This document has been produced to be a “twin” document with the following web-page: | which confirmed that: |
In all probability, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will occur at the Feast of Trumpets – (Rosh Hashanah) – End of Tishrei 1, 5798 – September 11, 2037. This is in the evening of the 10th September, between Jerusalem’s sunset and moonset times; sometime in that 48 minutes 19 seconds span of time between 6:52:16 pm and 7:40:35 pm, [Jerusalem time]. Sunset on the September 10th being the start of September 11th, 2037. Jesus Christ will probably come at 7.00 pm again. God / Jesus are very exact and often uses 7’s. |
This document covers in much more detail the supportive criteria that is gained from an examination of the Moon and the Planets especially for the year 2037. |
Note: For those that are tight for time, [or the impatient!,] it is recommended that you go to the Summary of Main Findings which is 85% through this document. Rather than sign off, it is better that you spend time immersed in that section and make sure that you review in detail this whole document at a more opportune time. |
Firstly, some Notes and Definitions | |
The Solar System has eight Planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. There are five officially recognized Dwarf Planets in our Solar System: Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris. |
Inner Planets |
The first four Planets from the Sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. These Inner Planets are known as Terrestrial Planets because they have solid surfaces. |
Mars Facts |
Mars is the fourth Planet from the Sun, and the seventh largest Planet. |
Outer Planets |
The giant Planets in the outer Solar System don’t have hard surfaces. Instead, they have swirling gases above a core. Jupiter and Saturn are gas giants. Uranus and Neptune are ice giants. |
Uranus Facts |
Uranus is the seventh Planet from the Sun, and the third largest Planet in our Solar System. |
Dwarf Planets |
Dwarf Planets include Pluto, Ceres, Makemake, Haumea, and Eris. |
Ceres Facts |
Dwarf Planet Ceres is the largest object in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter, and it’s the only Dwarf Planet in the inner Solar System. |
Pluto Facts |
Pluto was long considered our Solar System’s ninth Planet. It was reclassified as a Dwarf Planet in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union. |
Eris Facts |
The discovery of Eris helped trigger the debate in the scientific community that led to the decision to clarify the definition of a Planet. |
The Eight Planets in our Solar System |
Mercury: Closest to the Sun |
Venus: Second Planet from the Sun |
Earth: Third Planet from the Sun |
Mars: Fourth Planet from the Sun |
Jupiter: Fifth Planet from the Sun |
Saturn: Sixth Planet from the Sun |
Uranus: Seventh Planet from the Sun |
Neptune: Farthest Planet from the Sun |
There are also several Dwarf Planets in our Solar System, including: Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris. Dwarf Planets are celestial bodies that orbit the Sun, but are not considered Planets. Pluto was considered the ninth Planet until 2006, when it was reclassified as a Dwarf Planet. In addition to the Planets and Dwarf Planets, our Solar System also includes Moons, Comets, Asteroids, Ice, and Space Rocks. |
Some Facts about the Sun, Earth and Moon |
Sun |
The Sun is a yellow Dwarf Star. |
The Sun’s equator is 4,379,000 km long. |
The Sun’s radius is 695,700 km. |
The Sun’s temperature ranges from 5,973°C to 15,000,000°C. |
The Sun rotates on its axis every 27 Earth days. |
Earth |
Earth is not perfectly round. |
Earth is thicker around the Equator. |
Earth’s magnetic pole is moving westward. |
Antarctica contains the largest ice sheet on Earth. |
Coral reefs are Earth’s largest living structure. |
Atacama is the driest place on Earth. |
Moon |
The Moon’s diameter is 3,476 km. |
The Moon’s equator is 10,917 km long. |
The Moon’s surface temperature ranges from -133°C to 121°C. |
The Moon’s average distance from Earth is 384,400 km. |
The Moon rotates on its axis every 29.530575 Earth days. |
The Moon is drifting away from Earth by about 3.8 cm each year. | |
Terms used in Sky Event Almanac |
Perigee – instant when the Moon is closest to Earth |
Apogee – instant when the Moon is furthest from Earth |
Perihelion – instant when a Planet is closest to the Sun |
Aphelion – instant when a Planet is furthest from the Sun |
Conjunction – instant when a Planet appears closest the Sun as seen from Earth |
Superior Conjunction – instant when a Planet (Mercury or Venus) passes on the opposite side of the Sun from Earth |
Inferior Conjunction – instant when a Planet (Mercury or Venus) passes between Earth and the Sun |
Opposition – instant when a Planet appears opposite the Sun as seen from Earth |
Occultation – the Moon Occults or Eclipses a Star or Planet. |
In astronomy, an “Occultation” refers to the event where one celestial body passes in front of another, completely blocking the view of the background object from an observer, essentially “hiding” it from sight; most commonly used to describe when the Moon passes in front of a Star or Planet, obscuring it from view for a short time. |
“Occult” means to hide, so “Occultation” literally means the act of hiding something. |
The Moon in more Detail |
The eight lunar phases are, in order: New Moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, Full Moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, and waning crescent. The cycle repeats once every 29.530575 days. |
For more details on this [and the Hebrew Calendar], right click upon the link below | |
A Full Moon occurs when the side of the Moon facing Earth is fully lit up by the Sun. There are a few different types of unusual Full Moon types, which include Blood Moons, Supermoons, Blue Moons, and Harvest Moons, and others. |
What is the closest that the Moon gets to Earth? |
The distance varies because the Moon travels around Earth in an elliptical orbit. At Perigee (minimum), the point at which the Moon is closest to Earth, the distance is approximately 356,580 km [221,568 miles]. At Perigee (maximum), the distance is approximately 367,894 km [228,599 miles]. [These distances are based upon those given for 2001-2100, which also gave an average Perigee distance of 360,699 km [224,128 miles] – not 362,237 km, which is the minimum and maximum average.] |
If Perigee coincides with a Full Moon phase, this is generally called a Supermoon. The term is not a scientific one, but it is used by the skywatching community when the Full Moon appears within 90% of Perigee. |
Supermoons appear roughly 17% bigger and 30% brighter than the faintest Moon of the year. Since the Moon’s gravity exerts a pulling force on Earth’s oceans to produce tides, the Moon’s closer proximity to Earth around Perigee can also trigger higher-than-usual tides. |
When a Full Moon takes place when the Moon is near its closest approach to Earth, it is called a Super Full Moon. When there is a New Moon around the closest point to Earth, it is known as a Super New Moon. |
A Micromoon, on the other hand, is when a Full or a New Moon is near its farthest point from Earth, around Apogee. It’s also known as a Minimoon, Mini Full Moon, or a Mini New Moon. |
The following definitions are used at |
Supermoon: A Full or New Moon that occurs when the centre of the Moon is less than 360,000 kilometres (ca. 223,693.56 miles) from the centre of Earth. |
Micromoon: A Full Moon or New Moon that takes place when the centre of the Moon is farther than 405,000 kilometres (ca. 251,655 miles) from the centre of Earth. |
A Super Full Moon’s angular size is 12.5%–14.1% bigger than a Micro Full Moon, and 5.9%–6.9% bigger than an average Full Moon (in years 1550–2650). |
A Review Plus |
A Super New Moon occurs when a New Moon coincides with Perigee, the point in the Moon’s orbit when it’s closest to Earth. A Supermoon [Perigee] is 13-14% bigger and 27-30% brighter than a Micromoon [Apogee] |
Explanation |
The Moon’s orbit around Earth is elliptical, not circular, so the distance between the Moon and Earth varies. |
When the Full Moon or New Moon occurs near the Moon’s closest approach to Earth, its Perigee, it is often called a Supermoon. |
The technical term for a Supermoon is a Perigee syzygy. Syzygy means a Conjunction or Opposition, especially of the Moon with the Sun. |
The point when the Moon is furthest from Earth is called Apogee. |
The maximum distance of the Moon from Earth is approximately 405,696 km (252,088 miles), which is called “Apogee” (‘apo’ means ‘away’), when the Moon is at its furthest point in its orbit around Earth. On February 5, 2023, the Moon was approximately 406,432.21 kilometres away from Earth; it was a Full Moon on that date and this was a Micromoon. |
The opposite of a Supermoon, when the Moon is at Apogee, is called a Micromoon. |
The term “Supermoon” comes from popular culture and was coined by astrologer Richard Nolle in 1979. |
Not every Full Moon is a Supermoon because of the Moon’s orbit. |
Some Supermoons are not visible because they occur during a New Moon. |
Although there are claims that Supermoons are associated with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, no such link has been found. |
Although the Sun and the Moon’s alignment cause a small increase in tectonic activity, the effects of the Supermoon on Earth are minor. Many scientists have conducted studies, and they haven’t found anything significant that can link the Super Moon to natural disasters. |
According to NASA, the combination of the Moon being at its closest and at Full Moon, should not affect the internal energy balance of the Earth since there are lunar tides every day. |
What is a Blue Moon and why is it rare? |
There is usually only one Full Moon every month, but occasionally there are two – and that second Full Moon is called the Blue Moon. |
The Moon phases take 29.530575 days to complete which means it takes just 354.3669 days to complete 12 lunar cycles. So every 32.5 months or so a 13th Full Moon is observed within a Calendar Year. This 13th Full Moon doesn’t conform to the normal naming scheme and is referred to as the Blue Moon. |
