French speaking users: Please be aware of our website: http://www.xn--motdedieuexpliqu-qqb.com/ |
A warm welcome to the God’s Word Explained website |
Via this website you will find Truth – for we seek to publish only God’s message to His people. |
[Should we become aware of any errors that we have made then we shall correct these at the earliest opportunity.] |
Should you wish to study God’s Word then we strongly recommend that you get a copy of the King James Version [KJV] Bible. |
[Preferably one with a type face that you can easily read and where names are separated for pronunciation purposes.] |
You have our agreement to copy and paste any document from this website for personal use and to distribute such material providing that it is in full and remains unaltered. |
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Kindly note that the Spirit of Prophecy as given by Ellen G. White forms part of the Word of God. |
The following links are given for reviewing / downloading these documents in both English and French languages respectively. |
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Clicking upon the above, or any link in this web-page column, will open in a new tab. |
Also note that the Spirit of Prophecy available in French is much less than that available in English. Given the imminent coming of Jesus and the need for God’s Word to go to the whole world, this is a sad state of affairs. |
New subjects shall be added to this website as material is finalised. |
Subjects that we have covered to-date, in an alphabetical order, are all as given in the left-hand column: |
Subjects that we have covered to-date, in a new to older order, are as listed below: |
Home Page – Front Page – This page. |
https://www.godswordexplained.com |
First Published: 01.04.13 Updated: 11.10.23 |
God and christmas |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=2264 |
What does God say about christmas? – Was Christ born on Christmas day? – Should we have a christmas tree? – Children’s presents – How should we celebrate christmas? |
Melchisedec / Melchizedek |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=2258 |
Who was Melchizedek? – Was Melchizedek Christ? – Melchizedek explained. |
Events before the Return of Jesus Christ |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=2232 |
Well, there is the Sunday Law, but also much more than that – see the order of these important events. |
A Reply to a Trinity Document |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=2216 |
The Trinity Doctrine defused by the Word of God – the untampered words of the KJV Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. |
Hebrew Plurality proves that there is Only One God [No trinity] |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=2203 |
By an understanding of the Hebrew language, it is obvious that there is no trinity. |
The Story of Jesus |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=2189 |
A wonderful and detailed Spirit of Prophecy book regarding the life of Jesus Christ. |
4SP – The Spirit of Prophecy Volume Four (1884) |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=2180 |
Four unadulterated Spirit of Prophecy books – from before the S.D.A. church tampering commenced [from 1884]. |
3SP – The Spirit of Prophecy Volume Three (1878) |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=2177 |
Four unadulterated Spirit of Prophecy books – from before the S.D.A. church tampering commenced [from 1884]. |
2SP – The Spirit of Prophecy Volume Two (1877) |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=2174 |
Four unadulterated Spirit of Prophecy books – from before the S.D.A. church tampering commenced [from 1884]. |
1SP – The Spirit of Prophecy Volume One (1870) |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=2170 |
Four unadulterated Spirit of Prophecy books – from before the S.D.A. church tampering commenced [from 1884]. |
The Desire of Ages [1898] |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=2107 |
A wonderful and detailed Spirit of Prophecy book regarding the life of Jesus Christ. |
Rapture and 7 year Tribulation |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=2098 |
Is it true? – find out what the Word of God actually says. |
Jesus and His Ministry |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=2086 |
Find out what Jesus, the Only Begotten Son of God, has done for you and me. |
723 BC 677 BC 508 AD 538 AD 1798 AD 1843 AD and 1844 AD |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=2080 |
Every true Christian should have an understanding of these important dates. |
Daniel 6 study |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=2037 |
Daniel 5 study |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=2004 |
Daniel 4 study |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1960 |
Daniel 3 study |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1823 |
Daniel 2 study |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1903 |
Daniel 1 study |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1884 |
