
October 2024

Ellen G. White Prayers confirm she believed in God the Father and HIS Son Jesus Christ – NEVER a trinity god belief

Ms 92, 1902 – St. Helena, California June 22, 1902 – Report of Council Meeting, Part 1
Sister White took part in the season of prayer at the opening of the meeting, praying as follows: {Ms92-1902}
Heavenly Father, we ask that THOU wouldst renew THY grace to us this morning. We desire to receive a large portion of the Holy Spirit. It is not in our power to specify everything that we need; but we place ourselves in the attitude of obedience and ask THEE to teach us in regard to what we should do in the lines of work that THOU hast committed to us. Work through us by the Holy Spirit. We desire that which is essential for every one in THY service—an eye single to THY glory. We do not desire to have our spiritual eyesight obscured by any selfishness or covetousness. Keep us from the sin of self-exaltation. We desire to be humble and contrite in THY sight, so that THOU canst safely teach us THY will and THY way. {Ms92-1902}
Help us this morning, because we need THY help. Help us, because we can do nothing without THEE. THOU hast told us, “Without Me ye can do nothing;” and therefore we plead for THY presence to abide with us during our council meeting here this morning. May this be a meeting in which THOU canst impress and lead human minds. May we learn to put our trust in eternal realities. We do not want to be separated from THEE. Be with those who remain here today, and also with those who depart. {Ms92-1902}
My heavenly Father, we see much, very much, that we can do only by THY guidance. We need wisdom from THEE; and we remember that THOU hast said, “If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.” Today, Lord, we must have wisdom that cometh from THEE. {Ms92-1902}
We ask THEE, our heavenly Father, to come near us this morning. We open the chambers of the mind, and we ask that THOU wouldst illuminate them by the light of THY presence today. Sweep back every mist and every cloud of darkness, and let the sunshine of THY glory in. May we today have a greater sense of THY presence than we have ever had before. May we this very day draw closer to THEE. {Ms92-1902}
We have seen enough of that which this world calls perfection. We find that human perfection is stained with selfishness. We desire to have THY perfection, THY grace, THY tender compassion. Melt us over, cleansing us from all dross. We desire to be refined and purified. We desire to receive THY gifts—gifts more precious than gold and silver—in order that we may impart them to others whose minds need to be enriched by THY grace. {Ms92-1902}
I ask THEE, Lord, that THOU wouldst take us into THY kind keeping. Encircle us in THY arms of mercy and love. O may we see of THY salvation, we ask for Christ’s sake. Amen. {Ms92-1902}
Missionary Sermon, Mrs E. G. White, S. D. A. Camp-ground, Fresno, California, Sabbath forenoon, October 11, 1902.
feel impressed to close by offering a few words of prayer. Let us pray. {Ms126-1902}
(Praying.) My heavenly Father, we come to Thee at this time just as we are—poor and needy and helpless—unless Thou wilt take hold of our case. And Thou hast said, “Let him take hold of My strength, and make peace with Me: and He shall make peace with Me.” {Ms126-1902}
May the petitions of this congregation come up before Thee at this time as a power before Thy throne. We know that our Saviour is presenting His hands before Thee, saying, “I have graven them upon the palms of My hands.” O God, I plead with Thee, for Christ’s sake, that Thou wilt accept our petitions for these that are going away. They know not what is before them; but they have Thy promise that Thy righteousness shall go before them, and that the glory of the Lord shall be their rearward. {Ms126-1902}
We love Thee, our Saviour; and we desire to see gathered into Thy fold every soul that it is possible to save. Imbue, we beseech Thee, this whole congregation with Thy holiness upon this Sabbath day. O may the light of heaven shine forth upon Thy people here. Let the Holy Spirit rest upon those who shall leave us. We have told them, Lord, that we would pray for them; and we now present our petitions in their behalf, praying that Thou wouldst clothe them with the garments of Thy salvation; that Thou wouldst help them to put on the whole armor of God. Take them in charge, Lord, and prepare them this day for service. O my Lord, I beseech of Thee that Thou wouldst open doors where they can enter. Here are some who are preparing to go to China in a little while. Fit them for service, Lord; give them courage; prepare the way before them. They have been learning how to present the truth of God to those of their own nationality; and wilt Thou help them, My Father. {Ms126-1902}
I beseech Thee, Lord, to arouse the church as they never have been aroused before. O stir up their hearts, Lord. Many of them are now in a paralyzed condition, because they have done so little; but when they begin to use their capabilities for Thee, we know that Thou wilt give them Thy reviving power. O my heavenly Father, I ask Thee that for the sake of Jesus of Nazareth, Thou wouldst bless this entire congregation. Let the sinners in Zion feel the convicting power of God upon them. Let them tremble before Thee, lest they neglect to seek Thee until it is too late. I ask Thee, Lord, to open their hearts to receive the Saviour who has been knocking, knocking, knocking for entrance, until the hairs of His head are wet with the dew of night. O my Father, my Father, wilt Thou, for the sake of Christ, move upon every heart in this congregation! {Ms126-1902}
I ask Thee, Jesus, that the salvation of God may be revealed, and that those of our people who by their donations have helped so nobly to carry the work will not become weary in well-doing. We know that call after call comes to them; but O my Father, Thou art giving to them gift upon gift, and art letting them have the blessings of the dew, the sunshine, and the showers, making their fields fruitful. {Ms126-1902}
I ask Thee, my heavenly Father, that the rich blessing of heaven may fall upon this congregation when, after returning to their homes, they try in their humble way to visit their neighbors, to help those who are sick, and to do missionary work wherever they are. {Ms126-1902}
O my Father, my Father, I look right to Thee. Thou hast heard my petition so many times. I believe in Thee; I rejoice in Thee; and I know that Thy Word will be verified. {Ms126-1902}
Bless the sinners here. Bless the youth here. As they go to our schools to become educated, fit them up, that they may become missionaries for God. Take them as they are. Encircle them in the arms of Thy mercy, and love them freely, and Thy blessed name shall have all the glory when the human family shall be gathered home by Thee—when we shall unite as members of the royal family, children of the heavenly King. {Ms126-1902}
O I thank Thee that we have a God who hears prayer; that we have a Saviour who is touched with the feeling of our infirmities; and that we have the privilege of working for the salvation of souls. Bless our ministers; imbue them with Thy power. Let the Holy Ghost come upon them. O let heaven be opened, and let the light of Thy glory be revealed, and let it be known that there is a God in Israel who hears and answers prayer. {Ms126-1902}
And now we commit all to Thee. We know that these missionaries will be kept by Thy power; for thou alone canst keep them; and Thy blessed name shall have all the praise, all the glory, now and forevermore. Amen. {Ms126-1902}
March 31, 1903 Prayer, offered by Mrs. E. G. White
Our heavenly Father, we come to THEE this morning just as we are, needy and wholly dependent upon THEE. Help us to have a clear knowledge of what we must be, and of the characters that we must form, in order that we may be prepared to unite with the heavenly family in the city of our God. We ask THEE that THOU wilt remove the reproach that has come upon THEE through the neglect of those who profess to be THY people, but who have not walked in THY counsel. Lord, help us to understand our individual responsibilities, that our hearts may be worked by the Holy Spirit. We ask THEE that THOU wilt open blind eyes, that they may see, to enlighten the darkened understanding, that all may understand that there must be a reconversion, that hearts must break before God. Give us hearts of repentance, hearts of humiliation. O my Father, how can we proclaim THY goodness, and THY mercy, and THY love, unless we cherish them in our own hearts and reveal them in our own experiences. THOU knowest how THOU hast presented this matter to THY servant. THOU knowest what a dishonor it has been to THEE because THY people have failed to come to a knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus and to obey THY commandments. {Ms15-1903}
Let not THY wrath come upon THY people while they are in their sins, unconverted and unsaved. Here are THY ministers whose work it is to proclaim Bible truth. I ask THEE that they may have a clear realization of the responsibilities that rest upon them as guardians and as shepherds of THY flock. Roll upon them the burden that they should bear for those who are out of the truth. Let them understand their own weakness, and may the sanctification of the Spirit come to them. May there be a purifying of character and a breaking of heart before God. THOU canst show them that while they cherish their own dispositions and temperaments, THOU canst not work through them by the Holy Spirit, because they would become lifted up. THOU canst show them that there is a work to be done in their own hearts. {Ms15-1903}
Here are those who bear responsibilities in our institutions. THOU hast signified that THOU hast been displeased with their ministration. They have not in their dealings given a right example to the world. They did not realize that men were taking knowledge of them to see whether they were sanctified by the truth. {Ms15-1903}
O pardon our transgressions, and forgive our sins. Show us where we have come short. Let THY HOLY SPIRIT descend upon us. The world is perishing in sin, and we ask THEE to roll the burden upon us at this meeting. We desire to be weighted down with the Holy Spirit. We desire to stand where THOU canst reveal THYSELF to us. Take away our hardness of heart, and give us softened hearts. I ask THEE, for Christ’s sake, that THOU wouldest give understanding, that THOU wouldest give spiritual knowledge, that THOU wouldest give sensitive hearts, that all may see that it is high time to open the door of the heart to Jesus. THOU hast said that THOU hast heard the many words of complaint, and faultfinding, and murmuring, brother against brother, and friend against friend. THOU hast heard these words, and they are written in THY book. They have stood as a block against the wheel of salvation, hindering its advancement. Convert THY people in this the day of THY preparation, that the time may not come when they will say, “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.” {Ms15-1903}
THOU hast opened these things before me, and THOU alone canst prepare minds and hearts to hear the message that, unless those who have left their first love shall return to recognize the work that needs to be done in their individual hearts, THOU wilt come quickly and remove the candlestick out of his place. Open the eyes of THY people that they may see their deficiencies. We do not want one to be separated from the work. We do not want one to perish. We ask THEE that THOU wilt move upon hearts by the quickening influence of THY Spirit, that there may be a break in this meeting such as has not been before. O the break must come, if the Spirit of God shall take hold of hearts. {Ms15-1903}