Given that a year is approximately 365.24219 days and a synodic orbit is 29.530575 days, then there are about 12.36827 synodic months in a year. For this to add up to another full month would take 1/0.368272 years. Thus it would take about 2.71538 years, or 2 years, 8 months, and 17 days, and 19 hours for another [Pruett] Blue Moon to occur. [approximately once in 32.5 months on an average.] |
How often do Blue Moons occur? |
Normally Blue Moons occur about every 32.5 months. In 2018, unusually, we had TWO BLUE MOONS IN ONE YEAR and only two months apart – and one was a Lunar Eclipse! THE NEXT TIME WE WILL GET TWO BLUE MOONS IN A YEAR WILL BE 2037. | |
? Full Moon (exactly so at 9:36 p.m. EDT). Writes Gianluca Masi, “The 31 August Full Moon will be the third supermoon of 2023, but it will be the largest of the year. In addition, being the second Full Moon of this month, it is also a so-called Blue Moon. Having two supermoons in the same month is relatively rare: last time was in 2018, next time will be in 2037.” |
Why is a Blue Moon so called? |
The term Blue Moon originated from the 16th-century expression “the Moon is Blue,” meaning something that was impossible. For two years following the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in Indonesia in 1883, people around the world reported seeing strangely coloured sunsets and a Moon that appeared Blue. |
When you hear someone say, “Once in a Blue Moon …” you know they are talking about something rare. A Blue Moon is not Blue in colour. In fact, a Blue Moon does not look any different than a regular, monthly Full Moon. |
Rather, a Blue Moon is special because it is the “extra” Moon in a season with four Full Moons. Since the 1940s, the term “Blue Moon” has also been used for the second Full Moon in a Calendar Month. This usually happens only every two-and-a-half years. |
A Blue Moon refers either to the presence of a second Full Moon in a Calendar Month, to the third Full Moon in a season containing four, or to a Moon that appears Blue due to atmospheric effects. |
One use of the term is for the occurrence of a second New Moon to be in the same Calendar Month. This is analogous to the by-month definition of a Blue Moon as the second Full Moon in a month. February is too short for a second New Moon to occur [February 28 or 29 days < 29.530575 day Moon Cycle]. |
The practice of designating the second Full Moon in a month as “Blue” originated with amateur astronomer James Hugh Pruett in 1946. |
The Moon – not necessarily Full – can sometimes appear Blue due to atmospheric emissions from large forest fires or volcanoes, though the phenomenon is rare and unpredictable (hence the saying “once in a Blue Moon”). A Calendrical Blue Moon (by Pruett’s definition) is predictable and relatively common, happening 7 times in every 19 years (i.e. once every 32.5 months). Calendrical Blue Moons occur because the time between successive Full Moons (29.530575 days) is shorter than the average Calendar Month. They are of no astronomical nor historical significance, and are not a product of actual Lunisolar timekeeping or intercalation. |
Seasonal Blue Moons take place slightly less frequently than Monthly Blue Moons—in the 1100 years between 1550 and 2650, there are 408 Seasonal Blue Moons and 456 Monthly Blue Moons. This means that either type of Blue Moon occurs roughly every 32.5 months. |
The term “Blue Moon” has two definitions, one of which comes from an article by astronomer James Hugh Pruett in 1946. |
The years that have had TWO [Pruett] BLUE MOONS in a single Calendar Year are: 1915, 1961, 1999, 2018, and the next occurrence is predicted for 2037, then 2094. |
For the 1901-2100 AD period, in that 200 years there are 187 Full Moons that could be called “Blue” by some definition – an average of one per 1 year 25 days. Two Pruett Blue Moons can occur in a single year (1915, 1961, 1999, 2018, 2037, 2094). 1915 had four Blue Moons (two Pruett, one Maine, one Astro-Seasonal). 1934 and 2048 have three (one of each type). |
These are ALL the TWO BLUE MOONS that will occur from 1901-2100; 6 over a 200 year span and the next one occurs in 2037. | |
Do Blue Moons and Supermoons always occur together? |
No. The term “Supermoon” is used to describe a Full Moon that occurs within a day or so of Perigee, so they happen three to four times a year. About 25 percent of all Full Moons are Supermoons, but only 6 percent of Full Moons are Blue Moons (Seasonal and Monthly). The time between Super Blue Moons is quite irregular – it can be as much as 20 years – but in general, 10 years is the average. However, if you like to celebrate both Seasonal and Monthly Blue Moons, the gap is closer to five years. |
Monthly Bue Moons always occur in the last two or three days of the month. A Monthly Blue Moon in January is usually followed by another one in March of the same year. And in fact, the next Monthly Super Blue Moons will occur as a pair, in January and March 2037. Seasonal Blue Moons always occur almost exactly one month before an equinox or a solstice. The next Seasonal Blue Moon will be on August 21, 2032. |
According to current astronomical information, the recent Super Blue Moon that occurred in August 2023 is considered the last one visible until 2037, meaning you won’t see another Super Blue Moon for a significant period of time after this one. |
Rarity: A Super Blue Moon is a rare event, as it combines a Full Moon that is at its closest point to Earth (a Supermoon) with a “Blue Moon” which is the second Full Moon in a single Calendar Month. |
Black [New] Moon is a name recently (2016) given to various New Moons or absences of them, within a year. It is not a term used in astronomy and there is no single accepted definition of it. Among the meanings ascribed to it are these: a second New Moon that appears in the same month; the third New Moon in an astronomical season with four New Moons; the absence of a New Moon in February; or the absence of a Full Moon in February. |
What is the meaning of a Black Moon? |
According to Time and Date, a “Black [New] Moon” is actually inverse of a “Blue [Full] Moon.” It is either defined as the second New Moon within a Calendar Month, or as the third New Moon in a season of four New Moons. |
How rare is the Black [New] Moon? |
It’s a bit more rare, occurring about once every 33 months. The 30 December 2024 Black Moon was of the more common type, occurring every 29 months. The last Seasonal Black Moon was in May 2023, while the next will be on August 23, 2025 in most of the world. It is on August 22 in western time zones. |
Is a Black [New] Moon just a New Moon? |
That’s because a Black Moon is the term for the second New Moon to fall in a single Calendar Month, and New Moons appear invisible to the naked eye from Earth. |
Can I see a Black [New] Moon? |
But, if you want to spot a Black Moon, you’re out of luck: they are invisible. Black [New] Moons aren’t visible in the night sky because they are New Moons. |
Planets and Main Stars are given Meanings |
For more details on this [and the Birth of Jesus], right click upon the link below | |
Mercury = Planet of Speed, Messenger, Law, Deception |
Venus = The Mother Planet, Prophecy |
Mars = Red Planet, Planet of War, Aggression, Danger |
Jupiter = Planet of Kings, Righteousness, Justice, Lord of Heaven, The Messiah |
Saturn = Planet Protector of the Jews |
Neptune is associated with the sign of Pisces, which is a traditional symbol of Christianity |
Uranus = Bride of Christ, Testifies of Christ, Church in Decline, Last Days of the Church |
Pluto is the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Hades. Pluto [Planet “X”] signifies the underworld, a place of darkness and cold |
Regulus = Star of Kingship, Kingmaker, Little King, Chief Star of Leo |
Day Star = The Star in the Head of the Infant in “Coma” visible in daylight for 300 years |
Leo = Constellation of Kings and of Tribe of Judah |
Pisces = Constellation of Nation of Israel |
Virgo = The Virgin or Maiden |
Eris = Discord, Strife and Controversy |
One of the most renowned Fixed Stars is Regulus, the heart of the lion in the Constellation Leo. Known as the “Kingmaker”. Regulus, means “little king” in Latin. |
Leo the Lion’s brightest Star is Regulus, the Lion’s Heart. Regulus is the brightest Star in this Constellation and it is thought to represent the lion’s heart. It can be found in the night sky by using two Stars in the Plough that make up the side of the blade closest to the handle. | |
Regulus is the 21st brightest Star in the sky. It resides within the Constellation Leo and is one of the three bright Stars making up the Spring Triangle, a recognizable Asterism. The Star has an apparent magnitude of 1.35, which means it’s easily visible to the naked eye. |
Although Regulus appears to be a Single Star, it’s actually a system of four Stars that are organized into two pairs. The first pair, known as Regulus A, consists of the Blue main sequence Star of the Spectral Type B8 and a presumed main sequence White Dwarf. The Blue Star is visible to the naked eye, and its partner has never been directly observed. Astronomers predicted its existence using Spectroscopic Analysis. |
Regulus has an apparent visual magnitude of about 1.35. It is 77.63 light-years from Earth. The name Regulus, derived from a Latin word for king. It’s also known as Alpha Leonis. |
78 = Miracles |
135 = Spiritual Gifts |
For more details on each number and it’s meaning, right click upon the link below: | |
Regulus is in Conjunction with the Sun on or around August 23 each year. |
Regulus is the closest of the bright Stars, and is often occulted by the Moon. This occurs in spates every 9.3 years, due to Lunar Precession. The last spate was around 2017, with Occultations every month from December 2016 till July 2017, each one limited to certain areas on Earth. |
Regulus is a Multiple Star System consisting of at least four Stars and a Substellar Object. |
Regulus is the dot at the bottom of a backward question mark pattern of Stars, called the Sickle. An easily identifiable triangle depicts the Lion’s hindquarters and tail. The Star Denebola marks the tail of the Lion. | |
21. Regulus (1.40, Leo) |