One True God |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1715 |
Read what the Spirit of Prophecy and the Bible have to say about this Salvational issue. |
Hours of Probation |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1710 |
The clock is ticking away. Are we ready? We need to reflect the full character of Jesus Christ before that Hour comes. |
Perfection of Character |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1706 |
Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. |
Sanctification |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1703 |
Yes, it is the “work of a lifetime”, but the Spirit of Prophecy gives us much more information. |
Seven Last Plagues |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1698 |
Another important subject for God’s people to understand. |
An Overwhelming Surprise |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1691 |
CHRISTIANS should be PREPARING for what is SOON TO BREAK UPON THE WORLD as AN OVERWHELMING SURPRISE, and this PREPARATION they should make BY DILIGENTLY STUDYING THE WORD OF GOD and STRIVING TO CONFORM THEIR LIVES TO ITS PRECEPTS. The TREMENDOUS ISSUES OF ETERNITY demand of us something besides an IMAGINARY RELIGION, a religion of words and forms, where TRUTH IS KEPT IN THE OUTER COURT.. GOD CALLS FOR A REVIVAL AND A REFORMATION. THE WORDS OF THE BIBLE AND THE BIBLE ALONE, SHOULD BE HEARD FROM THE PULPIT. But the Bible has been robbed of its power, and the result is seen in a lowering of the tone of spiritual life. In many sermons of today there is not that divine manifestation which awakens the conscience and brings life to the soul. The hearers cannot say, “Did not our heart burn within us, while He talked with us by the way, and while He opened to us the Scriptures?” Luke 24:32. THERE ARE MANY WHO ARE CRYING OUT FOR THE LIVING GOD, LONGING FOR THE DIVINE PRESENCE. LET THE WORD OF GOD SPEAK TO THE HEART. LET THOSE WHO HAVE HEARD ONLY TRADITION AND HUMAN THEORIES AND MAXIMS, HEAR THE VOICE OF HIM WHO CAN RENEW THE SOUL UNTO ETERNAL LIFE. {1917 PK 626.1} |
A most interesting article explaining the above events that are about to occur in today’s world. |
Marriage |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1686 |
The Word of God [The Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy] has much to say on this very important, life-long commitment, including this statement: |
God has ordained that there should be perfect love and harmony between those who enter into the marriage relation. LET BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM, IN THE PRESENCE OF THE HEAVENLY UNIVERSE, PLEDGE THEMSELVES TO LOVE EACH OTHER AS GOD HAS ORDAINED THEY SHOULD. Let no draught of unkindness chill the atmosphere of love which should surround them. The wife is to respect and reverence her husband, and the husband is to love and cherish his wife. As the priest of the household, the husband and father should bind his wife and children to his heart. The wife should feel that the large affections of her husband sustain her before her children are born, and after their birth he should co-operate with her in the management of the little ones, who should be wisely, tenderly, and lovingly educated. {BEcho, September 4, 1899 par. 8} {ST, September 6, 1899 par. 9} |
Time of Trouble |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1682 |
Regularly review this important topic, which needs to include the health message and so much more. |
We read these words in Daniel’s prophecy: “And at that time, Michael shall stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people; and there shall be A TIME of TROUBLE, SUCH AS NEVER WAS SINCE THERE WAS A NATION even to that same time; and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.” {RH, March 26, 1889 par. 12} |
O how carefully should we move now, when we are in the very shadow of that TIME of TROUBLE which is fast approaching, SUCH AS NEVER WAS SINCE THERE WAS A NATION. {Lt85-1894} |
Ellen G. White Prayers prove she believed in the One True and Living God and Jesus confirms it – NOT a trinity god |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1673 |
As Jesus prayed to His Father in John 17, so we have proof from Ellen G. White that she likewise prayed to her Heavenly Father. Both prayed to a singular God using singular pronouns. |
Literature |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1670 |
Sunday Laws – Leaflet |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1667 |
Mark of the Beast |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1655 |
The GREAT DECISION now to be made by every one is, whether he will receive the MARK OF THE BEAST and his image, or the SEAL of the LIVING and TRUE GOD. And now, when we are on the very borders of the ETERNAL WORLD, what can be of so much value to us as to be found LOYAL and TRUE to the GOD of HEAVEN? What is there that we should prize above HIS TRUTH and HIS LAW? What education can be given to the students in our schools that is so necessary as a knowledge of “what saith the SCRIPTURE?” {ST, March 22, 1910 par. 14} {1901 6T 130.2} |