O my Father, shall this meeting close, and we go back to our places with the same hard hearts? We must be reconverted, sanctified, and made fit to bear the message of the Lord. Cleanse the vessel, that the message that shall be given shall have not taste so strongly of the dish that those to whom it is given shall have no appetite to partake of it. Let THY melting mercy come upon us. Work in the midst of us with THY power, and with THY love, and with THY majesty and glory. Put to shame the listlessness of those who have not come up to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty. Sweep back the cloud of darkness and unbelief. Let the Holy Spirit come into our hearts and break down every barrier. THOU King of Glory, look upon THY people in these closing scenes of this earth’s history. It seems as if nothing could arouse many of them to realize that they are on the very eve of the day of God, that His judgments are in the land. {Ms15-1903}
Wilt THOU heart our petition? Wilt THOU answer our petitions? Wilt THOU reveal THYSELF to us? May we behold THY glory, and be changed into THINE image. We thirst for the waters of Lebanon, and we hunger for the bread of life. We ask THEE to break our hearts today. We ask THEE to help us to put away our sinful thoughts, our disparagement of one another, and to seek the Lord while He may be found. My Father, break down the barriers, that confessions may be made, from heart to heart, from brother to brother. May the Spirit of God come in; and THY blessed name shall have all the glory. Amen. {Ms15-1903}
April 2, 1903 A Prayer for Pardon and Help
Prayer Offered by Mrs. E. G. White, Tuesday Morning, March 31
Our heavenly Father, we come to THEE this morning just as we are, needy and wholly dependent upon THEE. Help us to have a clear knowledge of what we must be, and of the characters that we must form, in order that we may be prepared to unite with the heavenly family in the city of our God. We ask THEE that THOU wilt remove the reproach that has come upon THEE through the neglect of those who profess to be THY people, but who have not walked in THY counsel. Lord, help us to understand our individual responsibilities, that our hearts may be worked by the Holy Spirit. We ask THEE that THOU wilt open blind eyes, that they may see; to enlighten the darkened understanding, that all may understand that there must be a reconversion, that hearts must break before God. Give us hearts of repentance, hearts of humiliation. O my Father, how can we proclaim THY goodness, and THY mercy, and THY love, unless we cherish them in our own hearts, and reveal them in our own experiences? THOU knowest how THOU hast presented this matter to THY servant. THOU knowest what a dishonor it has been to THEE because THY people have failed to come to a knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus, and to obey THY commandments. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 1}
Let not THY wrath come upon THY people while they are in their sins, unconverted and unsaved. Here are THY ministers, whose work it is to proclaim Bible truth. I ask THEE that they may have a clear realization of the responsibilities that rest upon them as guardians and as shepherds of THY flock. Roll upon them the burden that they should bear for those who are out of the truth. Let them understand their own weakness, and may the sanctification of the Spirit come to them. May there be a purifying of character and a breaking of heart before God. THOU canst show them that while they cherish their own dispositions and temperaments, THOU canst not work through them by the Holy Spirit, because they would become lifted up. THOU canst show them that there is a work to be done in their own hearts. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 2}
Here are those who bear responsibilities in our institutions. THOU hast signified that THOU hast been displeased with their ministration. They have not in their dealings given a right example to the world. They did not realize that men were taking knowledge of them, to see whether they were sanctified by the truth. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 3}
Oh, pardon our transgressions, and forgive our sins! Show us where we have come short. Let THY HOLY SPIRIT descend upon us. The world is perishing in sin, and we ask THEE to roll the burden upon us at this meeting. We desire to be weighted down with the Holy Spirit. We desire to stand where THOU canst reveal THYSELF to us. Take away our hardness of heart, and give us softened hearts. I ask THEE, for Christ’s sake, that THOU wouldst give understanding, that THOU wouldst give spiritual knowledge, that THOU wouldst give sensitive hearts, that all may see that it is high time to open the door of the heart to Jesus. THOU hast said that THOU hast heard the many words of complaint, and faultfinding, and murmuring, brother against brother, and friend against friend. THOU hast heard these words, and they are written in THY book. They have stood as a block against the wheel of salvation, hindering its advancement. Convert THY people in this the day of THY preparation, that the time may not come when they will say, “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.” {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 4}
THOU hast opened these things before me, and THOU alone canst prepare minds and hearts to hear the message that unless those who have left their first love shall return to recognize the work that needs to be done in their individual hearts, THOU wilt come quickly and remove the candlestick out of his place. Open the eyes of THY people that they may see their deficiencies. We do not want one to be separated from the work. We do not want one to perish. We ask THEE that THOU wilt move upon hearts by the quickening influence of THY Spirit, that there may be a break in this meeting such as has not been before. Oh, the break must come, if the Spirit of God shall take hold of hearts! {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 5}
O my Father, shall this meeting close and we go back to our places with the same hard hearts? We must be reconverted, sanctified, and made fit to bear the message of the Lord. Cleanse the vessel, that the message that shall be given shall not taste so strongly of the dish that those to whom it is given shall have no appetite to partake of it. Let THY melting mercy come upon us. Work in the midst of us with THY power and with THY love and with THY majesty and glory. Put to shame the listlessness of those who have not come up to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty. Sweep back the cloud of darkness and unbelief. Let the Holy Spirit come into our hearts and break down every barrier. THOU King of glory, look upon THY people in these closing scenes of this earth’s history. It seems as if nothing could arouse many of them to realize that they are on the very eve of the day of God, that His judgments are in the land. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 6}
With THOU hear our petition! Wilt THOU answer our petition! Wilt THOU reveal THYSELF to us! May we behold THY glory, and be changed into THINE image. We thirst for the waters of Lebanon, and we hunger for the bread of life. We ask THEE to break our hearts today. We ask THEE to help us to put away our sinful thoughts, our disparagement of one another, and to seek the Lord while He may be found. My Father, break down the barriers, that confessions may be made, from heart to heart, from brother to brother. May the Spirit of God come in; and THY blessed name shall have all the glory. Amen. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 7}
April 2, 1903 Another Earnest Prayer
Heavenly Father, THOU hast said, “Ask, and ye shall receive; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Heavenly Father, we need THY HOLY SPIRIT. We do not want to work ourselves, only as we work in unity with God. We want to be in a position where the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD shall be upon us with its reviving, sanctifying power. Wilt THOU manifest THYSELF unto us this very morning! Wilt THOU sweep away every mist and every cloud of darkness! {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 1}
We come to THEE, our compassionate Redeemer; and we ask THEE, for Christ’s sake,–for THINE own Son’s sake, my Father, that THOU wilt manifest THY power unto THY people here. We want wisdom; we want righteousness; we want truth; we want the Holy Spirit to be with us. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 2}
THOU hast presented before us a great work that must be carried forward in behalf of those that are in the truth, and in behalf of those that are in ignorance of our faith; and O Lord, as THOU hast given to every man his work, we beseech of THEE that the Holy Spirit may impress the human mind in regard to the burden of work that shall rest upon every individual soul, according to THINE appointment. We want to be proved; we want to be sanctified through and through; we want to be fitted up for the work; and here, right here in this session of the Conference, we want to see a revelation of the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD. We want light, Lord,–THOU art the Light. We want truth, Lord,–THOU art the Truth. We want the right way,–THOU art the Way. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 3}
Lord, I beseech of THEE that we may all be wise enough to discern that we must individually open the heart to Jesus Christ, that through the Holy Spirit He may come in to mold and fashion us anew, in accordance with the divine image. O my Father, my Father! melt and subdue our hearts. We desire this morning to make an entire surrender to THEE; we desire to give up our will, our way, our course of action that has not been in harmony with the way and the will of God; we desire to accept the Lord’s way, the Lord’s will, the Lord’s counsel. Come, oh, come into the midst of us this very morning, and move upon hearts, young and old. In a special manner move upon the hearts of those who are handling gospel truths, that they may all be lighted up with the bright beams which THOU dost permit to shine upon THY Word, in order that THY instruction may come to the human understanding with the power and the Spirit of the living God. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 4}
We acknowledge before THEE that we have not honored THY name as we should. We acknowledge before THEE that we need to be broken in heart. We desire just now to be reconverted; we desire just now to realize what Christ is to us, and what we are and can be to Him as His coworkers,–“laborers together with God.” {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 5}
O my Father, let every soul that is confused, every soul that can not understand and see the way, have the way presented before him so clearly that the mist will be removed, and that the cloud will pass, so that the Sun of righteousness may shine into the chambers of the mind and into the soul-temple. Wash us, and we shall be clean, Lord. Let melting mercy, mercy from THEE, come into every heart; and then, when we realize the melting mercy of a compassionate and loving Saviour, our hearts, once more united, will beat in unison, and all will stand shoulder to shoulder in advancing this great work. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 6}
We can not afford to be indifferent, Lord, we can not afford to work contrary to one another. We must trust in THEE; and we ask, this very morning, that THOU shalt let the Holy Spirit descend upon us. We are ready to receive the Comforter; we open the door of the heart, and invite the Saviour in. We love THEE, dear Saviour; THOU knowest that we love THEE. We see in THEE matchless charms, and we desire that every soul shall constantly look unto THEE,–THOU who art the Author and the Finisher of our faith. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 7}
