
March 2025

Jesus Christ will Return on September 11, 2037 [End of Tishrei 1, 5798] 2: Calendar Details

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When will Jesus Christ return?
When is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ?
Many people ask such questions.
At some point in time, the Voice of God will proclaim the day and hour of His Son’s return.
But only His people will understand that message.
However, from the information that He has declared to us, we know, with much degree of certainty, when that event will occur.
In all probability, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will occur at the Feast of Trumpets – (Rosh Hashanah) – End of Tishrei 1, 5798 – September 11, 2037. This is in the evening of the 10th September, between Jerusalem’s sunset and moonset times; sometime in that 48 minutes 19 seconds span of time between 6:52:16 pm and 7:40:35 pm, [Jerusalem time]. Sunset on the September 10th being the start of September 11th, 2037. Jesus Christ will probably come at 7.00 pm again. God / Jesus are very exact and often uses 7’s.
This document reveals how that information for the time and date has been established.
GOD’S CREATION WEEK – ADAM and EVE [f.] created by God / Jesus [generation 1]. [Genesis 1:1 – 2:3]. Creation week started after sunset at 6 pm on Saturday October 22, 4004 BC [Jerusalem time].
With the “night” occurring before the “day” and each being of 12 hours, then the next 24 hour Day starts at 6 pm.
Thus the First Day [a Sunday] commenced upon October 23, 4004 B.C. [Jerusalem time]. This was on Tishrei 30, -243.
It is noted that 243 = 35 where the numbers
3 = Godhead (3 Powers) – Divine Completeness / Perfection / Holiness – Resurrection – Holy Spirit – Completion of Divine Will – Wholeness / Inner Sanctity – Binding (Spirit of God); and
5 = Power & Divine Grace – Mercy – God’s Goodness – Pentateuch – Redemption – Human Weakness (life, child) – [Living] Faith
The Creation Week of Genesis 1:1 – 2:3 not only parallels each week but also parallels the History of the Earth.
God rested from all His work upon the seventh day and, in doing so, He likewise desires us to refrain from doing work upon the seventh day as this is the Sabbath of our Lord – His Sanctified Day.
This is a Saturday – not a Sunday – and commences at Friday sunset and ends at Saturday sunset.
Yes, like our world time zones, it varies around the world depending upon where you are located.
2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that ONE DAY is with the Lord as A THOUSAND YEARS, and a thousand years as one day.
As the six working days of our week [Sunday – Friday] precede the weekly Sanctified Sabbath day [Saturday], so there are 6000 years of Earthly rule before a 1000 year Heavenly time where Jesus will be with His people.
6000 years after 6 pm on Saturday October 22, 4004 BC [Jerusalem time] occurred upon 6 pm on Wednesday October 22, 1997 BC [Jerusalem time] [4004 + 1997 = 6001 years less 1 year as the days in 4004 + 1997 give a full year].
But Jesus has yet to come. What has happened?
In consideration of the shortness of time we as a people should watch and pray, and in no case allow ourselves to be diverted from the solemn work of preparation for the great event before us. Because the time is apparently extended, many have become careless and indifferent in regard to their words and actions. They do not realize their danger and do not see and understand the MERCY OF OUR GOD IN LENGTHENING THEIR PROBATION, THAT THEY MAY HAVE TIME TO FORM CHARACTERS FOR THE FUTURE, IMMORTAL LIFE. Every moment is of the highest value. Time is granted them, not to be employed in studying their own ease and becoming dwellers on the Earth, but to be used in the work of overcoming every defect in their own characters and in helping others, by example and personal effort, to see the beauty of holiness. God has a people upon the Earth who in faith and holy hope are tracing down the roll of fast-fulfilling prophecy and are seeking to purify their souls by obeying the truth, that they may not be found without the wedding garment when Christ shall appear. {4T 306.3}
We are firm in the belief that the preaching of definite time was of God. It was this that led men to search the Bible diligently, discovering truths they had not before perceived. Jonah was sent of God to proclaim in the streets of Nineveh that within forty days the city would be overthrown; but GOD ACCEPTED THE HUMILIATION OF THE NINEVITES AND EXTENDED THEIR PERIOD OF PROBATION. Yet the message that Jonah brought was sent of God, and Nineveh was tested according to his will. The world looked upon our hope as a delusion and our disappointment as its consequent failure; but though we were mistaken in the event that was to occur at that period, there was no failure in reality of the vision that seemed to tarry. {LS80 190.3}
So just like Nineveh, God has extended our probationary period to give us time to form CHARACTER PERFECTION.