Stellar classification is a scheme for assigning Stars to types according to their temperatures as estimated from their Spectra. The generally accepted System of Stellar Classification is a combination of two classification schemes: the Harvard System, which is based on the Star’s Surface Temperature, and the MK System, which is based on the Star’s Luminosity. |
21 = The Totality of God’s Judgement against the Wicked. Appointed Time. |
Just as Regulus was active at the time just prior to the Birth of Jesus, we can expect Regulus, as the Star of Kingship, Kingmaker, Little King, and the Chief Star of Leo, to play a role just before the Second Coming of Christ. |
Time Keeping |
Zechariah 8:3 Thus saith the LORD; I am returned unto ZION, and will dwell in the MIDST of JERUSALEM: and JERUSALEM shall be called a CITY of TRUTH; and the MOUNTAIN of the LORD of HOSTS the HOLY MOUNTAIN. |
Revelation 21:2 And I John saw the HOLY CITY, NEW JERUSALEM, coming down FROM GOD OUT OF HEAVEN, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. [John saw the holy city, the New Jerusalem, with its twelve gates of pearl and twelve foundations of precious stones, coming down from God out of Heaven. The streets are of transparent gold, clear as crystal. Everyone who shall enter those gates and walk those streets will here have been changed and purified by the power of the truth; and the crown of immortal glory will adorn the brow of the overcomer. [ST, December 22, 1887 par. 3]] |
The time keeping of God is Jerusalem time. Jerusalem, Israel time is the same as in Eastern European Time. Charts using all other Time Zones MUST be converted. | |
Date EET Event |
January 2037 05 09:16 Regulus 1.5°S of Moon |
05 13:57 Saturn 0.7°S of Moon: Occultation [an Occultation is when one celestial object hides another celestial object from view.] |
February 01 19:21 Regulus 1.6°S of Moon |
01 21:24 Saturn 0.5°S of Moon: Occultation |
13 06:35 Saturn 1.1°N of Regulus |
March 01 05:37 Saturn 0.2°S of Moon: Occultation |
01 06:52 Regulus 1.6°S of Moon |
28 13:13 Saturn 0.2°S of Moon: Occultation |
28 17:19 Regulus 1.6°S of Moon |
April 24 19:40 Saturn 0.4°S of Moon: Occultation |
25 01:11 Regulus 1.8°S of Moon |
May 22 02:06 Saturn 0.7°S of Moon: Occultation |
22 06:50 Regulus 2.1°S of Moon |
June 18 10:21 Saturn 1.1°S of Moon: Occultation |
18 12:13 Regulus 2.3°S of Moon |
July 05 08:37 Saturn 1.0°N of Regulus |
15 19:16 Regulus 2.3°S of Moon |
20 23:08 Venus 1.0°N of Regulus |
25 04:05 Mercury 1.3°S of Regulus |
September 06 03:39 Jupiter 0.5°N of Moon: Occultation. |
08 12:37 Mercury 2.4°S of Moon |
08 15:19 Regulus 2.3°S of Moon |
09 20:25 NEW MOON |
10 00:15 Mercury 0.1°N of Regulus |
10 04:13 Moon at Perigee: 357229 km |
NB: 357229 is the 30539th Prime Number, which itself is the 3297th Prime Number. 3297 = 3 * 7 * 157, where 3 = Godhead (3 Powers) – Divine Completeness / Perfection / Holiness – Resurrection – Holy Spirit – Completion of Divine Will – Wholeness / Inner Sanctity – Binding (Spirit of God) 7 = Spiritual Completeness / Perfection – Sanctification – Resurrection – Covenant – Holy Spirit – Finished – Totality – God’s Seal – The End (sword) 157 = Chosen People Also note that the Moon [Jesus] is at Perigee [closest to the Earth = Mankind] on this 10th September, 2037 day. [See below] |
What is the above telling us? |
Firstly, a note of understanding: |
In Christianity, the Moon symbolizes Jesus, the Son of God. The Sun is symbolic of God the Father. The Earth is symbolic of us mortal human beings. The Father (Sun) illuminates the Son (Moon) with His light / life, and in turn, the Son (Moon) illuminates us mortal human beings (Earth) with the same light / life which He (Jesus, the Son, the Moon) received from His Father (the Sun). We do not see the Sun at night, but the Moon (Son of God), He is the reflection of His Father (the Sun). Jesus (the Moon) is a light which shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not been able to put it out. It is by The God the Father (Sun) is the source of power and the life-giver. It is by Faith that we (Earth) look to Jesus (Moon) to ensure that we do not walk in [spiritual] darkness. Finally, note that, as we cannot look at the Sun without incurring destruction, so with God – no man can see God and live [Exodus 33:20]. |
For 3 months [March 1-June 18, 2037] Regulus was always within 6 hours of the 5 No. Saturn – Moon Occultations. Regulus [the Kingmaker] was giving continuing support to Saturn [the Planet Protector of the Jews] when Jesus (Moon) appeared far away. |
Jupiter [Planet of Kings, Righteousness, Lord of Heaven, The Messiah], Mercury [Planet of Speed, Messenger, Law] and Regulus [the Kingmaker] are all present with the Moon [Jesus] during the 5 days up to 11 September. |
As we have seen, Mercury is the Planet of Speed while Jupiter is the Planet of Kings, Righteousness, The Messiah. These two, along with Regulus, the Star of Kingship, Kingmaker, all being connected with the Moon (Jesus) confirm that something big and important is about to occur. |
Revelation 3:11 Behold, I COME QUICKLY: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. |
Revelation 22:7 Behold, I COME QUICKLY: blessed [is] he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book. |
Revelation 22:12 And, behold, I COME QUICKLY; AND MY REWARD [IS] WITH ME, to give every man according as his work shall be. |
Revelation 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I COME QUICKLY. Amen. Even so, COME, LORD JESUS. |
Venus, the Mother Planet / Prophecy, also shows a presence 52 days before 11th September. |
What about Mars, the Red Planet, the Planet of War, the Warrior King, Aggression, and Danger? |
Is there a correlation between the influence of Mars and the depictions of Satan or Satanic archetypes? |
Mars is seen as fire, metalwork, masonry, sulphur, acid, volcanoes, which is often used to describe Hell itself. |
Mars is the fourth Planet from the Sun, where 4 has many connections with Earthly matters. | |
In rare instances, Mars can have three Conjunctions with the Pleiades cluster in period of about 4.7 months. But for this to happen, Mars must reach Opposition at a critical time, so that Mars can swing by the Pleiades going in prograde (eastward in front of the background Stars of the Zodiac), then in retrograde (westward in front of the backdrop Stars), and then in prograde (eastward) again. This last happened in 1990-91 and will next happen in 2037-38. |
The Pleiades have been associated with mourning and funerals in European folklore since the Bronze Age. |
First Conjunction: August 31, 1990 (5.8 degrees, going eastward) |
First Conjunction: September 12, 2037 (6.0 degrees, going eastward) |
With Mars typifying Satan, then there does seem to be a parallel. |
The date September 12, 2037 does seem to be of relevance. |
It would be the day [probably plus a few hours] after the Second Coming of Jesus and the first day where Satan and his angels are confined to a desolate Earth. |
As we have stated, our Solar System has eight Planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. There are five officially recognized Dwarf Planets in our Solar System: Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris. |
Notice that all the planets but Saturn have a correlation with the Moon on 10th September, Jerusalem time. |
Saturn, the Planet Protector of the Jews, does NOT need to be present. God’s people at that time are character perfect and living without a Mediator in heaven. |
Explanatory Notes |
A Conjunction is when two or more celestial objects appear close together in the sky. Conjunctions can involve Planets, Moons, Stars, or Asteroids. |
Opposition is when a celestial body appears on the opposite side of the sky from the Sun, as seen from Earth. |
Squares happen when two Planets are 90° [degrees] apart. |
A Semisquare, an astrological aspect. Originally an L-shaped half a square, thus graphically 90° though standing for 45°. Now commonly drawn as an acute angle, but approx. 60°, not 45°. |
Sextile is when two celestial bodies are 60° apart. |
“Semi-sextile” refers to an aspect between two Planets that are approximately 30° apart. |
Trine is a 120° angle between two Planets |
A Sesquiquadrate is when two Planets are separated by 135°, or 1.5 quadrants. It’s also known as a sesquisquare. |
“Bi-Quintile” refers to an aspect between two Planets when they are positioned 144° apart in a natal chart, essentially double the “Quintile” aspect (72°). |
A Quincunx (also known as an inconjunct) is an aspect formed when two planets are 150° apart. When two Planets are five Zodiac signs apart, they are quincunx. | |
Showing timing for places that use Eastern Standard Time (EST), UTC-5:00. [Jerusalem, Israel is 7 hours ahead of EST] |
September 09, 2037 |
Time Aspect Position |
12:20 am Venus Quincunx Mars |
02:02 am Mercury Square Mars |
07:16 am Moon Semi Square Node |
08:37 am Moon Sesquiquadrate Neptune |
09:44 am Moon Semi Square Venus |
02:25 pm Sun Conjunction Moon – Jerusalem time is 9:25 pm; which is 10th September by sunset times. |
08:07 pm Moon Quincunx Pluto |
10:45 pm Moon Bi Quintile Neptune |
11:22 pm Moon Sextile Uranus |
11:43 pm Moon Sextile Jupiter |
September 10, 2037 |
03:24 am Moon Square Chiron |
05:21 am Moon Opposition Lilith |
05:32 am Moon Bi Quintile Pluto |
06:39 am Moon Sextile Node |
06:41 am Mercury Sextile Venus |
08:09 am Moon Quincunx Neptune |
09:25 am Moon Trine Mars |
11:12 am Moon Semi Sextile Venus |
11:14 am Moon Semi Sextile Mercury |
Notice that the Sun (God the Father) is in Conjunction with the Moon (Jesus, His Son) at 9:25 pm on 10th September. |
Matthew 27:46 And about the ninth hour JESUS CRIED WITH A LOUD VOICE, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME? [THOU implies a singular God – as a trinitarian god he would have said the plural you and, by an unexplainable mystery, He would have also been speaking to Himself ! ] [Roman time keeping: the ninth hour would be 3 o’clock.] [Psalm 22:1; Mark 15:34] |
How appropriate! At the death of Christ they were apart. At the Second Advent they are seen as One by the Conjunction. |
Now we will look at the Planets: |
Just before the time of Christ’s birth, there was much celestial activity. See: | |