Come, Lord Jesus, come and take us as we are, and put upon us the robe of THY righteousness. Take away our sins. Our Saviour, THOU didst come to the earth to do this. We repent of wrong-doing; we are sorry for every departure from THEE; and we ask THEE to pardon our transgressions, that we may show to the world that we have a Saviour who is able to take away our sins, and to impute unto us His own righteousness. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 8}
Lord, we accept THEE now; we receive THEE now; we believe in THEE now; and we ask THEE to let THY HOLY SPIRIT rest upon us just now. Just now walk through this house, we pray THEE; and may the angels accompanying THEE go around to every seat, and to every heart; and may every person have a realization of what “I” should do. May every one look not to man, but to Christ,–to Him who has died to save us. We are saved by THEE, Lord; we look to THEE, Lord. Oh, let THY power come upon us, to tell us that our sins are pardoned. THOU hast promised, “A new heart will I give THEE.” We desire to have our hearts renewed, Lord; we long for this. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 9}
Bless our ministering brethren. Bless all those who are in office in our institutions. We do not want THEE to destroy these institutions; we do not want to see their influence wiped away. We want that THOU shouldst simply take away everything that is wrong in the heart, the life, the character, of each worker, so that THOU canst use every institution of THINE own planting to glorify THY name. We need every one of them. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 10}
O my Saviour, THOU who hast shown compassion to us all, again we ask THEE to grant unto us a rich portion of THY mercy, THY fulness, THY compassion, THY everlasting love. Come, Lord Jesus, and make us partakers of THY divine nature, that we may overcome the corruption that is in the world through lust. Oh, may the Spirit of Christ, the love of God, comfort every heart this morning! Banish darkness, turn away the deceptive powers of the enemy, and let THY voice and THY Spirit and THY love come into our souls, that we may sit together in heavenly places with Christ Jesus; and THY name shall have all the glory. Amen. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 11}
April 6, 1903 A Call to Repentance Talk by Mrs. E. G. White, Sabbath, April 4, 11 A.M. – The Prayer
My heavenly Father, we come to THEE at this time as children dependent upon THEE. We are weakness itself. In us there is no strength, no comeliness. But we come to THEE as THY little children. We want special help from THEE at this time. THOU hast promised in THY Word that THOU wilt sanctify those who keep THY Sabbath. We want the sanctification of the Holy Spirit upon our hearts, upon our characters. O my Father, for Christ’s sake, wilt THOU pardon our transgressions and our sins. Wilt THOU give us clear, spiritual eyesight, that we may discern what we should be and what we must be if we are granted entrance into the kingdom of God, if we hear the words, “Well done, THOU good and faithful servant.” {Ms21-1903}
THOU hast given us much encouragement, but we have been so earthly, so careless in our words and deportment, that we have become blind to the riches of the glory of God. O my Father, I ask THEE to rebuke every one here who would stand in stubbornness. Let THY melting mercy fall upon THY sons and daughters here today. Encircle us with the arms of THY mercy. Let THY grace be upon us, and may we see THY salvation in this Conference. May angels of God walk through our assemblies. Manifest THY power unto us, as THOU dost not unto the world. Commune with THY people. Let their hearts break here today, and let them see how they grieve the Spirit of God. {Ms21-1903}
I ask THEE that THOU wilt keep in the minds of this people the covenant they have made with THEE to put away the sins that have closed the door of the heart against the Spirit of God. In the lips that have uttered words of criticism and faultfinding, I ask THEE to put songs of thanksgiving and rejoicing. Help this people to see that until they put away every sin, they will not be ready for Christ’s coming. O my Father, there are here those who are desponding, those who are in trial, who hardly know what to say or do. Deliver them this very hour, I pray THEE. Break the bondage that is upon them, and let the grace of God come into their hearts, that they themselves may realize that a holy hand has been upon them, to sanctify them and prepare them for the courts above. {Ms21-1903}
My Saviour, we open the door of the heart, and we say, Come in and take full possession. Help every one here who is bearing heavy responsibilities. We pray that THY blessing may be upon Brother Prescott, and upon Brother Daniells, and upon Dr. Kellogg, and upon all the ministering brethren here. THOU knowest the burdens that Dr. Kellogg has borne nearly all his life. We bring him to THEE in the arms of our faith. We ask THEE, O Lord, that THOU wouldest give him the comfort of THY HOLY SPIRIT today, that THOU wouldest break every yoke of bondage, that he may see that God has an interest in him. God wants him to see the King in His beauty. God wants him to have a crown of everlasting life. {Ms21-1903}
Take us just as we are. Wash us in THY blood, and put upon us the robe of THY righteousness. Help the sick and the afflicted ones. Take us all into THY compassionate arms, and speak pardon to us today. Be with us and help us, and THY name shall have all the glory. {Ms21-1903}
Ms 146a – July 25, 1905
“My heavenly Father, we ask THEE in Christ’s name to give to the workers in Nashville the things they so much need to advance the work. Encourage the hearts of THY servants to do this work, to look to THEE, to ask of THEE the things they need, to believe in THEE. Sustain their faith and courage and indite their prayers. Keep them ever looking to THEE, ever believing that they will receive THY promised gifts. Keep them glad, hopeful, rejoicing, that their words may glorify THEE. {Ms146a-1905}
“O Lord, I do believe. O Lord, THOU wilt hear. Make THY servants strong in faith, strong in hope, strong in courage, mighty in word and deed to proclaim the truth. Amen.” {Ms146a-1905}
Prayer following the Sermon – Ms 142, 1906 Oakland, California August 18, 1906
(Praying.) Our heavenly Father, THOU knowest our weakness. THOU knowest all about us, and we now come to THEE, and we present these souls to THEE. We cannot impress their minds, but THOU canst. We ask it in the name of THY dear Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, that is in our midst this very day, as He said He would be. He said that if we would give the commission, that He had given to us, to the people, He said, “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” We claim THEE, our Saviour, to impress the human minds. Touch them with the Holy Spirit; and all this envy, all this evil speaking, all this lifting up the souls unto vanity, let them see this wickedness, that it stands directly in the way of the work of the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD. {Ms142-1906}
I ask THEE, Lord, work upon the minds, that they made understand that if they will work with Him who has bought them with a price, He will work with them; and He will give them intelligence, and He will give them grace, as He has promised it; and He will be with them in working for other souls. {Ms142-1906}
I ask THEE, Lord, that THOU wouldst impress this congregation to prepare for the great changes that are beginning to take place in our world. I ask THEE to help them to begin to feel the necessity of pleading with the youth, that they shall bring them on the Lord’s side and away from the temptations of the devil, who will work with all His capabilities and powers; and shall we be silent on our side? {Ms142-1906}
My heavenly Father, imbue us with the Spirit. Let the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD rest upon us, my Saviour. I know that THOU art here, because we have THY promise. And now we ask THEE that THOU wouldest reveal THYSELF in softening and subduing the hearts of these people. O, let the hearts be broken before THEE, and let self die, and Jesus Christ take the throne of the heart, and Jesus Christ work through the instruments, that they can be one with Christ in God; and then they have all this power that was granted to them, when they were laid down into the water and baptized. And if they have forgotten it, O let them repeat the work, to be baptized and take hold of the heavenly powers again. Give us power to be baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. And there with these three mighty powers promised, how can our faith be a nonentity, how can our faith be feeble and weak? {Ms142-1906}
I ask THEE, THOU precious Saviour, as THOU hast presented to me again and again THINE hands wounded, ever to keep the wounds until all the redeemed are in the kingdom of glory. “I have engraven THEE upon the palms of My hands.” And there He presents us to the Father. O Jesus, our precious Saviour, the little that we have been willing to suffer for THEE, forgive us. The little that we have been willing to magnify THY holy name, forgive us, pardon our transgression. {Ms142-1906}
I ask THEE that the light of heaven may shine into hearts here today. We are nothing without THEE. And if we have THEE, we are everything. We can work with minds, we can win characters, we can present THEE in THY great efficiency and power. And THOU wilt make the heart soften. Soften our hard hearts that have felt so little. {Ms142-1906}
O my Saviour, my Saviour, THOU art our only hope. If we lay hold upon THEE, THY great grace will be upon us, and we shall be able to proclaim the way of the Lord. We shall be able to make straight the paths for our God that have become so mixed up with worldly science and with satanic delusions. {Ms142-1906}
I ask THEE, heavenly Father, to let the power of holy angels come to THY people. We claim it. We want it now. Sweep back every mist and every cloud of darkness, and let the sunlight of THY glory in. And may these souls embrace THEE. May these souls at this very meeting feel the power of God striving upon the human heart, upon the human character. Come, THOU heavenly Dove, I pray THEE to put THY disposition in the hearts of the people here today. THY converting power we want to see, and we want to sense. {Ms142-1906}
We love THEE, we love THEE, because THOU hast so loved us that THOU hast given THY life to a life of shame, to a life of abuse. They spit in THY face, THOU Lord of glory; they smote THEE with wickedness, and called out, “Prophesy unto us who it is that smote THEE;” and O they abused THEE and drove the cruel nails through THY hands and through THY feet, and they speared THY side, and O, amidst it all, THOU didst forgive a poor sinner on the cross, and THOU didst say, “Thou shalt be with Me in paradise,” because he asked it, because he saw and acknowledged Christ. Help us every one to acknowledge THEE here today. {Ms142-1906}
Come, THOU Lord Jesus Christ, in THY converting power here in this congregation this very Sabbath, which THOU hast ordained, which THOU hast sanctified, which THOU hast blessed as a memorial of THY creative works; and I ask THEE, Lord, that THOU wouldst touch the human heart. Let the love of Christ spring forth in the heart, and may they give themselves to Christ, to suffer for His dear name’s sake, and then afterward receive them to glory, and THY blessed name shall have all the glory. Amen. {Ms142-1906}
Lessons from the Fifteenth of Romans Sermon preached by E. G. White at the Congregational Church, which was being temporarily used by the Oakland SDA Church, 18th and Market Streets, Oakland, California, on Sabbath afternoon, October 20, 1906.