Happiness is the result of HOLINESS, and conformity to the WILL of GOD. Those who would be SAINTS in HEAVEN, must first be SAINTS upon the Earth; for when we leave this Earth, we shall take our character with us, and this will be simply taking with us some of the elements of HEAVEN imparted to us through the RIGHTEOUSNESS of CHRIST. {RH, August 19, 1890 par. 9}
By how much has our probation been extended?
In God’s Word, there are clues as to the duration of this probation.
These will be discussed in a moment, but let us first reflect upon some points in the History of the Earth:
Hebrew -243 – -2424004 B.C.
(7) Tishrei 23456782526272829301 October
 Creation started after sunset at 6 pm Jerusalem time; 29th > 30th.91011121314152345678 
2324252627282916171819202122Creation Week
(8) Heshvan 78910111213303112345 November
 141516171819206789101112God / Jesus made Adam & Eve
(9) Kislev 56789101127282930123 December
Molad* of Tishrei, -241Elul 29, -242, 3 hours, 595 parts**October 12, 4003 B.C., 9:33:03.33 p.m.
Autumnal EquinoxHeshvan 1, -242, 4 hours, 451 partsOctober 23, 4004 B.C., 10:25 p.m.
* Moon is “born again”** A part is 1/1080 of an hour.3 parts = 10 seconds.
Hebrew 3757 – 37584 B.C.
(9) Kislev 67891011122526272829301 December
131415161718192345678Mary conceives at Winter Solstice. Like Creation, on a Sunday, at the beginning of the week.
(10) Tebet 56789101123242526272829
Feast of Dedication (Chanukah)Kislev 25-Tebet 3, 3758December 14-21, 4 B.C.
Fast of 10th of TebetTebet 10, 3758December 28, 4 B.C.
Molad of Tishrei, 3759Tishrei 1, 3759, 5 hours, 604 partsSeptember 9, 3 B.C., 11:33:33.33 p.m.
Winter SolsticeTebet 5, 3758, 11 hours, 920 partsDecember 23, 4 B.C., 5:51 a.m.
Hebrew 3758 – 37593 B.C.
2324252627282945678910 August
3012345611121314151617Between sunset & moonset. “Tishrei 1” 10th becomes 11th.
(6) Elul 7891011121318192021222324
212223242526271234567 September
Jesus is born at the MIDDLE of the week282912345891011121314Jesus born
(7) Tishrei 678910111215161718192021Circumcised
1314151617181922232425262728 8 days by Inclusive Reckoning
20212223242526293012345 October
(8) Heshvan 4567891013141516171819Presentation & Sacrifical Offering
18192021222324272829303112 November
Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah)Tishrei 1, 3759September 10, 3 B.C.
Fast of GedaliahTishrei 3, 3759September 12, 3 B.C.
Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)Tishrei 10, 3759September 19, 3 B.C.
Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)Tishrei 15-21, 3759September 24-30, 3 B.C.
The Eighth Day (Shmini Atzeret)Tishrei 22, 3759October 1, 3 B.C.
Molad of Tishrei, 3759Tishrei 1, 3759, 5 hours, 604 partsSeptember 9, 3 B.C., 11:33:33.33 p.m.
Molad of Tishrei, 3760Tishrei 1, 3760, 3 hours, 113 partsSeptember 28, 2 B.C., 9:06:16.67 p.m.
Autumnal EquinoxTishrei 17, 3759, 1 hour, 21 partsSeptember 25, 3 B.C., 7:01 p.m.
Hebrew 3760 – 37611 B.C.
(10) Tebet 56789101119202122232425 December
121314151617262728293031No year 0
Feast of Dedication (Chanukah)Kislev 25-Tebet 3, 3761December 10-17, 1 B.C.
Fast of 10th of TebetTebet 10, 3761December 24, 1 B.C.