Sunday Laws |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1653 |
The TESTING TRUTH that must come to the people in these last days is to be set forth in CLEAR, STRAIGHT LINES. The men who are urging a SUNDAY LAW do not respect the WORD of JEHOVAH. He says, “Verily MY SABBATHS ye shall KEEP; for it is a SIGN between ME and YOU throughout your generations.” {Lt72-1907} |
In the very time in which we live, the Lord has called HIS PEOPLE and has given them a message to bear. He has called them to EXPOSE the WICKEDNESS of the man of sin who has made the SUNDAY LAW a distinctive power, who has thought to change times and laws, and to oppress the PEOPLE of GOD who stand firmly to HONOR HIM by KEEPING the ONLY TRUE SABBATH, the SABBATH of CREATION, as HOLY unto the LORD. He has called them to BEAR the SIGN of GOD, to EXALT the LORD in KEEPING HOLY HIS LAW; for it is a TRANSCRIPT of HIS CHARACTER. No part of the LAW OF GOD and their COVENANT OBLIGATION to KEEP that LAW HOLY is to lose its binding claims upon all the world. Those who have had the light upon KEEPING the LAW of JEHOVAH are to STAND FIRMLY in the FAITH, and to MAKE that LIGHT SHINE FORTH in CLEAR, DISTINCT RAYS. {Ms139-1903} |
Time of Trouble [Jacob’s Trouble] |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1651 |
I saw a COVERING that GOD was drawing over HIS PEOPLE to protect them in the TIME OF TROUBLE, and every soul that was decided upon the truth was to be COVERED with this COVERING of ALMIGHTY GOD. Satan knew this and was also at work in mighty power. I saw that the mysterious knocking in New York was the power of Satan clothed in a religious garb to lull the deceived to more security and to draw the minds of GOD’S PEOPLE to look at that and cause them to doubt the TEACHINGS of GOD among HIS PEOPLE. {Lt5-1849} |
I also saw that many did not realize what they must be in order to live in the sight of the Lord, without a High Priest in the SANCTUARY, through the TIME OF TROUBLE. Those who receive the SEAL of the LIVING GOD, and are protected in the TIME OF TROUBLE, must reflect the IMAGE of JESUS fully. {ExV 58.2 1851} |
Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938) |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1646 |
Surely, this Spirit of Prophecy book should be readily available to, and its counsels implemented by, everyone seeking to enter the Kingdom of God. |
Sanctuary – Part 4 [S.o.P.] |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1636 |
I also saw that many did not realize what they must be in order to live in the sight of the LORD, without a HIGH PRIEST in the SANCTUARY, through the TIME OF TROUBLE. Those who receive the SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD, and are protected in the TIME OF TROUBLE, must reflect the image of JESUS fully. {ExV 58.2 1851} |
I was shown a SANCTUARY upon earth containing TWO APARTMENTS. It resembled the one in heaven. I was told that it was the earthly SANCTUARY, a figure of the heavenly. The FURNITURE of the FIRST APARTMENT of the earthly SANCTUARY was like that in the FIRST APARTMENT of the heavenly. The VEIL was lifted, and I looked into the HOLY OF HOLIES, and saw that the FURNITURE was the same as in the MOST HOLY PLACE of the HEAVENLY SANCTUARY. The priests ministered in BOTH APARTMENTS of the earthly. In the FIRST APARTMENT he ministered every day in the year, and entered the MOST HOLY but once in a year, to CLEANSE it from the sins which had been conveyed there. I saw that JESUS ministered in BOTH APARTMENTS of the HEAVENLY SANCTUARY. He entered into the HEAVENLY SANCTUARY by the offering of his own blood. The earthly priests were removed by death, therefore they could not continue long; but JESUS, I saw, was a priest forever. Through the sacrifices and offerings brought to the earthly SANCTUARY, the children of Israel were to lay hold of the merits of a SAVIOUR to come. And in the wisdom of GOD the particulars of this work were given us that we might look back to them, and understand the work of JESUS in the HEAVENLY SANCTUARY. {1SG 160.1 1858} {EW 252.2 1882} |
Sanctuary – Part 3 [Bible] |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1630 |
Exodus 15.17 Thou shalt bring them in, and plant them in the mountain of thine inheritance, [in] THE PLACE, O LORD, [WHICH] THOU HAST MADE FOR THEE TO DWELL IN, [IN] THE SANCTUARY, O Lord, [which] thy hands have established. |
Psalm 77.13 Thy way, O GOD, [is] in the SANCTUARY: who [is so] great a GOD as [our] GOD? |
Sanctuary – Part 2 [Crosier] |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1617 |
Sanctuary – Part 1 [Timeline] |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1615 |
It was under the trees of Eden that the first dwellers on earth had chosen their SANCTUARY. There CHRIST had communed with the father of mankind. When banished from Paradise, our first parents still worshiped in the fields and groves, and there CHRIST met them with the gospel of His grace. {DA 290.3} |