Mrs. E. G. White: I should like to pray. (Praying) Our heavenly Father, we come to THEE this evening, as our only Refuge, as our only Helper, as the only One who can save us from ourselves. Oh, my heavenly Father, THOU hast heard the words that I have tried to say to this people this afternoon. And I ask THEE, Lord, that THOU wouldst make the impression. THOU alone canst break the iron bands of the heart. THOU alone canst cause the blind eyes to discern what sin is. THOU alone canst impress the understanding with a realization of the character that every soul must have and reveal in this world before he can be prepared for translation into the family of heaven. Oh, my Father, my Father, the blindness, the terrible blindness, that comes over the people, that they do not discern what manner of character THOU canst accept and what THOU wilt be compelled to reject! We ask THEE, Lord, that THOU wouldst work upon minds and hearts. Oh, that THOU wouldst impress upon all the terrible nature of sin, and how THOU dost regard sin. {Ms95-1906}
Oh, my Father, my Father, THOU didst so love the world that THOU gavest THINE only beloved Son to die a shameful death, that the world through Him might have everlasting life! THOU hast given the human family here below the privilege of educating themselves in rightdoing, that they may be prepared to unite with the sinless family above and dwell forevermore in THY kingdom. We see the opportunities and the privileges that are passing by, and yet there are hearts that are becoming more and still more hardened, less and still less sensitive. Oh, we pray THEE, for the sake of Jesus Christ who has borne the stripes, who has suffered the agonies of the crucifixion to make it possible for every soul that lives to unite with the family of God—oh, we pray, my Saviour, we pray THEE to break up this hardness of heart! I pray THEE to melt and subdue the soul. {Ms95-1906}
I pray THEE, my heavenly Father, that THOU wouldst flash light upon the people here, that they may obey the call. If they repent not, THOU wilt have to say to them, “How canst THOU come in hither, not having on the wedding garment?” It is the wedding garment of Christ’s righteousness that must be put on. Oh, Lord, I ask THEE to have compassion upon human minds in this congregation! I pray THEE, Lord, that they may not go on hardening their hearts any longer. I pray THEE that this awful manifestation of self may be broken up. I pray THEE that self may be crucified, and that self may die, in order that there may be a reconversion in the midst of us, and that souls may be brought to humble themselves before THEE, and to be reconverted. {Ms95-1906}
My Father, my Father, for Christ’s sake, let THY Spirit impress the minds of those who are in this house, and may they clear the King’s highway, and prepare the way for THEE to come to work with human minds. Help them to remove the stumbling blocks out of the way, and to take themselves out of the way. They are standing directly in THY way; and oh, impress their hearts so fully, so sensibly, that they will repent, repent, repent, and be converted, before it shall be everlastingly too late! {Ms95-1906}
Oh God, the word is about to be pronounced: “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.” Awful words to hear, to those that are unready! {Ms95-1906}
Wilt THOU, Lord, break up this coldness, this iciness, this frozenheartedness! Oh, give them no rest, day nor night, until they see the necessity of transformation of character; until they see the necessity of clearing the King’s highway. {Ms95-1906}
My heavenly Father, we come to THEE as THY little children. THOU hast called us little children, and I pray THEE that we may become little children. Oh Lord, THOU didst say to THY disciples, when they were seeking to be first, that those who seek to be the first shall be the last of all. Help us to humble our souls before God. Help our hard hearts to repent. {Ms95-1906}
My Father, my Father, I present before THEE the merits of our Redeemer, THY Son Jesus, who suffered the awful agonies of the cross to redeem the race. I plead with THEE that THOU wouldst break up the fallow ground of the heart, in order that the seeds of truth may become fastened in the mind, and spring up and bear the best kind of fruit, to the glory of God. We cannot endure the thought that of the large number who are in this congregation, many at last may say that “the harvest is past, the summer is ended,” the final proffers of salvation have been made, and my soul is not saved! What an awful acknowledgment this would be! Break, I pray THEE, break the minds of the congregation, so that every one of us may seek THEE with all the heart, as we go out from this house, in order that we may carry with us the impression of the Spirit of God. Help, oh, help us to be converted, that the light of heaven may come into our minds and our souls, and that we may have something to say in honor of Jesus, to glorify His name upon the earth. {Ms95-1906}
Oh God, put a message upon the lips of THY servants. Bless Elder Haskell; bless his wife who has been laboring with him; and I pray THEE that THOU wouldst bless the other laborers in this community. May THY blessing rest upon Brother Rice and his wife, as they are trying to clear the way and to do all the good they can in their necessity. We plead with THEE that whatever mistakes may have been made, they shall all be taken out of the way. And we believe that they have been; because THOU hast given me a message for them to take their position in the church. THOU hast declared that they are amenable to THEE. They are not amenable to any arbitrary human domination, but they are THY servants, to do THY will. I pray THEE, my heavenly Father, that THOU wouldst give them a fitting up, so that they shall not labor under the discouragement that some have tried to bring upon them here. THOU hast sent me with a message for them, and I ask THEE, my heavenly Father, to encircle them in the arms of THY mercy and to love them freely. {Ms95-1906}
O heavenly Father, I ask THEE that the angel of the Lord before whom Joshua the high priest is represented as standing while the enemy accuses the sinner of his defiled garments—may this angel vouchsafe his presence unto us this afternoon. THOU didst turn to Satan, and say, “The Lord rebuke THEE, O Satan; even the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke THEE: is not this a brand plucked out of the fire?” And to those who accused the sinner, the angel said, “Take away the filthy garments from him. And unto him he said, Behold, I have caused THINE iniquities to pass from THEE, and I will clothe THEE with change of raiment.” And he added: “Let them set a fair mitre upon his head. So they set a fair mitre upon his head, and clothed him with garments. And the angel of the Lord stood by.” {Ms95-1906}
Satan is trying to fix upon every one that he can influence all the discouragement possible. Lord, I pray THEE, let the baptism of the Holy Spirit come into this congregation. I pray THEE, for Christ’s sake, to sweep back the mist and the cloud that Satan interposes here. He is here; his followers are here; there are those here who are listening to his words; and I ask THEE, Lord, to break the spell; I ask THEE that there may be such marked consecration before God, that Christ can say, “I will clothe THEE with change of raiment.” {Ms95-1906}
Oh God, we want raiment without a spot; we want garments without a stain; we want a preparation to do a grand, a great, a holy work that must be done. We pray THEE that THOU wouldst work mightily, so that the salvation of God shall be revealed. THOU hast a whole heaven of blessing that THOU art waiting to pour out upon a people who are ready to receive it and use it. Oh, all heaven is full of THY graciousness and THY pardon, which we may receive abundantly if we will only come to THEE and repent and be converted. {Ms95-1906}
My Lord and my God, I ask THEE to carry through the reformation that is to be done in this place, and the reformation that is to be done in the different meetingplaces in this community. Let the salvation of God be revealed. My Saviour, my Saviour, THOU art inviting: THOU art waiting for them to come, so that THOU canst say, “THY sins be forgiven THEE; go, and sin no more.” May the healing power of God come upon body and soul. My Father, my Father, I ask THEE for Christ’s sake to come into the midst of us, and break the terrible power of darkness, and let souls go free, and THY blessed name shall have all the glory. Amen. {Ms95-1906}
Ms 71, 1907 Berkeley, California February 16, 1907 Sermon – Clear the King’s Highway
Sister White then offered prayer: {Ms71-1907}
“My heavenly Father, we come to THEE at this time, needy and dependent upon THEE. We pray that THOU wouldst clear away, by the operation of THY HOLY SPIRIT upon human hearts, all the rubbish that has been coming in to hinder the work of God, which ought to have advanced so much. O God, we pray that THOU wouldst work upon human minds, and open the eyes, that they may see where they themselves have made mistakes. I ask THEE, Lord, that THOU wouldst work. THOU knowest all about it; and when we shall come up to the judgment, shall it be with THY people, that their sins will come there unconfessed, and therefore they can have no part with THEE in THY kingdom? {Ms71-1907}
“Lord, save THY people, I pray THEE. Break human hearts. May their hearts be broken before THEE, and may there be a time now, just now, without waiting for any future period, when they will clear the King’s highway, when they will put away from their hearts the things which they have entertained which have hindered the work of God from going in Berkeley, in Oakland, and in the suburbs. {Ms71-1907}