Knowing the way that God works, we can expect the same to occur at His Second Coming. |
Note: [A Conjunction is a celestial event in which two Planets or a Planet and the Moon or a Planet and a Star appear close together in the night sky.] In the 12 month [12/09/2036-11/09/2037] review below, initially only Conjunctions between Planets are shown [i.e. Planet / Moon Conjunctions and other data are not shown]. As you will later see, Conjunctions between Planets themselves happen much less often than Planet / Moon Conjunctions which occur roughly once a month. | |
September 24 Mercury at highest altitude in morning sky. Mercury at greatest elongation west. 1 Ceres at Perihelion. Mercury at Dichotomy. Conjunction of Mercury and Ceres. Mercury at Perihelion. |
[Dwarf planet Ceres is the largest object in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter, and it’s the only Dwarf Planet located in the Inner Solar System.] | |
October 25 Conjunction of Venus and Ceres. | | |
December 6 Phi Cassiopeid Meteor Shower. Conjunction of Venus and Mars. Mercury at greatest elongation east. The Moon at Perigee. Close approach of Venus and Mars. | | | |
March 29 Conjunction of Mercury and NEPTUNE. The Moon at Perigee. | |
April 17 136199 Eris at Solar Conjunction. Conjunction of Mars and Pluto. | |
May 13 Conjunction of Mercury and NEPTUNE. Asteroid 43 Ariadne at opposition. |
15 Conjunction of Mercury and Eris. | |
June 2 Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter. |
16 Conjunction of Venus and URANUS. Close approach of the Moon and M44. [The well known Beehive Star Cluster at the heart of the Crab.] |
27 June Bootid Meteor Shower 2037. Full Moon. Conjunction of Mercury and URANUS. The Moon at Aphelion. | |
July 15 Conjunction of the Moon and Venus. Close approach of the Moon and Venus. Lunar Occultation of Venus. The Moon at Perigee. Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn. Close approach of the Moon and Saturn. Conjunction of Mars and NEPTUNE. |
18 Conjunction of Mars and Eris. |
[Discovered in 2005, Eris is now the largest known Dwarf Planet in our Solar System. Its diameter is estimated at 3000 km, and it weighs roughly 1.66 x 1022 kg, which is about 27% more massive than Pluto.] |
22 Mercury at Dichotomy. Conjunction of Venus and Saturn. Close approach of Venus and Saturn. |
30 Southern Delta Aquariid Meteor Shower 2037. Alpha Capricornid Meteor Shower 2037. Conjunction of Mercury and Saturn. | |
August 3 Conjunction of the Moon and Mars. Close approach of the Moon and Mars. |
8 Close approach of the Moon and Jupiter. Lunar Occultation of Jupiter. Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter. |
11 New Moon. Conjunction of Saturn and Mercury. |
12 Conjunction of the Moon and Mercury. Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn. The Moon at Perihelion. The Moon at Perigee. Perseid Meteor Shower 2037. |
13 Asteroid 192 Nausikaa at opposition. Conjunction of the Moon and Venus. 134340 Pluto at Opposition. Close approach of the Moon and Venus. |
21 Mercury at inferior SOLAR Conjunction. |
[An “Inferior Solar Conjunction” means that a planet, specifically an “Inferior Planet” like Mercury or Venus, is positioned directly between the Earth and the Sun, appearing to pass across the Sun’s face as seen from Earth; essentially, it’s the point in their orbit where they are closest to Earth while aligned with the Sun.] |
29 Saturn at SOLAR Conjunction. |
[A Solar Conjunction is when a Planet or other object in our Solar System is on the opposite side of the Sun from Earth.] |
[A Saturn-Sun Conjunction, where the two Planets appear close together in the sky from Earth’s perspective, happens once a year as Saturn orbits the Sun, with the exact alignment considered a significant astrological event in the same Zodiac Degree; however, a “Deep Conjunction” where they are extremely close together is a rarer occurrence.] |
[Typically, you can expect to see several Planetary Conjunctions each month, as the Moon frequently passes close to different Planets in its orbit around Earth, creating a Conjunction with each one roughly once a month. However, Conjunctions between Planets themselves happen much less often, depending on their orbital speeds.] |
Note: There are 5 Conjunctions with the Moon, 1 Conjunction between Planets, and 2 Solar Conjunctions in this August month. It does sometimes occur – September 2012 and April 2024. There was much celestial activity in August 3 BC.. | |
September 1 Aurigid Meteor Shower. Conjunction of the Moon and Mars. Close approach of the Moon and Mars. |
5 Close approach of the Moon and Jupiter. Lunar Occultation of Jupiter. Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter. Close approach of the Moon, Jupiter and Uranus. Lunar Occultation of Uranus. |
6 Close approach of the Moon and M44. [The well known Beehive Star Cluster at the heart of the Crab.] [Note: This actually occurs on the 7 September 2037 at 06:04 IDT (Jerusalem time).] [Messier 44, also well known as the Beehive Cluster or Praesepe, swarms with activity as its name would suggest. This Open Cluster of around 1,000 Stars, loosely connected by gravity, is one of the closest to Earth at approximately 600 light-years away.] |
7 Mercury at greatest elongation west. |
8 Conjunction of the Moon and Mercury. Close approach of Jupiter and Uranus. Conjunction of Jupiter and URANUS. Mercury at Dichotomy. Mercury at highest altitude in morning sky. |
9 ?-Perseid Meteor Shower. New Moon. The Moon at Perigee. |
Findings: In the above 12 month review [1st month was dormant, so in 11 months], we have a total of 27 Conjunctions = 12 Planet / Planet Conjunctions, 3 Planet / Dwarf Planet Conjunctions, 10 Planet / Moon Conjunctions and 2 Planet / Solar Conjunctions. In addition, there are 9 Close approaches of the Moon and M44. Note: There were NO Moon / M44 dates for 2036 prior to the 12 September, 2036 review start date. See and |
The largest Dwarf Planets, in order of their size, are Pluto, Eris, Haumea, Makemake, Gonggong, Quaoar, Sedna, Ceres, Orcus. 3 of these being involved in Conjunctions during this 12 month review. |
On average, there are several Planet-to-Planet Conjunctions visible each year, with the most frequent occurring between the inner Planets like Mercury and Venus due to their faster orbits, while Conjunctions between outer Planets like Jupiter and Saturn happen much less often, roughly every 20 years; meaning you might only see one “Great Conjunction” per year depending on the Planets involved. |
Within this review, we have found that every Planet will be involved in at least one Conjunction, including the former Planet Pluto, which was downgraded to a Dwarf Planet in 2006. |
The message in the last 2 months [i.e. end of July, and then repeated in August] of this review would appear to be that before the Return of Jesus, God, through His angels, protects His people [spiritual Israel – the Jews] until His Messenger, Jesus comes [in September] to collect His Bride as the church is in Decline [from the on-going persecution]. |
Conclusion: Just like in 3 BC, there WILL be an escalation in celestial events just prior to the Coming of Jesus. | |
Special Moon Events in 2037 |
Total Lunar Eclipse (Partial Lunar Eclipse, as seen from Jerusalem on 31 January) |
Blue Moon: 31 January (second Full Moon in single Calendar Month) |
Super Full Moon: 31 January |
Black Moon: February (no Full Moon in Calendar Month) |
Micro New Moon: 15 February |
Super Full Moon: 2 March |
Micro New Moon: 17 March |
Blue Moon: 31 March (second Full Moon in single Calendar Month) |
Partial Lunar Eclipse visible in Jerusalem on 27 July |
Super New Moon: 9 September |
Micro Full Moon: 24 September |
Super New Moon: 9 October |
Two Blue Moons in a year is a rare event (second Full Moon in single Calendar Month) |
Moon Phases for Jerusalem, Israel in 2037 |
31 January 16:04 |
31 March 12:53 |
9 September 21:25 |
All times are local time for Jerusalem. Time is adjusted for DST when applicable. |
Now a look at Meteor Showers in the month up to 11th September, 2037: | | |
The Perseid Meteor Shower will be active from 17 July to 24 August, producing its peak rate of Meteors around 12 August. |
The Shower is expected to reach peak activity at around 01:00 IDT on 13 August 2037. |
At its peak, the Shower is expected to produce a nominal rate of around 150 Meteors per hour. | |
The Kappa Cygnid Meteor Shower will be active from 3 August to 25 August, producing its peak rate of Meteors around 18 August. |
The Shower is expected to reach peak activity at around 06:00 IDT on 18 August 2037. |
At its peak, the Shower is expected to produce a nominal rate of around 3 Meteors per hour. | |
Aurigid Meteor Shower 2037. Tuesday, 01 September 2037 |
The Aurigid Meteor Shower will be active from 28 August to 5 September, producing its peak rate of Meteors around 1 September. |
At its peak, the Shower is expected to produce a nominal rate of around 6 Meteors per hour. | |
September Epsilon Perseid Meteor Shower 2037. Wednesday, 09 September 2037 |
The September Epsilon Perseid Meteor Shower will be active from 5 September to 21 September, producing its peak rate of Meteors around 9 September. |
At its peak, the Shower is expected to produce a nominal rate of around 5 Meteors per hour. |
The Shower is expected to reach peak activity at around 17:00 IDT on 9 September 2037, and so the best displays might be seen after the radiant rises on 9 September. |
NB: The best display will be the Return of Jesus at around this time! | |
Daytime Sextantid Meteor Shower 2037. Sunday, 27th September 2037 |
The Daytime Sextantid Meteor Shower will be active from 9 September to 9 October, producing its peak rate of Meteors around 27 September. |
At its peak, the Shower is expected to produce a nominal rate of around 5 Meteors per hour. |
As our Planet spins on its axis from west to east, we perceive the sky as moving in the opposite direction—from east to west. As such the “Zodiac Signs” are read anti-clockwise. |
A quick look at the Zodiac: |