Winter SolsticeTebet 9, 3761, 5 hours, 313 partsDecember 22, 1 B.C., 11:17 p.m.
Hebrew 3761 – 3762A.D. 1
SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaNo year 0
(10) Tebet 181 January
(11) Shebet 4567891016171819202122Herod dies [?]
Hebrew 3771 – 3772A.D. 11
(11) Shebet 234567825262728293031
 Passover commemorates the Israelites’ exodus from slavery in Egypt.91011121314151234567 February
(12) Adar 789101112131234567 March
 Nisan 15-21 = Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover) (Pesach)14151617181920891011121314
(1) Nisan 67891011122930311234 April
 Passover begins on the 15th day of Nisan    13141516171819567891011Jesus age 12
2021222324252612131415161718“1st” Passover
2728293012319202122232425to Jerusalem
(2) Iyar 45678910262728293012 May
Passover Sacrifice (Pesach)Nisan 14, 3771April 6, 11
Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover) (Pesach)Nisan 15-21, 3771April 7-13, 11
Hebrew 3787 – 3788A.D. 27
(8) Heshvan 141516171819202345678 November
212223242526279101112131415Jesus baptised aged “about 30” 30 = Dedication – Consecration – Maturity for Ministry
Life begins at conception28291234516171819202122
(9) Kislev 678910111223242526272829
Jesus aged 30 from conception date by Jewish Calendar    1314151617181930123456 December
2021222324252678910111213Jesus aged 30 from conception date by Roman calendar
(10) Tebet 56789101121222324252627
The Eighth Day (Shmini Atzeret)Tishrei 22, 3788October 11, 27
Feast of Dedication (Chanukah)Kislev 25-Tebet 3, 3788December 12-19, 27
Fast of 10th of TebetTebet 10, 3788December 26, 27
Autumnal EquinoxTishrei 7, 3788, 1 hour, 1071 partsSeptember 25, 7:59 p.m., 27
Winter SolsticeTebet 7, 3788, 18 hours, 975 partsDecember 23, 12:54 p.m., 27
Hebrew 3788 – 3789A.D. 28
(12b) Adar II 2122232425262745678910 April
(1) Nisan 678910111218192021222324“1st” Passover
131415161718192526272829301 May
Passover Sacrifice (Pesach)Nisan 14, 3788April 26, 28
Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover) (Pesach)Nisan 15-21, 3788April 27-May 3, 28
Hebrew 3789 – 3790A.D. 29
(12) Adar 23242526272829272829303112 April
(1) Nisan 12345673456789
89101112131410111213141516“2nd” Passover
(2) Iyar 2930123451234567 May
Passover Sacrifice (Pesach)Nisan 14, 3789April 16, 29
Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover) (Pesach)Nisan 15-21, 3789April 17-23, 29
Feast of Weeks (Shevuot)Sivan 5, 3789June 5, 29
Hebrew 3790 – 3791A.D. 30
(1) Nisan 456789102627282930311 April
111213141516172345678“3rd” Passover
(2) Iyar 234567823242526272829
(6) Elul 345678920212223242526
10111213141516272829303112 September
242526272829110111213141516Feast of
(7) Tishrei 234567817181920212223Tabernacles
161718192021221234567 October
(8) Heshvan 7891011121322232425262728
141516171819202930311234 November
(9) Kislev 56789101119202122232425
12131415161718262728293012 December
192021222324253456789Feast of
(10) Tebet 345678917181920212223[Hanukkah]
1731 Pre 17th Century + Ashkenazi Jews
Passover Sacrifice (Pesach)Nisan 14, 3790April 5, 30
Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover) (Pesach)Nisan 15-21, 3790April 6-12, 30
Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah)Tishrei 1, 3791September 16, 30
Fast of GedaliahTishrei 3, 3791September 18, 30
Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)Tishrei 10, 3791September 25, 30
Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)Tishrei 15-21, 3791September 30-October 6, 30
The Eighth Day (Shmini Atzeret)Tishrei 22, 3791October 7, 30
Feast of Dedication (Chanukah)Kislev 25-Tebet 2, 3791December 9-16, 30
Fast of 10th of TebetTebet 10, 3791December 24, 30