“O Lord, THOU hast given THINE own precious life to buy these souls. THOU hast bought them with the price of THINE own blood. THOU didst hang in agony upon the cross of Calvary in order to pay the debt of their transgression, and now, Lord, we do not want that one shall be lost. We want that the melting power of God, the softening influence of the Holy Spirit, shall come into our midst, to clear away everything that would hinder the true light from shining forth unto the people at this present time. {Ms71-1907}
“We believe THOU art soon to come in the clouds of heaven, and that then every one shall receive according as his works have been. O let every soul be humbled before THEE. May there be a breaking away from the powers of darkness. We have had meeting after meeting, but Satan has held minds, and they are just where they were before. O God, break this spell. Break it, I beseech of THEE, break it. Let THY stately steppings be felt here. {Ms71-1907}
“And I ask THEE, Lord, that THOU wouldest make clear to human minds just what they have done to hinder the Spirit of God from taking possession of mind and heart. {Ms71-1907}
“O God, clear it away. May there be a break here in this meeting. How long shall this go on in this way? Help the people, that they may fall on the Rock and be broken, lest the Rock should fall on them. O God, THOU seest the value of the human soul. THOU didst give THINE only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. It is everlasting life that we desire every soul here to have. May self die right here. Here today may there be the agonizing of the death struggle. May self be broken, and may Jesus Christ take possession of the human heart. How long shall we tamper with the enemy? How long shall we let him tamper with us? O Lord, speak; and let THY HOLY SPIRIT go through this congregation, from heart to heart. Let the break be so complete, that it shall remain broken, that Christ may come in to heal every difficulty, every wound, and that there may be a pressing of shoulder to shoulder and of heart to heart. Let the confessions come from human lips that ought to come. O Lord, I ask THEE that while there is a seeking after God and the truth, there shall not be those who stand to hinder the progress of THY Spirit. O let THINE angels walk through our midst. {Ms71-1907}
“And we pray that the rebuke of God may be upon Satan and his working. Sweep back the mists of darkness; sweep back the things that have been building up here for months and years; sweep them back, and give us access to the people who are inquiring for the way of eternal life. THOU hast presented to me that an interest has been awakened. Many souls are trembling on the very verge, and they want to have help to plant their feet upon the Rock of Ages. O my Father, my Father, leave not these people in darkness and unbelief. {Ms71-1907}
“O quicken the sensibilities of THY people, and let it be known that there is a God in Israel. Soften the hard hearts, and, O God, we do pray that there may be confessions made here that we have not yet heard, that souls may stand up here and break away from the powers of darkness. Let THY Spirit take hold upon the souls and hearts, and clear the King’s highway. My Father, my Father, break this spell of the enemy. Let the subduing grace of Christ come into human hearts. Let the heart break before THEE; let self die. May there be the dying struggles of self right here in this meeting. How many meetings, O God, have we had, hoping, and praying, and trying to believe that the break would come; and it has not yet come. Lord, help us now to make clean work for eternity. We know that there are souls here whom THOU dost want to break the spell. Help them to do it. We commit them to THEE, Lord. O walk through our midst, I pray THEE, THOU pitying Redeemer, and let THY life and THY power come to pardon transgressions, to say, THY sins are pardoned; go in peace, and sin no more.” {Ms71-1907}
Ms 93 – February 17, 1907
Mrs. E. G. White: (Praying) THOU hast presented before us how cruel it is to depart from THY Word. THY Word is given to us, and we are to follow it to the letter. O God, we beseech of THEE, for Christ’s sake, that THOU wouldest open the blind eyes, open the hearts and soften the hearts, that such a thing shall never exist again in any church, and that every one shall seek to draw together in even cords. Rebuke the sins, and save THY people, we pray THEE, from taking such positions that souls may be lost as the result. {Ms93-1907}
O God, there have been these rumors, these stumbling blocks laid before THY servants, and they should be deeply repented of. Lord, wilt THOU have compassion? Wilt THOU pardon all the mistakes that have been made, and wilt THOU give THY people understanding that they may be one as Christ is one with the Father? {Ms93-1907}
And now, Lord, we know there are but very few who have carried the heavy burdens that Brother and Sister Rice have carried. We have seen how THOU dost regard it. O God, it is all written in THY book, and may they not become discouraged. But we ask THEE, my heavenly Father, that THOU wouldest open ways before them that they may sow the seeds of truth. O Lord, my heavenly Father, we pray THEE to give them physical strength, to give them clear discernment, give them an opening where they can get in more and more, and that they may do the work that THOU hast opened before them of making plain to others THY holy Word. {Ms93-1907}
We know, Lord, that THOU art a merciful God, and we pray that all this evil speaking and everything of that nature may be put away. THOU hast bidden me to present to the people that they are laborers in THY cause, and that they are to continue in their work to win souls to THEE. We have not one laborer to spare. {Ms93-1907}
O God, pardon those who have been so indiscreet in talking, and who have taken wrong positions. Lord, have compassion upon them. We want them to see their errors. We want them to understand that THOU hast been greatly dishonored, and that it is time to remove the stumbling blocks out of the way, that their own souls may stand clear and free before THEE. O my Father, I beseech THEE, for Christ’s sake, that every heart may have a clear conception of duty, that every one may repent before THEE. THY work, O God, has been hindered. We are so sorry. We ask THEE to forgive; we ask THEE to pardon, Lord, and to give wisdom to THY servants that they shall move discreetly, and in the honor and glory of God, that everything that has been a stumbling block may be removed. We long to see THY people come up to a higher platform. We do not want them to build upon the sand, that when the floods shall come and the rain shall pour upon their house that it shall fall, because it is not founded upon the Rock, Christ Jesus. {Ms93-1907}
O my Saviour, my Saviour, THOU canst do a work that none of us can do. THOU canst impress the heart. THOU canst convict the soul; and THOU canst help us to see the great mistakes that have hindered THY work, and that have wounded THY children. And we ask THEE, Lord, to sweep back all these objectionable things, and to let the sunlight of THY presence come in, with THY pardon. O that THOU wouldest write pardon in THY books. {Ms93-1907}
O God, I ask THEE to let THY grace in rich measure be given to the members of the Berkeley church, that everything may be cleansed, and that they may all see the right side. We ask THEE, Lord, that THOU wouldest take this work in THINE own hands, that those that are worthy shall be encouraged to take hold of THY work, and that those who are mischief makers, and who do not rid their souls of this, shall not be sustained in hurting the souls of others. {Ms93-1907}
Lord, I ask THEE to rebuke the devil. I ask THEE to rebuke Satan, O Lord. Let us be free. We want to see the salvation of God. We want souls to be reached with the truth. But O my Father, help every one to learn discretion. May we walk softly and tremblingly before THEE, O Lord. Keep Brother and Sister Rice in the hollow of THY hand, for we need their labor. We pray THEE to give them an open door, that they may find access to souls that shall be converted. And, Lord, we ask that every one of us may have THY abiding grace, that we may have a sense of what our duty is, and know what our work is, that where there are now a few at work, there may be many more who shall take hold of THY service. Arouse THY people, that they may put on the armor, and that many may engage in house-to-house labor. {Ms93-1907}
Lord, help us, bless us, give us THY grace this very hour. Precious Saviour, wilt THOU heal this awful difficulty? Wilt THOU heal it, and O may the work of grace go on; for it is not finished yet. Let it go on until THY church shall be thoughly clean and every fibre of the root of bitterness which has been working shall be put away. Let THY light shine into the chambers of the mind and into the soul temple. Bless every one who has tried to take every difficulty out of the way, and may he have liberty and freedom in the knowledge that his mistakes are pardoned, and THY blessed name shall have all the glory. Amen. {Ms93-1907}
Ms 153 – October 29, 1907
Following a short praise service, Sister White offered prayer, as given below. {Ms153-1907}