When JESUS leaves the SANCTUARY, then he that is holy and righteous, will be holy and righteous still; for all their sins will then be blotted out, and they will be sealed with the SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD. But those that are unjust and filthy, will be unjust and filthy still; for then there will be NO PRIEST in the SANCTUARY to offer their sacrifices, their confessions, and their prayers before the FATHER’S THRONE. {1882 EW 48.1} |
Changes and Errors that have come into the Seventh-day Adventist church. |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1607 |
God has said …. but man – even those proclaiming to be God’s people – says and does otherwise. How sad. |
Proverbs 16:25 There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof [are] the ways of death. |
Tithe & Systematic Benevolence Review & Additional Information |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1603 |
2500+ Spirit of Prophecy quotes |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1592 |
A Beautiful Customised Delightfully Exciting Free Gift |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1566 |
[ABCDEFG – The first 7 letters of the English Alphabet] This very interesting document explains some of God’s gifts to mankind. |
Foot / Feet washing |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1535 |
Sanctuary in Heaven |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1532 |
Sanctuary on Earth |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1524 |
An Earthly Sanctuary for God |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1519 |
SDA Pioneers |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1516 |
Sketches from the Life of Paul (1883) |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1512 |
Proverbs of Solomon |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1510 |
3 Notable Dates 1755, 1780 & 1833 |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1504 |
Bible Symbols |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1502 |
Bible Colours |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1500 |
Return of Jesus |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1492 |
Trinity S.o.P. ! |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1486 |
Trinity Bible ! |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1462 |
Matthew 28:19 & Baptism & the trinity doctrine |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1452 |
Jesus – Forever a MAN – GLORIFIED HUMANITY |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1445 |
Remember Lot and Remember Lot’s wife |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1440 |
Joseph the FATHER of Mary claim |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1437 |
Gematria – Introduction |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1419 |
Satan has perverted many blessings from God; not the least is the true understanding of Gematria. Like the stars and the horoscope predictions, Satan desires that mankind devote himself to absolute rubbish – well removed from the purpose that God had for mankind. From excess education to games to hobbies to sport, if mankind can be distracted from living a live focused upon Jesus, then he wins control of our minds. |
Daniel and Revelation explained : Daniel |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1402 |
A verse by verse understanding of God’s Word – Daniel simplified – The Revelation explained – past and future events – 666 explained – the New Jerusalem. |
Note: God’s Word is never complete, so this project continues – please regularly check for updates. |
Daniel and Revelation explained : Revelation |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1398 |
A verse by verse understanding of God’s Word – Daniel simplified – The Revelation explained – past and future events – 666 explained – the New Jerusalem. |
Note: God’s Word is never complete, so this project continues – please regularly check for updates. |
Trinity Exposed |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1360 |
A “Thus saith the LORD” document; the trinity doctrine was never from God. |
The Ministry of Healing (1905) |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1256 |
A God-given Spirit of Prophecy book focused upon the well-being of mankind. |
God’s Word and the Trinity [5] |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1213 |
Paul’s Salutations and Valedictions |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1203 |
Always given in the name of God the Father and Jesus Christ, His Only begotten Son; never in the name of the Holy Spirit. |
God’s Word and the Trinity [All] |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1128 |
An issue which affects many of God’s children – they are still in Babylon and must come out in order to be saved. |
God’s Word and the Trinity [6] |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1108 |
An issue which affects many of God’s children – they are still in Babylon and must come out in order to be saved. |
God’s Word and the Trinity [4] |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1106 |
An issue which affects many of God’s children – they are still in Babylon and must come out in order to be saved. |
