. Nevertheless we find this name and number in the infinite essence of all triangular numbers—the terminal repeat cycle.
452 + 262 = 2025 + 676 = 2701 = Pi r2. This gives a circle radius of 29.321579128389702125857452591007
29 = Departure – Holy One (Holy life / vow)
452 + 262 = 2025 + 676 = 2701 = 51.9711458407451316797775338291422, the side of the 2701 square that can contain the Circle. Hence the maximum circle size would have 51.971145840745131679777533829142 as a diameter.
Pi x 51.971145840745131679777533829142 = 163.27216997192864414273405924292.This is the circle circumference.
163 = Word Hid in Heart
163 in Hebrew, symbolises This World.
139 in Hebrew, symbolises the Garden of Eden.
139 / 4 = 34.75 being the side of the square having a perimeter of 139.
34.752 = 1,207.5625 being the area of that square, which is equatable with:
45 x 26 = 1170
So there is a difference as the ?3:1 ratios for 45 and 26 would have to be:
45.733571950099113013467856837446 x 26.404290076392841019758774335245 = 1,207.5625
1207.5625 / 1170 = 1.0321047008547008547008547008547 = 1 + 1 / 31.148086522462562396006655574043 in error.
31 = Increase – Offspring – Deity – Family of One God
32 = Covenant – Fellowship
1170 x 4 / Pi = 38.5965058954841188457989255779742.
Hence a radius of 19.298252947742059422899462788987
This radius is 1 + 0156975235653715485736559362625 in error or 1 + 1 / 63.704315896424695209110598192665
64 = Fellowship Broken
19 was related to Eve. The fellowship was broken with God in the Garden of Eden.
The Garden of Eden in Hebrew Gematria equals 360.
45 x 26 = 1170, the area of the rectangle.
Pi x 192 = 1,134.1149479459153590850142613639, the area of the circle.
1170 / 1,134.1149479459153590850142613639 = 1.0316414593768284922415180229687 = 1 + 1/31.604104857828231554738110693459 in error.
31 = Increase – Offspring – Deity – Family of One God
32 = Covenant – Fellowship
26 / 19 = 1.3684210526315789473684210526316
1.3684210526315789473684210526316 to the power of ?3 = 1.7216288148835081966418222259642
? 3 = 1.7320508075688772935274463415059
1.7320508075688772935274463415059 / 1.7216288148835081966418222259642 = 1 + the error of 0.00605356543482009949971303222263 = 1 / 165.1919039724922220433565182919
165 = Peace and Safety
In the value of Pi commencing at decimal position 455771 is the only 452619 occurrence within the first million decimal places:
3446669783 7732810111 4526195995 8866650108 2168815975
9495666029 0352758332 1493728643 5874599676 4765258208
It is surrounded / attacked by 3 lots of 666 [The Mark / Number of the Beast – The Antichrist – Hands in Chains] and is directly preceded by 111 [which is another 666 > Simple English to English gematria].
Note also that 455771 is a semi-prime number [157 × 2903] where:
157 = Chosen People
2903 is 293 as no 0 in gematria. 293 = Accounts Settled
Note also that 452619 is a semi-prime number [32 × 50291] where:
9 = Fruits of God’s Holy Spirit – Hour of Prayer – Divine Completeness from the Father – Finality – Unchangeableness – Judgement (Spirit of truth)
The number 50291 is a prime number.
In gematria, 50291 becomes 5291 which is a semi-prime number [11 × 481] where:
11 = Disorder – Chaos – Judgement – Disorganization – Lack of Fulfilment – Imperfection – Incomplete – Darkness – Fear
481 = Many Foes (Put Down)
Kabbalah (also spelled Kabalah, Cabala, Qabala) — sometimes translated as “mysticism” or “occult knowledge” — is a part of Jewish tradition that deals with the essence of God. Whether a sacred text, an experience, or the way things work, Kabbalists believe that God moves in mysterious ways.
According to the Kabalah, the entire creation and every part of it consists of an inner spiritual core surrounded by an outer physical shell.
Geometrically, this concept is represented in the Genesis 1:1 Triangle. T73 = 3 T36 + 1 T37. 3 x 666 + 703 = 2701.
The Genesis 1:1 triangle of 28 letters is the 7th Triangle number. It’s perimeter is 6+6+6. 7! = 28.
In the T73, 6 represents the physical world, the world of external appearance. The surrounding 666 triangles and perimeters represents the creation of matter and time. There are 6 weekdays (time) and 6 directions of space from a centre point – up, down, north, east, south, west.
Correspondingly, there were “6 DAYS OF CREATION” (Physical) and a 7TH DAY Sabbath (Spiritual).
Now take the T73 and fold it into a 3-sided pyramid. The 3 x 666 triangles (and total perimeters) are folded as a “shell” around 703 which represents the inner spiritual realm (Sabbath) which is the goal of creation and which is the Temple of God. The Sabbath = 703.
Note that the 666 Triangle is the 36th Triangle while the 703 Triangle is the 37th Triangle, a difference of 1.
Thus, the three 666 Triangles are folded into a hollow 3D structure to get the formation of triangles of 703 from each of the 4 sides. Due to overlap on the perimeters, they superimpose dots and we get to a total of 2594 dots.
i.e. you have the 703 Triangle surrounded by three 666 triangles. Each of these three 666 triangles folds upwards and you get this hollow 3D structure that has the secret 2594 dots and 703 dots on each face.