(Praying) Our blessed heavenly Father, I thank THEE that THOU hast invited us to come unto THEE in our necessities and in our perplexities, to ask of THEE that THOU wouldst pardon our transgressions, that THOU wouldst forgive our sins, and that THOU wouldst let THY HOLY SPIRIT come into our hearts. May we remove all the rubbish from the door of the heart, that we may let THY glory in. O my Father, my Father, for Christ’s sake, whom THOU didst give to a shameful death, in order to redeem us—for His sake wilt THOU help us, that we may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. Help THY people at this meeting. We must have THY presence, we must have THY wisdom, we must have THY grace; and we will not let THEE go, unless THOU dost bless us. We take hold of the arm of the Infinite, by faith, and we ask THEE that THOU wouldst reveal THYSELF, to uphold, to strengthen, to give wisdom in every decision, to let THY grace come into the hearts of the people, that they may have wisdom and judgment to plan aright for the advancement of THY precious work. May the great grace of God be upon us. {Ms153-1907}
Pity us, my Lord. Strengthen us. Help us to represent THEE in every word and act. May we reveal our appreciation for the life THOU dost give us. We give ourselves unto THEE this morning. We desire to make a covenant with THEE by sacrifice, that while associating with one another on this ground, we may reveal the grace that was in the heart of Christ Jesus while He walked and talked with the sons of men on the earth. We desire to receive of the grace of God, that we may impart it to those that are around us. We cannot let THEE go, my Father. We cannot be denied THY presence. We must have THY power in this meeting. We must see of the salvation of God. {Ms153-1907}
While we shall assemble together to glorify THEE, let every thread of selfishness be put away. Let the benevolence and the love of God take possession of our hearts; and O put THY praise there, that we may thank THEE, and praise THEE, and glorify THEE, for whoso offereth praise glorifieth God. And we want praise in our hearts; we want it upon our lips. We want to honor THEE during this meeting, and therefore we ask THEE to honor us by granting us THY presence in rich measure. Grant us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification. We lay hold on these blessings by living faith. Let THY grace rest upon us this morning in large measure. Come sacredly near unto us. Be with us, my Father. For Christ’s sake we ask these favors. Amen. {Ms153-1907}
Ms 193 – November 8, 1907
(Elder Reaser offered prayer, following which, Sister White prayed as follows:)
Heavenly Father, we continue our petitions before God, and we feel that we need THY helping power. We come to THEE, and we ask THEE in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that THOU wouldest impart strength, and give us THY grace. And, O Jesus, we want the Holy Spirit with us at this very time. We need THEE so much, we plead with THEE that THOU wouldest manifest THYSELF unto THY children today, and that THOU wouldest speak to their hearts. Words may be spoken, but unless THY HOLY SPIRIT endues them, and unless THY HOLY SPIRIT impresses the heart, it will be of no service. {Ms193-1907}
We ask THEE, my heavenly Father, to let THY Spirit rest upon us. Let it rest upon me as I try to speak, and upon the understanding of those that hear. We want THY presence this afternoon. We want THY Word that comes to us, to understand it, and we want that every heart shall be wise unto salvation, and we ask THY blessing to rest upon us now, just now. {Ms193-1907}
Sweep back every mist and every cloud of darkness, and let the sunlight of THY presence and of THY glory rest upon this congregation. We want souls to be blessed. We want souls to be strengthened. We want that there should be an enlightenment of what we shall do at the present time, and that THY great grace shall be upon us as a people. {Ms193-1907}
We are THY people, Lord. We claim THY promise. We take right hold of THEE, and we want THY presence above everything else. O Lord, THOU hast said, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest … unto your souls.” We come, Lord, we come just as we are. We come in our weakness, and we want THY strength, and we ask THEE to teach us in every line what we shall do, that THY people may have a revealing of THY HOLY SPIRIT. We want the angels to be in our midst. We want the communion of the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD. We want it just now, Lord. We want THY stately steppings to be in this meeting. We want the angels of God, that their presence shall be here, and we want that every one of us shall lay hold of, and receive the power of THY grace. {Ms193-1907}
Bless Brother Reaser here today. And I pray THEE, Lord, to help him to see everything clearly. Separate everything that shall separate him from God, and may he lay right hold of the hand of infinite power. {Ms193-1907}
We must have THEE, Lord. We pant after THEE, as the hart panteth after the water brooks. We pant after THEE, my Lord, and we want THY salvation to be revealed, and we want that unbelief and the darkness, that they shall separate from us as a people, and that the clear light of THY truth shall shine unto us, right here on this occasion. Just now we want THEE. {Ms193-1907}
And we ask THEE for Christ’s sake that THOU wouldest take hold of the case of Brother Starr. We ask THEE, my Father, to do that work for Him that none of us can do. We seek THEE with THY healing power to come and set his brain and his physical system in order. We ask THEE to increase our faith. THOU hast said, “Where there are two or three agreed as touching anything that they should ask in THY name, it should be done unto them.” {Ms193-1907}
We want THY power, O God, in our midst. Rebuke the powers of darkness. Set THY people free, and let the clear light of heaven come into our souls, and give us a heart of rejoicing and of triumph in THEE. Give us the victory today. Give us light today. Let us see clear light, and rebuke all the powers of darkness. We know Satan is in this very room. We know that he follows THY people wherever they go, that he may make some impression upon their minds. Abolish his power here today. And I ask THEE to let the light of THY grace and of THY sweet power come into our midst. And THY blessed name shall have all the glory. Amen. {Ms193-1907}
Ms 35 – March 7, 1908
(Praying) My heavenly Father, I come to THEE at this time, just as I am, poor and needy, and dependent upon THEE. I ask THEE to give me and give this people the grace that perfects Christian character. Wilt THOU have compassion upon this people? Let THY light shine into the chambers of the mind, and into the soul-temple. {Ms35-1908}
My Saviour, THOU hast given THY life to purchase THINE inheritance, that, as overcomers, they may enter the kingdom of God, where they shall go no more out forever. Bless those who have signified their desire to serve THEE. Put THY Spirit upon them. {Ms35-1908}
I ask THEE, heavenly Father, to let THY HOLY SPIRIT come to this people. May THY salvation be revealed. Touch their hearts, and make them very tender. Soften them by THY HOLY SPIRIT, and help them to see the work to be done for their neighbors, and for souls that are perishing all around them. O awaken them to their responsibilities! May they wash their robes of character, and make them white in the blood of the Lamb. Wilt THOU encircle them in the arms of THY mercy? Plead with them through the impressions of THY HOLY SPIRIT, that they may try to let their light shine to those that have not known the truth. Put THY church in order, O Lord, that they may labor for souls. {Ms35-1908}
My Saviour, reveal THYSELF to this people. Let THY love be expressed—O let it be revealed! Hold THY people, that Satan may not have his will and way with them. Help them to press through all opposition, that at last they may lay their crowns at the feet of Jesus in the city of God; and THY name shall have all the glory. Amen. {Ms35-1908}
Ms 7, 1909
Oakland, California
February 8, 1909
Sermon / The Need of the Holy Spirit in Our Lives
This manuscript is published in entirety in The Review and Herald, 04/01/1909; 04/08/1909. +
The Need of the Holy Spirit in Our Lives
Sermon by Mrs. E. G. White, Oakland, California, Monday, February 8, 1909. {Ms7-1909}
My mind has been much exercised of late in regard to our need of the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD. The promise is given us, “Ask, and YE shall receive; seek, and YE shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto YOU;” and the assurance is repeated, “For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” The thought is enforced upon us that our dependence must be more fully upon God. He is ready and willing to do for us the very things that we need. Let us trust Him as His children. {Ms7-1909}
(The congregation rose.) Here is the whole congregation. May God help you to keep your pledge. Let us pray. {Ms7-1909}
(Praying) Heavenly Father, I come to THEE at this time, just as I am, poor, weak, unworthy, and I ask THEE to impress the hearts of this people gathered here today. I have spoken to them THY words, but O Lord, THOU alone canst make the word effective. {Ms7-1909}
I ask THEE to forgive those who have failed in serving THEE. Reveal THYSELF to them. Impress their minds. Let the converting power of God come upon them. Present before them in clear gospel light their privilege to reflect the character of Christ in words, in actions. Teach them that in order to be partakers in the strife, in order to obtain victories, spiritual victories, they must be partakers of the divine nature. {Ms7-1909}
We beseech THEE, for Christ’s sake, to sweep away this awful darkness that would hide from view the religion of Christ. We cannot do this, for we are mortal; but we can ask THEE, THOU God of heaven. Impress the minds of this people as THOU hast never done before. Reveal it to them that there is a heaven to win and a hell to shun. Grant them the presence of THINE angels in every home. These who have pledged themselves to seek the Lord, help them to be in earnest; help them to understand that they are to be living lights, bringing to others the convicting power of the Spirit of God. {Ms7-1909}