Molad of Tishrei, 3791Tishrei 1, 3791, 8 hours, 352 partsSeptember 16, 2:19:33.33 a.m., 30
Molad of Tishrei, 3792Elul 29, 3791, 5 hours, 941 partsOctober 4, 11:52:16.67 p.m., 31
Vernal EquinoxNisan 1, 3790, 9 hours, 319 partsMarch 23, 3:17 a.m., 30
Summer SolsticeTammuz 6, 3790, 8 hours, 121 partsJune 25, 2:06 a.m., 30
Autumnal EquinoxTishrei 10, 3791, 19 hours, 471 partsSeptember 25, 1:26 p.m., 30
Winter SolsticeTebet 9, 3791, 12 hours, 396 partsDecember 23, 6:22 a.m., 30
Hebrew 3791 – 3792A.D. 31
(12a) Adar I 2122232425262745678910 March
(12b) Adar II 56789101118192021222324
Daniel 9:27 – 70th week
Jesus dies MIDDLE of the week
192021222324251234567 April
26272829123891011121314“4th” Passover
(1) Nisan 456789101516171819202127th Jesus died
Jesus is resurrected at the MIDDLE of the Passover Feast. [Birth was also MIDDLE of week]1112131415161722232425262728Resurrection
18192021222324293012345 May
(2) Iyar 234567813141516171819
Shavuot is also known as the Feast of the Harvest 3000 added – Acts 2:41910111213141520212223242526
16171819202122272829303112 June
232425262728293456789Day 40 – Acts 1:3
(3) Sivan 123456710111213141516
Pentecost occurred on Shevuot89101112131417181920212223Pentecost
Fast of EstherAdar II 13, 3791March 26, 31
PurimAdar II 14-15, 3791March 27-28, 31
Passover Sacrifice (Pesach)Nisan 14, 3791April 25, 31
Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover) (Pesach)Nisan 15-21, 3791April 26-May 2, 31
Feast of Weeks (Shavuot)Sivan 8, 3791June 17, 31
Fast of the 17th Day of TammuzTammuz 17, 3791July 26, 31
Vernal EquinoxAdar II 10, 3791, 15 hours, 89 partsMarch 23, 9:04 a.m., 31
Summer SolsticeSivan 16, 3791, 13 hours, 957 partsJune 25, 7:53 a.m., 31
Hebrew 3830 – 3831A.D. 70
(4) Tammuz 456789101234567 July
 Jewish day of mourning & fasting  1819202122232415161718192021
(5) Av 34567892930311234 August
Held on the 10th when the 9th is a Sabbath10111213141516567891011Temple at
Fast of the 17th Day of TammuzTammuz 18, 3830July 15, 70
Fast of the 9th Day of AvAv 10, 3830August 5, 70
Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah)Tishrei 1, 3831September 24, 70
Hebrew 5797 – 5798A.D. 2037
(6) Elul 56789101116171819202122 August
19202122232425303112345 September
262728291236789101112Exactly 2039 years since the birth of Jesus
(7) Tishrei 4567891013141516171819
Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah)Tishrei 1, 5798September 10, 2037
Fast of GedaliahTishrei 4, 5798September 13, 2037
Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)Tishrei 10, 5798September 19, 2037
Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)Tishrei 15-21, 5798September 24-30, 2037
Molad of Tishrei, 5798Tishrei 1, 5798, 6 hours, 911 partsSeptember 10, 12:50:36.67 a.m., 2037
Autumnal EquinoxTishrei 14, 5798, 0 hours, 256 partsSeptember 22, 6:14 p.m., 2037
Question: Why have we considered year 2037?
1. We have already seen that the Tishrei 1 day for September 10 at Jesus’ birth exactly re-occurs in this 2037 year. Is this coincidental? Or an act of Divinity! We know that God, [and this is so for ALL subjects] is THE Master Mathematician. Also note that Tishrei 1 is the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah). Will there be “trumpets” proclaimed when Jesus returns for His people?
2. Likewise, we have seen that with the Resurrection of Jesus on the 29th April – which occurred exactly half way through the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover) (Pesach) – remember that nights come before days – gave the Day of Pentecost as Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks, which is also known as the Feast of the Harvest. Was there a Harvest of souls at this time?