The Sumerians and then The Babylonians, around the 7th century BC, used the duodecimal (base 12) system to segment the spherical view of the night sky into equal triangles and then named the triangle with the most prominent ‘pattern’ of Stars in it. Thus each of the 12 equal zones of 30° (a full circle being 360°), were named after nearby Constellations, such as Gemini, Aries, Pisces, etc.. This has become known as the Zodiac. |
Ecliptic Path: The Zodiac is considered a Band around the Ecliptic where the Sun, Moon, and most visible Planets appear to move. |
The brightest Stars in each of the 12 Zodiac Constellations are: |
Aries: Hamal |
Taurus: Aldebaran |
Gemini: Castor |
Cancer: Acubene |
Leo: Regulus |
Virgo: Spica |
Libra: Zubeneschamali |
Scorpio: Antares |
Sagittarius: Kaus Australis |
Capricorn: Deneb Algedi |
Aquarius: Sadalsud |
Pisces: Alpherg |
Note: While these are considered the brightest Stars in their respective Constellations, the brightness can vary depending on the source and may not always be readily visible to the naked eye. |
When Jesus is about to return, both the Sun (God the Father] and the Moon (Jesus, His Son) will be in Virgo. Virgo, which means Virgin or Maiden, is the second-largest Constellation in the sky. Their neighbours are Leo and Libra. |
Leo is the fifth sign of the Zodiac, and is represented by Leo the Lion. Leo represents the Constellation of Kings and the Tribe of Judah. The brightest Star being Regulus. |
Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac, and is represented by the Scales of Justice, Law, Fairness, Balance and Civility. [The scales are also a reference to the Equinox, when day and night are equal.] |
This can be seen as a fitting description at the time that Christ returns. |
Sun Conjunctions in 2037 [a “Superior Conjunction” refers to the moment when a Planet is directly behind the Sun from Earth’s perspective] |
Sun Conjunction Pluto February 9, 2037 at 09:02:00 |
Sun Conjunction Mercury March 2, 2037 at 10:05:00 |
Mercury reaches Superior Conjunction once every 88 days, which is the time it takes to complete one orbit around the Sun; essentially, it happens every time Mercury is directly between the Earth and the Sun from our perspective. |
Sun Conjunction Venus March 21, 2037 at 11:14:00 |
Venus reaches a Superior Conjunction roughly every 584 days, which is just over one year and seven months, as this is the time it takes for Venus to complete one full cycle around the Sun relative to Earth’s position; during this time, it passes behind the Sun from our perspective. |
Sun Conjunction Mercury April 15, 2037 at 05:54:00 |
April 15 05 Mercury at Inferior Conjunction [an “Inferior Conjunction” means when a Planet, typically Mercury or Venus, passes directly between the Earth and the Sun, appearing to be aligned in a straight line between the two celestial bodies] |
Mercury reaches Inferior Conjunction roughly every 116 days. This is because it takes about 88 days to orbit the Sun, but due to Earth’s movement, it takes a bit longer to line up between us and the Sun again. |
Sun Conjunction Neptune April 16, 2037 at 07:49:00 |
The annual Sun–Neptune Conjunction is one of the most fundamental astrological events that happens every year. |
Sun Conjunction Mercury June 17, 2037 at 12:18:00 |
Mercury reaches Superior Conjunction with the Sun roughly every 116 days because it completes one orbit around the Sun every 88 days, and during its orbit, it passes behind the Sun from Earth’s perspective at this point called Superior Conjunction; this happens about twice every Earth year. |
Sun Conjunction Jupiter June 29, 2037 at 16:42:00 |
Jupiter is in Conjunction with the Sun, meaning it appears directly in line with the Sun from Earth’s perspective, once every 12 Earth years as this is the time it takes Jupiter to complete one orbit around the Sun; therefore, a Jupiter-Sun Conjunction occurs roughly once every 12 years. Once per Jovian year (which is about 12 Earth years). |
Sun Conjunction Uranus July 11, 2037 at 22:58:00 |
A Uranus-Sun Conjunction happens once a year as the Sun appears to pass by Uranus in its orbit around the Zodiac, although the exact date of the Conjunction can vary slightly each year due to Uranus’ slower movement compared to the Sun. |
Sun Conjunction Mercury August 22, 2037 at 05:27:00 |
Sun Conjunction Saturn August 29, 2037 at 10:11:00 |
Note that in 2037 up to September 11, the Sun has a Conjunction with all the Planets except Mars, the fourth Planet from the Sun, the Red Plant, the Planet of War, Aggression, Danger. |
A Sun Conjunction with Mars, also called a “Solar Conjunction,” occurs roughly every 25 months, meaning Mars passes directly behind the Sun from Earth’s perspective, and the exact date varies depending on the year. |
Sun Conjunctions with Mars |
September 23, 2036 4:44 PM Sunday Conjunction Mars |
November 1, 2038 7:00 AM Sunday Conjunction Mars |
Interestingly, both these dates occur on a Sunday. With Mars a representation of satanic forces and the “Sunday Laws” having be implemented, there could well be a connection. |
From and including: Tuesday, 23 September 2036 to, but not including Friday, 11 September 2037 – Result: 353 days. 353 is a Prime Number. | |
Mars at Solar Conjunction. Monday, 01 November 2038 08:34 IST |
From and including: Friday, 11 September 2037 to, and including Monday, 1 November 2038 – Result: 417 days |
353 + 417 = 770 days = 110 weeks. 110 = Day of Wrath |
From and including: Tuesday, 23 September 2036 to, but not including Monday, 1 November 2038 – Result: 769 days. 769 is a Prime Number. |
353 [a Prime Number] = Despise the Prophets |
417 = 3 * 139 |
3 = Godhead (3 Powers) – Divine Completeness / Perfection / Holiness – Resurrection – Holy Spirit – Completion of Divine Will – Wholeness / Inner Sanctity – Binding (Spirit of God) |
139 = Sorcery – Control | |
Rosh Chodesh Nisan 2037 / 5797 |
Start of month of Nisan on the Hebrew Biblical / Ecclesiastical Calendar |
[Google confirms: |
The first day of Nisan in 2037 is Monday, March 16. This marked the beginning of the first month of the Jewish year for 2037.] |
Rosh Chodesh Nisan 1 Hebrew Year 5797 begins at sundown on Monday, 16 March 2037 and ends at nightfall on Tuesday, 17 March 2037. |
Days between 16 March and September 10 = 178 |
178 = Two Witnesses |
In the Bible, the “two witnesses” are most commonly interpreted as Enoch and Elijah, as they are the only two individuals mentioned in scripture who were taken directly to heaven without experiencing death, making them a prominent candidate for this symbolic representation found in the Book of Revelation (Chapter 11). |
In traditional Seventh-day Adventist interpretation, as found in Uriah Smith and Ellen G. White, the two witnesses are the Old and New Testaments. |
To both of these interpretations, there is a fitting parallel with what will happen when Jesus returns. | |
Rosh Hashanah. Also spelt Rosh HaShanah and Rosh Hashana. This is the Civil Jewish New Year. |
Wednesday, 9 September sunset – Friday, 11 September nightfall |
1-2 Tishrei 5798 |
Note: Rosh Hashanah is observed by the Jews as a two-day holiday, on the first and second of Tishrei, even though the Bible ordains only one day: |
Leviticus 23:24 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the SEVENTH MONTH, in the FIRST [DAY] of the month [Tishrei 1 – Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah)], shall ye have a Sabbath, a memorial of BLOWING OF TRUMPETS, an holy convocation. |
God’s Calendar was a lunar one; this was used by everyone from 4004 BC until about 46 BC. |
In Western culture, the switch from a Lunar Calendar to a Solar-based Calendar, primarily the Julian Calendar introduced by Julius Caesar, happened around 46 BC. |
This Calendar was later refined by the Gregorian Calendar, which is the widely used standard today. |
As God wishes us to be restored back to the Garden of Eden, we should not reject what the Moon can tell us. | |
List of Lunar Phases (Moon Phases) of 2037 for Jerusalem, Israel: |
Total Lunar Phases of April, 2037 is 4 |
Lunation |
No. . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . Time . . . . . . . . . . . . Moon Phase |
14. . . . April-07-2037 . . . 14:28:00 PM IDT . . . Last Quarter Moon |
15. 1414 April-15-2037 . . . 19:10:48 PM IDT . . . New Moon |
16. . . . April-23-2037 . . . 06:12:51 AM IDT . . . First Quarter Moon |
17. . . . April-29-2037 . . . 21:55:09 PM IDT . . . Full Moon |
Total Lunar Phases of September, 2037 is 4 |
Lunation |
No. . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . Time . . . . . . . . . . . . Moon Phase |
34. . . . Sep-03-2037 . . . 01:05:58 AM IDT . . . Last Quarter Moon |
35. 1419 Sep-09-2037 . . . 21:26:22 PM IDT . . . New Moon |
36. . . . Sep-16-2037 . . . 13:37:19 PM IDT . . . First Quarter Moon |
37. . . . Sep-24-2037 . . . 14:33:52 PM IDT . . . Full Moon | |
Solstices & Equinoxes for Jerusalem (2000—2049) |
Year – – – March Equinox – – – June Solstice – – – September Equinox – – – December Solstice |
2037 – – – 20 March 08:50 IST – – 21 June 03:22 IDT – – 22 September 19:13 IDT – – – 21 December 15:07 IST | |
New Moon at Perigee (New Supermoon): 2031 to 2040 |
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) |
Year . . .New Moon . . . . Distance . Diameter . . Relative . . . Perigee . . . . ?Perigee |
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . km) . . . . . (arc-min) . Distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (days) |
2037 . August 11 10:41 . . . 361253 . . . 33.08 . . . 0.968 . . . August 12 17:37 . . . 1.289 |
> . . . . September 09 18:25 . . . 357334 m . 33.44 . . . 0.998 . . . September 10 02:13 . . . 0.325 |
An ‘m’ after the distance indicates the closest New Moon Perigee syzygy of the year. |
NB: Take note of the distance given in bold and then continue reading. |
The New Moon occurs on Wednesday, 9th September 2037 at 21:25 Jerusalem time; which commences the 10th September. |
Note that on: | |
35. 1419 Sep-09-2037 21:26:22 PM IDT New Moon |
IDT being Israel Daylight Time (IDT) is 3 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). British Summer Time (BST) is 1 hour ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This time zone is a “Daylight Saving Time” time zone and is used in: Europe. | | |
From the above two links the [absolute] closest that the Moon comes to the Earth for the period 1901-2100 is: |