We want our school to be established. Lord, THOU knowest all about this. We know that we have looked to THEE in this matter, that we have cried to THEE in the night seasons, asking THEE to take charge here. O I pray THEE, that THOU wilt make it such a school as has never yet been established among us. Let angels of God take charge of the work and carry it through to THINE own name’s glory. Let the Spirit of God be present to enlighten the minds and touch the hearts of the students as the teachers give instruction that ought to be given. Let the glory of God come in, and let hearts and minds grasp the truths of the Word of God as they have never before done. {Ms7-1909}
Lord, prepare THY people to meet THEE in peace. We need the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD in every heart. Let THY converting power come upon us as it came upon THY people on the day of Pentecost. O God, reveal THYSELF to us. {Ms7-1909}
Let THY blessing rest upon us, dear Saviour. Let light shine into the chambers of the mind and into the soul temple, that we may see light in THY light, and joy in THY joy, as we see sinners turning to God with the whole heart. We have no power but in THEE. We ask THEE to mold and fashion us and give us an experience after the divine similitude. {Ms7-1909}
O God, I beseech of THEE to work. THOU didst send one equal with THYSELF to live in the world a life of poverty and toil. Traveling on foot from place to place, He endured hardness and hunger. My Father, we are ashamed of the presentation we have made. Wilt THOU not baptize us, Lord? Let THY converting power come upon this people. Help them to make a determined effort to resist the enemy, and that he may flee from them; and THY blessed name shall have all the glory. {Ms7-1909} {Also 3SM 269.4}
April 8, 1909 The Need of the Holy Spirit in Our Lives
Mrs. E. G. White
The gift of the Holy Spirit is promised to all who believe. But we shall find that it makes every difference whether or not we bear a living testimony in character, in mind, in intellect, and serve the Lord with full purpose of heart as we work to bring the light of truth to souls in every place. {RH, April 8, 1909 par. 1}
Ellen White and Audience Standing for Consecration Prayer.–Who now, I ask, will make a determined effort to obtain the higher education. Those who will, make it manifest by rising to YOUR feet. [The congregation rose.] Here is the whole congregation. May God help YOU to keep YOUR pledge. Let us pray. {3SM 269.3}
[Praying] Heavenly Father, I come to THEE at this time, just as I am, poor, weak, unworthy, and I ask THEE to impress the hearts of this people gathered here today. I have spoken to them THY words, but, O Lord, THOU alone canst make the word effective, et cetera.–The Review and Herald, April 8, 1909. (Sermon at Oakland, California, Feb. 8, 1909.) {3SM 269.4 1980}
Ms 125 – July 24, 1909
(Praying:) Heavenly Father, we come to THEE on this occasion, just as we are, in our feebleness we have tried to speak words to the people. But we cannot impress the heart, that is THY work. I have done what I could in an imperfect way to present the Scripture a little here and there, but we ask THEE Lord to give them a heart to search diligently to know what is truth. {Ms125-1909}
We thank THEE, heavenly Father for all THY mercies, for all THY blessings, that THOU hast not left us in foolishness and ignorance, but that THOU hast prepared THY Word, which is truth, to show us what is true, to show us what is light, and let THY HOLY SPIRIT move upon human hearts. This is THY part of the work. I have spoken in imperfection to THY people, and now I ask THEE, heavenly Father, that THOU wouldest impress the human minds, and that THOU wouldest let THY light shine into the chambers of the mind and into the soul temple, and that they may see that God has given His only begotten Son, and He died a death of shame and agony, and He was the only begotten of the Father. {Ms125-1909}
And I ask THEE, heavenly Father, to help them to grasp the merits of the crucified and risen Saviour, who proclaimed over the rent sepulcher, I am the resurrection and the life. O, my heavenly Father, dispel the clouds that have gathered over the communities and the churches, and let THINE own Word come in to be magnified, come in to be exalted, come in to be obeyed, because these are the terms of their salvation, to keep the commandments of God and live, and His law as the apple of the eye. I ask THEE, Lord, to bless this people, and I ask THEE that THY light may shine into every human mind. Lord, bless them today. Let THY grace be given. Let THY love come into the heart. {Ms125-1909}
We thank THEE, we thank THEE for this expression that we have had here today, and we believe that they mean it. And now, Lord, encircle us in the arms of THY divine mercy, and clear the way that these souls may find their Saviour and may rejoice in THY love, THY pardoning love, THY grace, THY great power to save. We put them into THY hands, and we ask THEE, Lord, that THY will may be accomplished, that souls may be saved. THOU lovest them. THOU hast given them every evidence in giving THINE only begotten Son to a shameful death to make a way that these souls shall be sanctified unto God. Now, Lord, we are THINE, to do THY will during this meeting. I ask THEE, Lord, that angels may be in this encampment, and may move upon the hearts of those that are here. {Ms125-1909}
THOU, Jesus, that shed THY blood for humanity, THOU knowest what suffering means. I ask THEE that THOU wouldest in THY divine mercy break these hearts into softness, and may love be expressed in their works, that God may harmonize with them, and give them that needed grace whereby they can overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. We want their souls. THOU dost want their souls. We commit them all to THEE, and ask THEE, Lord, to work through this meeting, and THY name shall have all the glory. {Ms125-1909}
Ms 128, 1909 – July 29, 1909
Prayer of Mrs. E. G. White
[Sermon not transcribed.] Prayer: Heavenly Father, we come to THEE at this time, because we want THY presence, and we want THY grace to come to us on this occasion. We ask THEE, heavenly Father, that THY presence may be with us in a special manner today. THOU knowest us. THOU art acquainted with the hearts of every one that is present on this occasion. And we ask THEE, our heavenly Father, that THOU wouldest impress the mind of every soul that is here today. THOU hast promised that if we ask THEE, we shall find THEE, and we seek THEE on this occasion. Let THY blessing rest upon those that are assembled together here at this time. We want to be impressed with THY Spirit. {Ms128-1909}
We ask THEE to pardon us for our transgressions, and we ask that the truth, the Bible truth, may be very precious to us at all times. We want to see light in THY light. We want the presence of the heavenly angels in our midst. And we know that if we have their presence, we shall have the blessing resting upon us. And we want THY grace to come to every heart. {Ms128-1909}
THOU knowest us individually. THOU art acquainted with us, and heavenly Father, we want the presence of Jesus Christ in a special manner here today. We want in these last days to have a very forcible impression upon us that we are to seek the Lord diligently, that we are to confess our errors and press our petitions to the throne of grace. And we know that THY pardon will come to every soul who will humble themselves before THEE. We want THY light this very day. We want THY rich grace now, Lord. We want THY blessing, because we need it. There are many souls under temptations here today, and we want that the impression of THY Spirit should be upon human minds. {Ms128-1909}
THOU art our Saviour. THOU hast given THY life for us, and we want at this time to consecrate ourselves to THEE individually, and humble our hearts, and we want that faith that we can press our petitions to the throne of grace. Angels of God are here, and we want that the impression should be made upon every human mind that now is the time for us to seek the Lord most earnestly, because there is a work for us to do for the world to communicate the light of blessed Truth to those that are in darkness. We want that light which comes from above. Sweep back every mist and every cloud from the human mind, and let the angels of God come close to the people here. Bless them, Lord. Teach them this very day. {Ms128-1909}
O, my heavenly Father, that hast given us Jesus Precious Saviour in His humanity to come to earth, that humanity might grasp humanity, and that divinity might grasp divinity. Our Saviour came to lay hold upon the precious souls, and we want THEE now. We want THY presence. {Ms128-1909}
Ms 89 – August 18, 1909
Prayer: My heavenly Father, I have spoken a few words in THY name to these workers. THOU knowest, Lord, what is before them; and we do not. We commit them to THEE. We pray THEE, for Christ’s sake, to sweep back the mists of darkness with which Satan is trying to becloud the mind. Teach them how to strive successfully for everlasting life. {Ms89-1909}
Send the baptism of THY HOLY SPIRIT upon these students, that they may press the battle to the gates. Give them higher views of what it means to be a follower of the meek and lowly Saviour. Refine, purify, sanctify the whole being; let them not fall into temptation. Move upon human hearts, that they may strive with all their being for that life that measures with the life of God. Help those who are weak; help those who are strong. There is a heaven for these workers to win. If we never see them again in this life, grant that we may meet them in the world to come. We want to see the crown placed on every brow. We want to see them receive the harp of gold and hear them sing in the kingdom of glory the triumphs of the grace of Christ. Take them into THY care; watch over them, and THY blessed name shall have all the glory. Amen. {Ms89-1909}