3. The Gematria for the number 40 is:
Trials – Probation – Testing / Severe Test – Days of Jesus’ Temptation – Time of Proving – Closing in Victory / Judgement – A Very Long Time – Tribulation
4. We have already seen that the city of Nineveh would be overthrown in 40 days.
5. The Israelites were in the wilderness for 40 years before they entered into “the Promised Land”.
Deuteronomy 8:2 And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these FORTY YEARS in the WILDERNESS, to HUMBLE thee, [and] to PROVE THEE, to know what [was] in thine heart, whether thou wouldest KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, or no.
6. The warning given in Noah’s day was given 120 years before the destruction of the Earth.
Genesis 6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his days shall be an HUNDRED and TWENTY YEARS.
This 120 year probational period is 3 x 40 years, and is the time that God granted to the godless people who lived during the time of Noah to repent from their sins and be saved.
When Jesus returns, the Earth will be left desolate; devoid of all human beings.
Just as God’s people were protected in the floating ark, God’s people will be raised up into the flying chariot of Jesus.
7. Jesus was 40 days in the wilderness being tempted by Satan. Then Satan left Him “for a season”.
Numbers 14:34 After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, [even] forty days, each DAY FOR A YEAR, shall ye bear your iniquities, [even] forty years, and ye shall know my breach of promise. [Psalm 90:4; Ezekiel 4:6; 2 Peter 3:8]
When Jesus returns, Satan will for 1000 years, be left with no one to torment.
8. Israel served the Philistines for 40 years before Samson’s deliverance
Judges 13:1 ¶ And the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the LORD; and the LORD delivered them into the hand of the Philistines FORTY YEARS.
God’s people, as children of Israel, await deliverance by Jesus Christ from the servitude of sin / Satan.
9. Goliath taunted Saul’s army for 40 days.
1 Samuel 17:16 And the Philistine drew near morning and evening, and presented himself FORTY DAYS.
10. Elijah travelled 40 days and 40 nights to Mount Horeb
1 Kings 19:8 And he arose, and did eat and drink, and went in the strength of that meat FORTY DAYS AND FORTY NIGHTS unto Horeb the mount of God.
It is likely that, after 40 years of extended probation, God’s people shall likewise go to a place of God.
11. Ezekiel bore the iniquity of the house of Judah for 40 days.
Ezekiel 4:6 And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah FORTY DAYS: I have appointed thee each DAY FOR A YEAR. [Numbers 14:34; Psalm 90:4; 2 Peter 3:8]
Jesus likewise has had to bear the iniquity of His people – the house of Judah – for an 40 extra years of probation.
12. Jesus was conceived at the beginning of the Winter Solstice. The Winter Solstice represents the shortest day and longest night of the year, and it marks the official beginning of the winter season.
At His First Coming, Jesus was born at the start of the Jewish Civil New Year.
We should not be surprised, therefore, to find that His Second Coming also was relevant to the start of something. However, this will not occur on a “Sanctified” Sabbath day as with “seven days ascending to the sea of glass” the Sabbath day will occur on route.
13. At Christ’s First Coming, the Molad of Tishrei occurred on Tishrei 1, 3759, 5 hours, 604 parts – September 9, 3 BC, 11:33:33.33 pm [which, according to God’s Sunset Calendar, is September 10th]. The Molad of Tishrei will occur on Tishrei 1, 5798, 6 hours, 911 parts – September 10, 2037, 12:50:36.67 a.m.. While the Molad for the Tishrei 1 date will almost always occur, there is much variation in the Gregorian Calendar.
However, for these 2 years [3BC and 2037AD] they are remarkably close together for the Gregorian Calendar. This occurrence does not often happen. Since the year 2000, a September 10 date has occurred only once, in 2018, the next time will be in 2029 and then 2037. Thus the Second Coming of Jesus Christ – – at the Feast of Trumpets – (Rosh Hashanah) – End of Tishrei 1, 5798 – Start of September 11, 2037, between Jerusalem’s sunset and moonset [Jerusalem time] – – also appears to carry a Divine influence.
Note: The Moon was the original method for dating.