Closest New Moon Perigees (New Supermoons): 1901 to 2100 |
Year . . . New Moon . . . . . . .Distance . Diameter . . Relative . . . . Perigee . . . . . . ?Perigee |
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (km) . . . (arc-min) . . Distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (days) |
2023 . . January 21 20:53 . . 356571 m . 33.51 . . . 1.000 . . . January 21 20:58 . . . 0.003 |
2005 . . January 10 12:03 . . 356580 m . 33.51 . . . 1.000 . . . January 10 10:07 . . . -0.080 |
NB: The above 2 nearest distances for the Perigees over these 2 centuries show that January 21, 2023 was the closest of them all. The 2037 Perigee distance is less than 0.214% above this minimum 2 century value. | |
Moon Phases for Jerusalem, Israel in 2037 |
Lunation – – New Moon – – First Quarter – – Full Moon – – – Third Quarter – – Duration |
1412 – – 15 Feb 06:54 – – 23 Feb 08:41 – – 2 Mar 02:28 – – 8 Mar – 21:25 – – 29d 18h 42m |
1413 – – 17 Mar 01:36 – – 24 Mar 20:39 – – 31 Mar 12:53 – – 7 Apr 14:25 – – 29d 16h 32m |
1418 – – 11 Aug 13:41 – – 18 Aug 03:59 – – 25 Aug 22:09 – – 3 Sep 01:03 – – 29d 7h 44m |
1419 – – 9 Sep 21:25 – – 16 Sep 13:36 – – 24 Sep 14:31 – – 2 Oct 13:29 – – – 29d 8h 09m |
* All times are local time for Jerusalem. Time is adjusted for DST when applicable. They take into account refraction. Dates are based on the Gregorian Calendar. |
Special Moon Events in 2037 |
Total Lunar Eclipse (Partial Lunar Eclipse, as seen from Jerusalem on 31 January) |
Blue Moon: 31 January (second Full Moon in single Calendar Month) |
Super Full Moon: 31 January |
Black Moon: February (no Full Moon in Calendar Month) |
Micro New Moon: 15 February |
Super Full Moon: 2 March |
Micro New Moon: 17 March |
Blue Moon: 31 March (second Full Moon in single Calendar Month) |
Partial Lunar Eclipse visible in Jerusalem on 27 July |
Super New Moon: 9 September |
Micro Full Moon: 24 September |
Super New Moon: 9 October |
TWO BLUE MOONS IN A YEAR IS A RARE EVENT (second Full Moon in single Calendar Month) |
Note: Besides the TWO BLUE MOONS, the year 2037 also has a BLACK MOON. 2037 also has 2 Super Full Moons [the Super New Moons occurring immediately before and then after Jesus returns] besides the 2 Partial Lunar Eclipses [as far as Jerusalem is concerned]. So there is much celestial activity in year 2037. |
Conclusions – From a lunar viewpoint: |
1. The year 2037 will be a special year as it has TWO BLUE MOONS, which is a 3 % chance of that happening. |
2. Of the 4 New Supermoon during the year 2037, the one on 10th September 2037 is the closest to the Earth for the year. This “Perigee” distance from the Earth is less than normal; the distance of 357,334 km being within 0.214% of the nearest/lowest distance for 2 centuries. |
3. Although Perigee occurs on Thursday 10th September 2037 at 05:13 [am] Jerusalem time, the New Moon occurs on Wednesday, 9th September 2037 at 21:25 Jerusalem time. This is AFTER SUNSET [see below] and therefore is the 10th September 2037 according to God’s time-keeping. |
4. This Thursday 10th September 2037 Perigee date just so happens to be 1st of Tishrei, 5798, the start of the Civil Jewish New Year. |
Now a quick look at Sunrise and Sunset times: | |
September 2037 — Sun in Jerusalem |
2037 – Sunrise/Sunset – Daylength – Astronomical Twilight – Nautical Twilight – Civil Twilight – Solar Noon |
Sep. Sunrise – – – – Sunset – – – Length – – Diff. – Start – End – Start – End – Start – End – Time – – – – Mil. km |
9 – 06:19 – (83°) – 18:52 – (276°) 12:33:03 -1:53 – 04:56 20:15 – 05:26 19:45 – 05:54 19:17 12:36 (63.3°) 150.681 |
10 – 06:20 – (84°) 18:51 – (276°) 12:31:09 -1:54 – 04:57 20:13 – 05:26 19:44 – 05:55 19:15 12:35 (63.0°) 150.643 |
11 – 06:20 – (84°) 18:50 – (276°)12:29:15 -1:5404:58 20:12 – 05:27 19:43 – 05:56 19:14 12:35 (62.6°) 150.604 |
* All times are local time for Jerusalem. Time is adjusted for DST when applicable. They take into account refraction. Dates are based on the Gregorian Calendar. | |
Sunrise Sunset Calendar of Jerusalem, Israel for September, 2037 |
9th September: Sunset: 18:53:33 PM Local Time with Daylight Saving Time in place. |
Note that [as previously stated] on: | |
September 2037 — Sunset in Jerusalem for 9th September is given as 18:52. |
Psalm 19:1 ¶ The HEAVENS DECLARE THE GLORY OF GOD; and the FIRMAMENT SHOWETH HIS HANDIWORK. [Second Heaven – the starry heaven] |
Psalm 19:2 Day unto day UTTERETH SPEECH, and night unto night SHOWETH KNOWLEDGE. |
Psalm 19:3 [There is] no speech nor language, [where] their VOICE is not heard. |
Psalm 19:4 Their line is gone out through all the Earth, and their WORDS to the END OF THE WORLD. In them hath He set a TABERNACLE for the Sun, |
A few Notes about our 2 Ice Giant Planets – Uranus and Neptune: |
Uranus is the seventh Planet from the Sun, and the third largest Planet in our Solar System. It’s an ice giant Planet with a thick atmosphere and a unique tilt. |
Uranus’ axis is tilted 82.23° relative to the plane of its orbit. |
Uranus has extreme seasons, with each pole getting about 42 years of continuous sunlight followed by 42 years of darkness. |
Uranus rotates on its axis in the opposite direction to most other Planets. |
Uranus has at least 11 narrow rings, including an inner system of dark rings and an outer system of brightly coloured rings. |
Uranus has at least 28 Moons. |
Uranus is a very cold and windy world. |
Uranus has the lowest minimum temperature of all the Planets in our Solar System. |
Neptune is a dark, cold, windy, and icy Planet that’s the farthest Planet from the Sun in our Solar System. |
Neptune is the only Planet that can’t be seen with the naked eye, so humans were unaware of its existence until the early 19th century. |
Neptune is the fourth largest Planet, with an equatorial diameter of about 30,775 miles (49,528 kilometres). |
Neptune has six very hard to see rings, and 13 confirmed Moons. |
A day on Neptune is 16 hours long, and a year on Neptune lasts 165 Earth years. |
The magnetic field of Neptune is roughly 27 times more powerful than that of the Earth. |
Now a quick look at the Dwarf Planets with a degree of repeat: |
There are five officially recognized Dwarf Planets in our Solar System: Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris. |
Ceres is a Dwarf Planet named after the Roman goddess of agriculture, fertility, and maternal love. It’s the largest object in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter. |
Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi discovered Ceres in 1801. |
Ceres was initially thought to be a Planet, but was reclassified as an asteroid when it was discovered to be too small. |
In 2006, Ceres was reclassified as a Dwarf Planet after the discovery of Eris. |
Ceres is a ball of rock and ice with a diameter of 592 miles (953 kilometres). |
Ceres takes 4.6 Earth years to orbit the Sun. |
Ceres rotates every 9 hours, giving it one of the shortest days in the Solar System. |
Ceres’ axis of rotation is tilted only 4 degrees, so it spins nearly upright and doesn’t experience Seasons like other Planets. |
In ancient Roman religion, Ceres was a goddess of agriculture, grain crops, fertility and motherly relationships. |
Dwarf Planet Ceres is the largest object in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter, and it’s the only Dwarf Planet located in the Inner Solar System. |
Pluto was long considered our Solar System’s ninth Planet. It was reclassified as a Dwarf Planet in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union. |
Pluto was discovered in 1930 by amateur astronomer Clyde Tombaugh. |
Pluto is a Dwarf Planet that’s smaller than Earth’s Moon. It has a radius of 737 miles and a diameter of 1,445 miles. |
Pluto’s orbit is unusual, taking it closer to the Sun than Neptune at times, but also farther away. |
Pluto rotates every 6.5 Earth days and nights. |
Pluto takes 248 Earth years to revolve around the Sun. |
The name “Pluto” for the Dwarf Planet comes from the Roman god of the underworld, also known as Hades in Greek mythology, because of its extreme distance from the Sun and cold nature, which aligns with the characteristics of the underworld; essentially, it was named after a dark and distant god. |
The name Pluto is the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Hades. |
“Pluto” signifies the underworld, a place of darkness and cold, which reflects the distant and icy nature of the Dwarf Planet. |
Pluto (Minor-Planet Designation: 134340 Pluto) is a Dwarf Planet in the Kuiper Belt, a ring of bodies beyond the orbit of Neptune. |
In 1906, Percival Lowell—a wealthy Bostonian who had founded Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, in 1894—started an extensive project in search of a possible ninth Planet, which he termed “Planet X“. |
In a spiritual context, the name “Pluto” signifies the realm of the underworld, representing deep transformation, death, rebirth, and the subconscious, essentially mirroring the Roman god Pluto (equivalent to the Greek Hades) who rules over the realm of the dead; the name itself originates from the Greek word “Plouton” meaning “wealth-giver,” with the association of wealth coming from the Earth’s underground riches. |
Being very cold and the farthest from the Sun, Pluto was named after the Roman god of death. According to Roman myth, when someone died, they travelled down to the Underworld. |
Haumea is a Dwarf Planet in the Kuiper Belt of the Solar System. |
It was discovered in 2004. |
Haumea has two Moons, and in 2017, astronomers discovered a ring around Haumea. |
On 17 September 2008, it was named after Haumea, the Hawaiian goddess of fertility and childbirth, under the expectation by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). |
Dwarf Planet Makemake – along with Pluto, Haumea, and Eris – is located in the Kuiper Belt. Makemake is slightly smaller than Pluto, and is the second-brightest object in the Kuiper Belt as seen from Earth while Pluto is the brightest. |
Makemake (pronounced mah-kee-mah-kee) is named after the god of fertility in Rapanui mythology. The Rapanui are the native people of Easter Island, in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, 3600 kilometres off the coast of Chile. After Eris and Pluto, Makemake is the third largest known Dwarf Planet. |