God’s Word and the Trinity [3] |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1098 |
An issue which affects many of God’s children – they are still in Babylon and must come out in order to be saved. |
God’s Word and the Trinity [2] |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1096 |
An issue which affects many of God’s children – they are still in Babylon and must come out in order to be saved. |
God’s Word and the Trinity [1] |
http://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1092 |
An issue which affects many of God’s children – they are still in Babylon and must come out in order to be saved. |
What a Message from God ! |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=1006 |
A very powerful message. |
Joseph Jesus parallels |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=990 |
Tithe Systematic Benevolence |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=971 |
An explanatory document that shows the errors in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. |
God’s Word The KJV Bible |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=948 |
Proof, using Gematria, that God has only one Bible for us to use. Also proof that the man-made NKJV bible and all other modern versions are corrupt. Also a free sermon – just print off! [Additional Note added at the start re. Hebrews 9:12] |
When did Jesus die? – Jesus died on Friday 31 AD April 27 at 3 pm [Nisan 14] |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=715 |
The date proven from the Bible / S.o.P. in conjunction with other reliable sources. |
Planets & Stars at the Birth of Jesus |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=699 |
The heavens declare the Glory of God. Proof of the Birth of Jesus on 3BC September 11. Angels guided the Magi. |
Prophecy & Fulfilment |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=682 |
The important dates of 1 November 1755; 19 May 1780 & 12/13 November 1833 prove that the Bible is true. |
List of Dates and Events from Creation 4004 B.C. to 1 A.D. inc. 3 B.C. September 11 between 6:18 pm and 7:39 pm [Jerusalem time] – The Birth of Jesus |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=675 |
Have you ever wanted a full list of Biblical dates? Here is a detailed list of Old Testament dates and events; from the Bible and other sources. |
Genealogy of Jesus – God’s hidden message |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=660 |
The salvation message – God’s hidden message – not just to Noah [see Genesis 5 Message & S.o.P.] but right up to the formation of God’s church. |
God and voting |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=657 |
Should we vote? What should we do at election times? |
3. Dating and Authorship of the Old Testament Books |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=633 |
List showing main written book dates and the writers of these Scriptures. |
Important Bible Bits |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=604 |
Maranatha – Ellen G. White |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=599 |
Like Last Day Events, this is a Spirit of Prophecy book of importance to all who are seeking to be re-united with God and Jesus. |
The Great Controversy [1911] – Chapters 35 – 42 – Ellen G. White |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=594 |
These Chapters in particular are relevant for us today. |
Last Day Events – Ellen G. White |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=588 |
Like Maranatha, this is a Spirit of Prophecy book of importance to all who are seeking to be re-united with God and Jesus. |
Proof of God’s Creation Week |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=572 |
The Creation week all linked together as one continuous event. |
Paul’s Shipwreck Journey – From Crete to Melita [Malta] |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=555 |
An important topic to study and an important set of videos for ALL Christians to watch. |
Pi and some of it’s Secrets |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=526 |
When will Jesus return? When will Christ come? These are questions that are often asked. The amazing Pi that reveals a lot more! |
Bible Numbers Explained – List Format |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=508 |
What do the Bible numbers mean? The Bible code revealed. |
Recommended Bible Readings |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=466 |
God wants us to be Vegan – Are you? |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=417 |
His children must follow where He has led the way; at whatever sacrifice of ease or selfish indulgence, at whatever cost of labor or suffering, they must maintain a constant battle with self. {AA 565.3} |
God’s Word in the ORIGINAL book order |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=424 |
Almost everything has been changed by Satan and his workers – this document, while still adhering to the KJV Bible text, corrects the important order issue. |
Ellen G. White Writings – List format |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=411 |