14.There is much more to be said about the Moon for September 2037 and also about the Celestial Planet positions during 2037. A separate web-page has been produced to cover all these points. This additional information, therefore, should be read in conjunction with this document as it forms a “twin”. Please right click upon the following link:
15. Another aspect of the working of God [and Jesus] is to be found in His use of Prime Numbers.
Are there any to be found?
Question: How many days between 11 September 3BC and 11 September 2037?
743,889 days – Note: Inclusive Reckoning has been considered as this was the Biblical method of calculation. The start and end dates both being included within the calculation.
However, this web-site is inaccurate owing to the 10 days omitted from 4.10.1582 to 15.10.1582.
In 1582, the 10 days that were missed from the Calendar were October 5–14: 
Thursday, October 4, 1582: Was followed by Friday, October 15, 1582.
The Gregorian Calendar was introduced to correct an error in the Julian Calendar, which had added 10 days too many. The Julian Calendar messed up the calculation of Easter because astronomical New Moons were occurring four days before the calculated dates. The Gregorian Calendar was chosen to bring the Vernal Equinox back to March 21. The Gregorian Calendar was adopted by Catholic countries and their overseas possessions. France adopted the Calendar in December 1582, and other countries followed over time. Protestant and Orthodox countries gradually adopted the Calendar, with Greece being the last European country to adopt it in 1923. 
This website can be easily checked to show their error:
11 days is calculated and not the 1 day that actually occurred.
Hence the 743,889 days should be 743,879 days – for all the AD days.
Now calculate the BC days:
It is noted that 1 BC was treated as being a leap year:
Google search: Was 1 BC a leap year?
Yes, 1 BC was a leap year in the proleptic Julian calendar. However, in the Julian calendar, 1 BC was a common year that started on either Friday or Saturday.
The leap year error made it difficult to determine which years were historically considered leap years during the Roman era. Between 45 BC and AD 8, the leap day was not consistent.
The priests in charge of calculating the calendar were adding leap years every three years instead of the four years decreed by Julius Caesar. As a result, no more leap years were added until 8 AD.
By sum calculation and working backwards, the number of BC days is 366 + 365 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 19 days until the 11 September = 842.
Likewise, by Inclusive Reckoning which was the Biblical method, the number of days between 11 September 3BC and 10 September 2037 = 743,879 + 842 = 744,721.
Is the number 744,721 a prime number?
it is shown to be the 5,800th Prime Number.
In Gematria, the number zero does not exist.
0 is the Symbol of Nothing, the Empty Absolute.
It is noted that the number 58 = Worldly Life.
As already stated, at the Second Coming of Jesus, this Earthly world will be desolate for 1000 years.
All Worldly Life will indeed come to an end.
The number of years from 11 September 3BC to 10 / 11 September 2037 = 2039.
As already stated, 2039 is the 309th Prime Number.
In Gematria, the number 239 means God’s Spirit Fills a New Prophet.
In the [final] year of 2037, this may well be the case.
Creation: 22 / 23 October 4004 BC.
Second Coming of Jesus: 10 / 11 September 2037
Number of complete years = 4004 + 2037 – 1 (as no year zero) – 1 (from the 2 end “part of year” dates) = 6039.
The Third Coming of Jesus will occur after 1,000 years.
6039 + 1000 = 7039.
7039 is the 905th Prime Number.
In Gematria, the number 95 means Voice of God.
There are therefore, many prime numbers relevant to the work and dates that have been considered.
Is this the work of God / Jesus – THE Master Mathematicians?
You decide!
Conclusion: In all probability, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will occur at the Feast of Trumpets – (Rosh Hashanah) – End of Tishrei 1, 5798 – Start of September 11, 2037, which is in the evening of the 10th September, 2037, between Jerusalem’s sunset and moonset [Jerusalem time]. This would be exactly 2039 years since His First Coming [birth]; 2039 being the 309th prime number. In Gematria, the number 309 means Good Confession. Tishrei 1 is the first day of the seventh month in the Hebrew Calendar and the start of the Civil New Year. It marks the beginning of the High Holy Days of Israel. The word “Tishrei” comes from the Akkadian word tasritu, which means “beginning”.
Food for Thought
Why are so many factors pointing to this specific time ?
As such, how can it NOT hold Divine relevance ?
To what else could it refer ? The next MAJOR event is the Return of Jesus Christ.