It was provisionally named 2005 FY9 until it was officially named and classified as a Dwarf Planet by the International Astronomical Union in 2008. |
Discovered in 2005, Eris is now the largest known Dwarf Planet in our Solar System. Its diameter is estimated at 3000 km, and it weighs roughly 1.66 x 1022 kg, which is about 27% more massive than Pluto. |
“Eris” is the name of a Dwarf Planet in our Solar System, named after the Greek goddess of strife and discord, signifying its controversial discovery which led to the redefinition of what constitutes a Planet, causing debate among astronomers when it was believed to be larger than Pluto; essentially, its discovery “stirred up” the Classification of Planets in the Solar System. |
Eris is situated in the Kuiper Belt, a region beyond Neptune, making it one of the most distant known objects in our Solar System. |
Eris is 1,445 miles in diameter, making it slightly smaller than Pluto. |
Eris is one of largest the Dwarf Planets in our Solar System but it’s three times farther than Pluto from the Sun. |
A day on Eris is 25.9 hours. |
A year on Eris is equal to 557 / 558 Earth years. |
The radius of Eris is about 722 miles, or 1,163 kilometres. |
2060 Chiron is a ringed small Solar System body in the Outer Solar System, orbiting the Sun between Saturn and Uranus. Discovered in 1977 by Charles Kowal, it was the first-identified member of a new class of objects now known as Centaurs—bodies orbiting between the Asteroid Belt and the Kuiper Belt. |
In astrology, Chiron is a celestial body that symbolizes the “wounded healer“. It’s a Minor Planet and Comet that orbits the Sun in the Outer Solar System. |
Some astrologers have changed the name to “wounded leader“. |
Reference has been made to the Kuiper Belt; this is a doughnut-shaped region of icy objects beyond the orbit of Neptune. |
The objects range in size from 10–50 km across, to over 600 miles wide. |
It contains icy bodies called Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs), including Pluto, Arrokoth, Haumea, and Makemake |
The Kuiper Belt is similar to the Asteroid Belt, but it’s more like a thick disk than a thin belt. |
The temperature is about -223° C (-370° F), making it one of the coldest regions in space. |
In colour and composition, Arrokoth resembles many other objects found in its area of the Kuiper Belt. It’s very red — even redder than Pluto — and is, in fact, the reddest Outer Solar System object visited by spacecraft thus far. |
It is about 22 miles long, 12 miles wide, and 6 miles thick. |
It rotates on its axis every 15.92 hours. |
It takes about 293 Earth years to make a single trip around the Sun. |,_2037 |
A Total Solar Eclipse will occur at the Moon’s ascending node of orbit on Monday, July 13, 2037, with a magnitude of 1.0413. A Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. A Total Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon’s apparent diameter is larger than the Sun’s, blocking all direct sunlight, turning day into darkness. Totality occurs in a narrow path across Earth’s surface, with the Partial Solar Eclipse visible over a surrounding region thousands of kilometres wide. Occurring about 2.6 days before Perigee (on July 15, 2037, at 17:50 UTC [=19:50 Jerusalem / IDT]), the Moon’s apparent diameter will be larger. [Time Zone in Jerusalem, Israel ; IST — Israel Standard Time · IDT — Israel Daylight Time = UTC+2 hours] |
Totality will be visible from parts of Australia (including the centre of Brisbane and the Gold Coast, as well as Geraldton, Western Australia) and New Zealand. A Partial Eclipse will be visible for parts of Indonesia, Australia, and Oceania. | [Watch this later] |
Although a Partial / Total Solar Eclipse for September 10, 2037 is not found, when you compare the above video frames for July 13, 2037 and [22.41 9.9.2037 on the video] September 10, 2037 then it appears that, at the start of that day, a Solar Eclipse does occur. |
July 13 is 60 days before September 11, where 60 = Pride – Earthly King | |
2037 January 16 – Partial Solar Eclipse – 04h11m Duration (partial) |
2037 July 13 – Total Solar Eclipse – 04h46m Duration (partial) – 03m58s Duration (total) |
2037 January 31 – Total Lunar Eclipse – 03h17m Duration (partial) – 01h03m Duration (total) |
2037 July 27 – Partial Lunar Eclipse – 03h12m Duration (partial) |,eclipse%20the%20rarest%20of%20all. |
A Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, casting the Moon’s shadow on Earth. A Solar Eclipse can only happen during a New Moon. The Moon’s orbit is titled |
A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Sun casts Earth’s shadow onto the Moon. For this to happen, the Earth must be physically between the Sun and Moon with all three bodies lying on the same plane of orbit. A Lunar Eclipse can only occur during a Full Moon and when the Moon passes through all or a portion of Earth’s shadow. | |
The Moon’s orbital plane is inclined by about 5.1° with respect to the Ecliptic Plane, whereas Earth’s equatorial plane is tilted by about 23.44° with respect to the Ecliptic Plane. |,18.4%C2%B0%20and%2028.6%C2%B0. |
With respect to the Ecliptic, the orbit of the Moon is inclined by 5.15°; however, the orientation of its rotation axis is tilted only 1.53° with respect to the Ecliptic Pole. The inclination of the Lunar Orbit to the Equatorial Plane of the Earth varies between 18.4° and 28.6°. On average, the Moon is 384,400 km from the Earth, which corresponds to about 60 Earth radii. However, due to the eccentricity of its orbit, this distance varies from 363,000 km at Perigee to 406,000 km at Apogee. |,inclination%20relative%20to%20Earth’s%20equator. |
The mean inclination of the Lunar Orbit to the Ecliptic Plane is 5.145°. |
From the video for September 10, the Moon goes from Virgo into Libra. |
The 12 Zodiac signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, & Pisces. |
Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac, and is represented by the Scales of Justice, Law, Fairness, Balance and Civility. Libra’s name originates from the word “scales” in Latin. |
Virgo = The Virgin or Maiden. Virgo is the sixth sign of the Zodiac. |
NB: Tishrei is also the seventh month of the Hebrew Calendar, which starts the Civil New Year. |
There seems to be a parallel here to the 6 days going into the 7 days and therefore the 6,000 years going into the 7,000 year period. |
A map of the sky around Virgo and Libra would show Virgo situated directly west of Libra, with the Constellations Leo bordering Virgo to the west and Scorpius bordering Libra to the east; other nearby Constellations include Hydra (south of Virgo), Serpens Caput (north of Libra), and a small part of Centaurus (southeast of Libra). |
Almost on the Ecliptic Line* in the Virgo and Libra Constellations is a Star called Zubenelgenubi. |
*The linear path that the Sun describes across the sky is called the Ecliptic. The Constellations on that path are collectively called the Zodiac and extend a few degrees above and below the Ecliptic Line. |
Zubenelgenubi is a Double Star in the Constellation Libra, the Scales and is known as Alpha Librae. |
Visually close to Zubenelgenubi is the Star Zubeneschamali. These two main Stars in Libra, Zubenelgenubi and Zubeneschamali, are considered the “gateway” in the sky. Zubenelgenubi and Zubeneschamali symbolize Divine Justice. | |
Despite its “alpha” designation, Zubenelgenubi is the second-brightest Star in the Constellation Libra the Scales. In short, it’s a touch fainter than Zubeneschamali, Libra’s brightest Star. These two Stars are most easily found in relationship to each other. Zubenelgenubi likely enjoys the alpha designation in Libra because it lies near the Ecliptic – or path of the Sun, Moon and Planets – in our sky. |
The Ecliptic is the path of the Sun, Moon and Planets in our sky. All of these objects travel on or near this Celestial Pathway. Sometimes they stray off the Ecliptic and pass between these two Stars in Libra. Thus Zubenelgenubi and Zubeneschamali are considered a “gateway” in the sky. | |
Adjacent to Scorpius, the Constellation of Libra, historically seen as the claws of the Scorpion, now balances the sky as the symbol of justice. |
Its Stars, including Zubenelgenubi and Zubeneschamali, offer a gateway to exploring the ancient scales that weighed human souls against the feather of Maat, the concept of truth and order. |
The “Feather of Maat” in ancient Egyptian mythology represents the concept of truth, justice, and cosmic balance, symbolized by the goddess Maat; it was believed that when a person died, their heart [soul] would be weighed against this feather to determine if they were worthy of entering the afterlife, with a lighter heart signifying a life lived in accordance with Maat’s principles. |
Note: Although some of the above details relate to the concepts of man-made astrology, the basic principles [i.e. gateway to heaven, etc.] may well carry support upon what will take place in 2037. |
One Star that is worthy of mention: |
Day Star = The Star in the Head of the Infant in “Coma”; visible in daylight for 300 years. |
When can you see Coma Berenices? |
Unfortunately, Coma Berenices, which contains no bright Stars, is not an easy Star Pattern to find. It’s visible only from midwinter through midsummer in the Northern Hemisphere. Its centre lies at right ascension 12h45m and declination 23°30?. |
Coma Berenices, Constellation in the northern sky. Its brightest Star is Beta Comae Berenices, with a magnitude of 4.3. |
Coma Berenices is an ancient asterism that is one of the 88 IAU Constellations. Its name means “Berenices Hair” in Latin and refers to Queen Berenices II of Egypt who sacrificed her hair as a votive offering in the name of love. Coma Berenices is the only Constellation named after a historic figure. |
Before the 18th century Coma Berenices was known in English by several names, including “Berenice’s Bush” and “Berenice’s Periwig”. |
Comment: This Day Star played an important role in 3 BC. Jesus grew up and lived for 33 years. At His Second Coming, this Star does NOT have a role to play in the sky. In fact, when Christ comes in September, it will NOT be visible. |