A detailed listing of her writings being The Spirit of Prophecy; the listing appears in date order. |
Note: 2000 and later is still to be finalised – please regularly check for updates. |
Gematria – Part 4 |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=395 |
Gematria – [THIS PROVES THAT GOD EXISTS – It is well beyond the capabilities of mankind ! ] |
Part 4 – To follow. |
Gematria – Part 3 |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=393 |
Gematria – [THIS PROVES THAT GOD EXISTS – It is well beyond the capabilities of mankind ! ] |
Part 3 – God’s messages – Nos. 61 – 100. |
Gematria – Part 2 |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=370 |
Gematria – [THIS PROVES THAT GOD EXISTS – It is well beyond the capabilities of mankind ! ] |
Part 2 – Proof of God – The amazing No. 153. |
Gematria – Part 1 |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=363 |
Gematria – [THIS PROVES THAT GOD EXISTS – It is well beyond the capabilities of mankind ! ] |
Part 1 – Introduction & God’s messages – Nos. 1 – 60. |
Sanctuary – Part 5 [Reverence] |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=354 |
Reverence in God’s church. Beware ! – the apostasy in God’s church. |
Bible Numbers Explained |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=315 |
What do the Bible numbers mean? God’s hidden messages studied and explained in detail. The Bible code revealed. |
Old & New Covenant |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=303 |
Old Covenant explained – New Covenant explained. |
2: Original Bible Book List |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=294 |
The Bible as given by God |
7 major sections and 49 [=7 x 7] books, where 7 is the number God uses for sacredness / perfection / completion. |
49 [=7 x 7] signifies ultimate completion and perfection. |
777 signifies Jesus Christ. |
Man cannot accept this – let’s change it to remove these messages given by God. |
Over time, almost everything has been changed by man to remove God’s Word from His people. |
Regarding books in God’s Word, we now have 66 – with the central focus that was upon Jesus now removed. |
6 represents man – 666 the mark of the beast – so there is no surprise at man being involved with 66. |
So what is God’s Bible book order? |
1: Original Bible Book Order |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=292 |
The Bible as given by God |
7 major sections and 49 [=7 x 7] books, where 7 is the number God uses for sacredness / perfection / completion. |
49 [=7 x 7] signifies ultimate completion and perfection. |
777 signifies Jesus Christ. |
Man cannot accept this – let’s change it to remove these messages given by God. |
Over time, almost everything has been changed by man to remove God’s Word from His people. |
Regarding books in God’s Word, we now have 66 – with the central focus that was upon Jesus now removed. |
6 represents man – 666 the mark of the beast – so there is no surprise at man being involved with 66. |
So what is God’s Bible book order? |
Baptism – S.o.P. quotes |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=284 |
What does Baptism really involve? – The meaning of Baptism. |
Genesis 5 Message & S.o.P. |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=275 |
The salvation message – God’s hidden message in Genesis 5. |
Tithe and Systematic Benevolence |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=221 |
Tithe and the Bible – Why should we pay tithe? – Why did God ordain tithe? – Tithe in the early Seventh-day Adventist church – Why was Systematic Benevolence changed in the early SDA church? – How much tithe does the SDA church get? – What is the definition of tithe? – Should we still pay tithe? – Should we tithe on gross or nett income? – Should children tithe? – Should the elderly tithe? Tithe and debt – Tithe withheld – Non-payment of tithe – Is a tithe just 10% or what? – God’s provision for the poor – Where should I send my tithe? – in fact, Tithe fully explained ! |
God and birthdays |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=196 |
Birthdays and the Bible – Should we celebrate birthdays? – Are birthdays pagan? – How should parents treat their children on their birthdays? – Are birthdays good or bad? – How should we spend birthdays? |
God and anniversaries |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=194 |
What does God say about anniversaries? – Should we have anniversaries? |
God and holidays |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=187 |
Are holidays good or bad? – How should we spend holidays? – How should parents treat their children on their holidays? |
Daniel and Revelation explained |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=182 |
A verse by verse understanding of God’s Word – Daniel simplified – The Revelation explained – past and future events – 666 explained – the New Jerusalem. |
Note: God’s Word is never complete, so this project continues – please regularly check for updates. |
Contact Us |
https://www.godswordexplained.com/?page_id=10 |