703 is really the complete structure, including the 666 triangles. It is the “little” that holds the parts, as 2701 in Gematria is 2+701 = 703 itself. For the true reality is the spiritual reality. The physical is merely an external superficial appearance, an outer “perimeter” or shell serving the inner core. The spiritual reality itself is what creates and sustains the physical reality.
A similar picture is hinted in Pi. 2701 first appears in Pi at the 165th, 166th, 167th, and 168th decimal digits of Pi:
Adding the Pi positions:
165th + 166th + 167th + 168th = 666.
Note that this is the ONLY 4-digit sequence in all of Pi whose digital positions sum to 666 and likewise the 73rd triangle (2701) is the ONLY Triangle with a Perimeter of 6×6×6 dots.
The sum of the first 165 digits of Pi = 737, a squeezed version of 73×37 = 2701.
Pi is associated with the Hebrew holy name – Sha-dai. This Hebrew word has Gematria 314 (just like Pi starts 3.14.)
It was used to constrict the infinite into the finite to make it possible for Creation to exist.
The sum of the first 165 squared digits of Pi: (12+42+12+52…, etc. for 165 digits of Pi) = 4699 = 2701 + 666 + 666 + 666 further hinting that 2701 and 703 are interchangeable.
4699 is also = 127×37 and 127 is a very special super prime. Super primes are defined as primes whose index is also a prime. 127 is a “super” super prime in that it has a direct lineage of primes all the way down to 1, namely:
127 is the 31st prime
31 is the 11th prime
11 is the 5th prime
5 is the 3rd prime
3 is the 2nd prime
2 is the 1st prime, where
1 is the unitary, the point of Creation.
Interestingly, the number of unique combinations of words for the seven words in Genesis 1:1 is 27-1 = 127. Notice also 4699 = 4+699=703.
37 is the Gematria of “Hevel”, which means breath in Hebrew.
37 is also the Gematria of “Yechida”, the fifth and highest level of soul (Nefesh, Ruach, Neshama, Chayah, Yechidah).
37 is likewise the ordinal Gematria of “wisdom” (Chachmah).
Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living SOUL. [1 Corinthians 15:45]
{NB: A MAJOR difference between man and beast is that man is the ONLY creature with a SOUL. According to the King James Bible, you are a living SOUL and you are located in a body (or at least you used to be before the NIV and NKJV). Your SOUL has eyes, nose, and mouth. Your SOUL can see and talk. New versions miss this point. Also replacing SOUL here and retaining it (all as the KJV) in the NKJV for Matthew 16:26 looses the cross referencing advantage which exists in God’s Word. (KJV: For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, AND LOSE HIS OWN SOUL? or what shall a man give IN EXCHANGE FOR HIS SOUL?; NKJV: For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?)}
Proverbs 2:6 For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth [cometh] knowledge and understanding.
Thus, 37 represents the divine within which sustains everything. The divine breath which vivifies man’s soul and which grants wisdom.
The innermost spiritual core in the creation is none other than man’s soul – the Yechidah. Though man, looks in external appearance not much different than an ape. But in reality he is the innermost core of the universe, the intermediary between God and the entire creation. Through his actions, he controls how much divine flow and blessings are transmitted to the creation, or God forbid, concealed and blocked.
Starting from the first triangle T1, every 3rd Triangle number has a centroid T1,T4,T7,T10… The maths formula for the centroid is:
Centroid = 1/9*(2*n2 + 2*n + 5).
Thus for the 73rd Triangle:
Centroid = 1/9*(2*732 + 2*73 + 5) = 1201.
Check: 2/3 of T72 is T48. 48!=1176. 2/3 of “T73.5” would be is 49!=1225. So for T73, 1201 appears valid.
1201 is the location of the “centroid” of 2701 in a formation of Triangle T73 – counting from any of the corners towards the central location (the “centroid” is analogous to the “centre of gravity”, or “balance point” of a triangle).
1201 is the 197th prime and 197 is the 45th prime. 45 = Adam, hinting that man is the inner core of the Creation; everything being balanced around him.
In Pi, the number 197 first appears at the 37th digit.
Pi=3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 502884 197 1 69399 37 510
37 appears 6 digits later and the sum of these 6 digits =1+6+9+3+9+9 = 37
The sum of the first 37 EVEN decimal digits of Pi (4 + 5 + 2 + 5 + 5 + 9 + 9 + 2 + 8 + 6 + 6 + 3 + 8 + 2 + 9 + 0 + 8 + 4 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 3 + 5 + 0 + 8 + 0 + 7 + 9 + 4 + 9 + 3 + 7 + 1 + 4 + 6 + 8) = 197
The sum of the first 37 ODD decimal digits of Pi (1 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 3 + 8 + 7 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 7 + 5 + 2 + 8 + 1 + 7 + 6 + 3 + 9 + 7 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 9 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 8 + 6 + 0 + 2) = 197 – 37
The sum of all PRIME NUMBERS up to 37 = 2+3+5+7+11+13+17+19+23+29+31+37 = 197
In Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 666 + 666 + 666 + 703. Note 666 + 703 = 372. Also 666 / (6+6+6) = 37.