Ms 73 – August 27, 1909
(Congregation rises.) (Praying): My heavenly Father, I have tried to present in my weakness those things that THOU hast presented before me again and again to congregations that I have not seen assembled; and this is one of them. I ask THEE now to make the impression upon the human mind. THOU canst do it; for THOU art God, and beside THEE there is none else. THOU hast given THINE only begotten Son to make plain the way constantly beset with temptations by the enemy. I ask THEE, Lord, to bless this people here today. Sweep back every mist and cloud of darkness, and let the sunlight of THY glory in. Work by THY HOLY SPIRIT upon the minds of parents and children, that all may labor together for the spread of the knowledge of the truth. {Ms73-1909}
God, the living God, souls are perishing, and Satan is working to call the attention of the people to nothingness and folly. Wilt THOU not go with this people, as they leave this meeting, and teach them daily to lay hold of the merits of the precious Redeemer. THOU hast given so much for these souls; help them to make a covenant with THEE by sacrifice, that they may have a part in that life that measures with the life of God. We want them to have the crown of glory and to strike the harp of gold. Lord, take this people; baptize them with THY HOLY SPIRIT. Let them see light in THY light and rejoice in THY truth. There is a heaven for them to win, a hell for them to shun. Grant that they may be crowned in the kingdom of glory, never again to go out into a sin-cursed world, where all is renewed by THY sacrifice, our blessed Redeemer. {Ms73-1909}
Take these souls into THY keeping. Make the impression upon their minds that heaven must be won by them, that they must withstand the tests of Satan. Bless them this day. THOU hast blessed them. Bless mind, and soul, and body, and help each to arouse to earnest labor for others. Make them laborers together with God in the work of salvation, and THY blessed name shall have all the glory. {Ms73-1909}
Ms 17 – August 19, 1911
(Praying:) My heavenly Father, I have borne this message to the best of my ability. I ask THEE to make the impression. I am weakness itself, but THOU art strength. Accept the pledge that has been made here today, and in the courts of heaven may it be acknowledged as true and genuine. Help these souls to give their life and strength to the honor and glory of God and for the blessing of those around them. {Ms17-1911}
Heavenly Father, I come to THEE. Accept me, and accept this congregation, and help them to make determined efforts to press the battle to the gates. THOU knowest their weakness; impart to them more than human strength. Give them the overcomer’s reward as they follow on to know the Lord. {Ms17-1911}
Father, we commit these souls to THEE. They are THINE. Let angels work in their behalf until they take their stand fully on the Lord’s side. Let THY light shine into their hearts and minds, that they may be overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony; and THY blessed name shall have all the glory. Amen. {Ms17-1911}
Also note:
October 6, 1902 – A. T. Jones Prayer
A. T. Jones: In the nature of things, I should have something to say. I shall be brief; I shall be very brief; for you have been told it all, and it is all so. I thank God for the one great promise—that I am to be converted. That is the good, cheering thing—that I am to be converted; and I know it. I am glad that you know it, and so many of you; for I can have your help in making that thing effective. And, brethren, that is what I do want. You know that is what I asked for a year ago, at the beginning of my work in this Conference; and I ask it still. So I just simply commit myself to God and to His Word and to His work, as has been described, and I ask your co-operation, your fellowship, and we shall go on together; and so let us pray: {Ms120-1902}
(Praying) “Heavenly Father, we bow before THEE. Lord, we have heard THY word. We submit all to THEE. O Lord, THOU hast called me by name, and hast told my failings and my sore need. Lord, I confess it all to THEE. {Ms120-1902}
“O God, I thank THEE for THY gracious word, THY blessed, THY special promise, that I, Lord, shall be converted unto THEE. And so, Lord, I put myself into THY hands this moment, to be converted, to be molded and fashioned according to THINE own mind and by THY HOLY SPIRIT. O Lord, I pray that THY divine wish may be met, that I shall ever be a channel for the flowing of that holy oil which THOU hast mentioned, and which THOU dost long to pour upon bereaved and sore and mourning hearts. And Lord, I pray THEE that THOU wilt now convert me through and through. Make me, Lord, altogether like Jesus, only like Jesus, that I shall be kind and courteous, gentle and careful, toward all my brethren and all to whom THOU dost send me. {Ms120-1902}
“O Lord, THOU knowest all about it. I need not tell THEE anything. But Lord, I will confess all that THOU hast spoken. Take me, O Lord; THOU hast bought me; I am THINE. So I give myself to THEE, Lord, this morning, body, soul, and spirit, to be devoted to THEE, to be consecrated to THEE, to be upheld by THEE, to be purified by THEE, to be cleansed by THEE, to be molded and shaped by THEE, conformed to the image of THY dear Son, that I may walk worthy of THEE, dear Lord, and glorify THEE on earth, and finish the work which THOU hast given me to do. {Ms120-1902}
“Lord, I pray THEE that the hearts of my brethren may not be pained any more by anything that I may do or say, but that they may be bound to THEE, Lord, and helped on the way. {Ms120-1902}
“And so now, Lord, we have committed all to THEE. We thank THEE that THOU dost accept every one; and so, Lord, use us. Make us one, we pray THEE, O Lord, help to make us one. Whomsoever THOU shalt choose as the band of men that shall go with me, make our hearts one, our minds one, that we shall be workers together to unify the great work which THOU hast committed to us, to make THY work prosperous, and carry it nobly and strongly, as THOU hast a care. {Ms120-1902}
“And so, Lord, I pray for this. I know, Lord, that THOU dost hear the prayer; and so answer, we pray THEE, in the multitude of THY mercies, Lord, answer, that California may rise once more to the place that belongs to this conference in THY great work, that THOU mayest be glorified. {Ms120-1902}
“Lord, I thank THEE for THY word; for THY Spirit; for THY promise. In Jesus’ name, Amen.” {Ms120-1902}
July 3, 1906 – A. T. Jones Prayer
(Praying) “Heavenly Father, we bow before THEE. Lord, we have heard THY word. We submit all to THEE. O Lord, THOU hast called me by name, and hast told my failings and my sore need. Lord, I confess it all to THEE. {Lt242-1906}
“O God, I thank THEE for THY gracious word, THY blessed, THY special promise, that I, Lord, shall be converted unto THEE. And so, Lord, I put myself in THY hands this moment, to be converted, to be molded and fashioned according to THINE own mind and THY HOLY SPIRIT. O Lord, I pray that THY divine wish may be met, and that I shall be a channel for the flowing of that holy oil which THOU hast mentioned, and which THOU dost long to pour upon bereaved and sore and mourning hearts. And Lord, I pray THEE that THOU wilt now convert me through and through. Make me, Lord, altogether like Jesus, only like Jesus, that I shall be kind and courteous, gentle and careful, toward all my brethren and all to whom THOU dost send me. {Lt242-1906}
“O Lord, THOU knowest all about it. I need not tell THEE anything. But Lord, I will confess all that THOU hast spoken. Take me, O Lord; THOU hast bought me; I am THINE. So I give myself to THEE, Lord, this morning, body, soul, and spirit to be devoted to THEE, to be consecrated to THEE, to be purified by THEE, to be cleansed by THEE, to be molded and shaped by THEE, conformed to the image of THY dear Son, that I may walk worthy of THEE, dear Lord, and glorify THEE on earth, and finish the work which THOU hast given me to do. {Lt242-1906}
“Lord, I pray THEE that the hearts of my brethren may not be pained any more by anything that I may do or say, but that they may be bound to THEE, Lord, and helped on the way. {Lt242-1906}
“And so, now Lord, we have committed all to THEE. We thank THEE that THOU dost accept every one; and so, Lord, use us. Make us one, we pray THEE, O Lord, help to make us one. Whomsoever THOU shalt choose as the band of men that shall go with me, make our hearts one, our minds one, that we shall be workers together to unify the great work which THOU hast committed to us, to make THY work prosperous, and carry it nobly and strongly, as THOU hast a care. {Lt242-1906}
“And so, Lord, I pray for this. I know, Lord, that THOU hast heard the prayer; and so answer, we pray THEE, in the multitude of THY mercies, Lord; answer, that California may rise once more to the place that belongs to this conference in this great work and that THOU mayest be glorified. {Lt242-1906}
“Lord, I thank THEE for THY Word; for THY Spirit; for THY promise. In Jesus’ name, Amen.” {Lt242-1906}
So the trinitarian belief was not accepted by the church up to at least 1911.
The above is in keeping with many statements such as:
“And truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.” All through the Scriptures, the Father and the Son are spoken of as two distinct personages. You will hear men endeavoring to make the Son of God a nonentity. He and the Father are one, but they are two personages. Wrong sentiments regarding this are coming in, and we shall all have to meet them. {RH, July 13, 1905 par. 3} and {Ms56-1905}