Now a few more Planet Conjunction details and observations: |
Google says: |
A Conjunction of two Planets, where they appear close together in the sky, happens fairly regularly, with some combinations occurring several times a year, while others between slower moving Planets like URANUS and NEPTUNE might only happen once every century or more depending on the specific Planets involved; a “Great Conjunction” between Jupiter and Saturn, for example, happens roughly every 20 years. |
Note: Successive Conjunctions of URANUS and NEPTUNE occur every 170-172 years. A Conjunction? Opposition occurred in 1993: the next Opposition will occur in 2078-81, while the next Conjunction will occur in 2165. |
Uranus is associated with Church in Decline / Last Days of the Church, while Neptune is associated with the Creation of the heavens on the fourth day. Neptune is also associated with the sign of Pisces, which is a traditional symbol of Christianity. |
Pisces is a Constellation of Stars located between Aquarius and Aries. |
Pisces is the 12th and final sign of the Zodiac. |
The word Pisces comes from the Latin word piscis, which means “fish”. |
Pisces is often depicted as two fish tied together. |
The Age of Pisces began 1 AD and will end | [Times are believed to be 3 hours too early for Jerusalem Time Zone] |
07.06.2037 h.13:06: Neptune Conjunction Eris |
05.10.2037 h.23:58: Neptune Conjunction Eris |
22.03.2038 h.01:25: Neptune Conjunction Eris |
These are the ONLY Neptune Conjunctions with Eris in the 2030’s. |
June 7 to September 11 is 96 days. |
96 = New Song to God |
September 11 to 5 October is 24 days. |
24 = The Priesthood – Heavenly Government & Worship of God – Christian Number for Completion / Restoration – Priest |
September 11 to 22 March is 192 days. |
192 = Israel is Circumcised |
Neptune is associated with the sign of Pisces, which is a traditional symbol of Christianity |
Eris = Discord, Strife and Controversy | |
Conjunction of Mercury and Saturn |
Thursday, 30 July 2037 at 17:44 IDT (14:44 UTC) | |
Conjunction of Saturn and Mercury |
Tuesday, 11 August 2037 at 23:08 IDT (20:08 UTC) | |
Conjunction of Mercury and Saturn |
Tuesday, 15 September 2037 at 14:28 PDT (21:28 UTC) |
Jerusalem |
Latitude: 31.77°N |
Longitude: 35.22°E |
Time Zone: IST |
Israel Summer Time, also in English, Israel Daylight Time is the practice in Israel by which clocks are advanced by one hour, beginning on the Friday before the last Sunday of March, and ending on the last Sunday of October. |
Saturn = Planet Protector of the Jews |
Mercury = Planet of Speed, Messenger, Law, Deception |
A repeated and swift message of final warning is given for God’s people to put themselves right with God and Jesus, His Son. Mediator Protection time is almost finished. |
After the July and August Mercury and Saturn Conjunctions, Jesus comes, and their next Conjunction is spectacular: |
Satan’s Consolation Prize from God |
According to available information, one of the most notable Planet Conjunctions in 2037 will be a “Great Conjunction” between Mercury and Saturn, occurring around September 15th, where the two Planets will appear very close together in the sky, making it a particularly interesting sight for skywatchers; this is considered one of the best Conjunctions until 2065 when Venus and Jupiter align. | [Times are believed to be 3 hours too early for Jerusalem Time Zone] |
22.08.2037 h.02:27: Sun Conjunction Mercury |
The Sun is representative of God the Father |
Mercury = Planet of Speed, Messenger, Law, Deception |
God the Father swiftly sends His last message of warning just prior to His Son leaving the Heavenly Sanctuary. |
August 22 to September 11 is 20 days. |
20 = Redemption – A Complete or Perfect Waiting Period – Expectancy – Distress | |
Saturn at Opposition to the Sun. |
Tuesday, 17 February 2037 at 21:19 IST (19:19 UTC) |
Saturn will reach Opposition, when it lies opposite to the Sun in the sky. Lying in the constellation Leo, it will be visible for much of the night, reaching its highest point in the sky around midnight local Jerusalem time. | |
Saturn at Solar Conjunction. |
Saturday, 29 August 2037 at 10:01 IDT (07:01 UTC) |
Saturn will pass close to the Sun in the sky as its orbit carries it around the far side of the Solar System from the Earth. |
At closest approach, Saturn will appear at a separation of only 1°30′ from the Sun, making it totally unobservable for several weeks while it is lost in the Sun’s glare. |
At around the same time, Saturn will also be at its most distant from the Earth – receding to a distance of 10.30 AU – since the two Planets will lie on opposite sides of the Solar System. |
If Saturn could be observed at this time, it would appear at its smallest and faintest on account of its large distance. It would measure 16.1 arcsec in diameter. |
Over following weeks and months, Saturn will re-emerge to the west of the Sun, gradually becoming visible for ever-longer periods in the pre-dawn sky. |
29.08.2037 h.07:11: Sun Conjunction Saturn |
Sun Conjunction Saturn August 29, 2037 at 10:11:00 |
Note that the time is slightly different and believed to be in error. |
Sun is representative of the Father |
Saturn = Planet Protector of the Jews |
God the Father is giving the Jews [Spiritual Israel = His people] protection until 12 full days before the Return of Jesus. |
Saturn is now NOT REQUIRED when God’s people live without a Mediator. Hence, after the 30.08.2037 11:45 [14:45] Ceres sextile Saturn event, there are no more Saturn events before September 11th. |
12 = Governmental Perfection – Divine Power, Rule & Authority – Completeness – God’s Church – New Jerusalem |
13 = Apostasy – Depravity – Rebellion (anger) – Lawlessness – Sin – Satan |
Jupiter & Uranus Conjunction on September 8th, 2037 | |
Close approach of Jupiter and Uranus. |
Tuesday, 08 September, 2037 at 14:16 IDT (11:16 UTC) |
The Planets Jupiter and Uranus will make a close approach, passing within a mere 22.6 arcminutes of each other. |
At around the same time, the pair will also share the same right ascension – called a Conjunction. |
Jupiter will be at magnitude -2.0; and Uranus will be at magnitude 5.6. Both objects will lie in the constellation Gemini. The constellation Gemini is made up of the twins Castor and Pollux. Represented by twins, the sign is deeply independent, yet also in search of a lifelong partner. |
Jupiter = Planet of Kings, Righteousness, Justice, Lord of Heaven, The Messiah |
Uranus is the Planet of change, innovation, and liberation. It’s also known as the “Rebel of the Solar System”. |
Uranus encourages people to celebrate their unique qualities. |
Uranus is associated with social change and humanitarian concerns, including environmental issues. |
It is known as the Planet of freedom and revolutionary vision, the urge for change, and the ability to visualize new possibilities. |
The name “Uranus” for the Planet comes from the Greek god of the sky, also called Uranus, making it the only Planet in our Solar System named after a Greek deity rather than a Roman one. |
This Conjunction is the very last one before the Return of Jesus. |
It implies that Jesus, the Messiah, will return to Earth to implement a change to this “Rebel of the Solar System”. |
The inhabitants of Earth are the ONLY beings that have fallen / come short of the Glory of God. |
Consider the Jerusalem Sky at 10th September, 2037: | | |
When we look at the Night [and Day] Sky for Jerusalem on September 10th, 2037 we find NOTHING is happening. This is also the case for September 11th. |
Reason: The focus is ALL upon the Return of Jesus. | |
Mercury at highest altitude in morning sky. This event is visible to the naked eye from Jerusalem. |
Tuesday, 08 September, 2037 | |
New Moon. |
Wednesday, 09 September, 2037 at 21:26 IDT (18:26 UTC) | |
Close approach of the Moon and Venus. |
This will be the FIRST significant event in the Night [and Day] Sky of Jerusalem AFTER the Return of Jesus. |
The Moon represents Jesus. |
Venus = The Mother Planet, Prophecy |
Just as foretold in Biblical Prophecy, and also in the Heavens, Jesus has Returned to collect His people. |
The Moon and Venus will make a close approach, passing within 6°10′ of each other. The Moon [Jesus] will be 3 DAYS OLD. |
Matthew 16:21 ¶ From that time forth began Jesus to show unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be RAISED AGAIN THE THIRD DAY. |
Matthew 17:23 And they shall kill Him, and THE THIRD DAY HE SHALL BE RAISED again. And they were exceeding sorry. |
Luke 24:46 And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to RISE FROM THE DEAD THE THIRD DAY: [Luke 24:7, 26] |
Note: Jesus [Moon] returns / comes back / resurrects Himself on the third day of the Moon at His Second Coming, which parallels His First Coming. |
Moon and Sun Times for Jerusalem around September 11th, 2037: | |
Jerusalem, Israel Moonrise, Moonset, Moon Phase (Lunar Phase) Time for September, 2037 |
All Time is in Local Time. Daylight Saving Time is denoted by * |
Date Weekday Moonrise Moonset Moonrise Illumination Moon Phase Lunar Tithi Time Azimuth Time Azimuth Time Azimuth |
September-09-2037 Wednesday 05:37:55 AM * 76.07° 18:59:26 PM * 280.77° -0.23% New Moon At 21:26:22 PM IDT * K Amavasya – 15 |
September-10-2037 Thursday 06:48:18 AM * 82.32° 19:40:35 PM * 274.24° 0.6% – – S Pratipada – 1 |
September-11-2037 Friday 07:58:02 AM * 89.05° 20:20:17 PM * 267.47° 4.01% – – S Dwitiya – 2 | |
Sunrise Sunset Time of Jerusalem, Israel for September, 2037 |
All Time is in Local Time. Daylight Saving Time is denoted by * |
Date Weekday Sunrise Sunset Day Duration Day Difference Solar Noon Time Azimuth Time Azimuth Time Altitude: |
September-09-2037 Wednesday 06:19:06 AM * 83.28° 18:53:33 PM * 276.53° 12 Hr 34 Min 27 Sec – 1 Min 54 Sec 12:36:25 PM * 63.33° |
September-10-2037 Thursday 06:19:42 AM * 83.73° 18:52:16 PM * 276.08° 12 Hr 32 Min 33 Sec – 1 Min 54 Sec 12:36:04 PM * 62.95° |
September-11-2037 Friday 06:20:19 AM * 84.18° 18:50:57 PM * 275.63° 12 Hr 30 Min 38 Sec – 1 Min 54 Sec 12:35:42 PM * 62.57° | |
Lunar Occultation of Jupiter. Sunday, 06 Sep 2037 from 02:32 IDT (23:32 UTC) to 06:24 IDT (03:24 UTC) |
The Moon will pass in front of Jupiter, creating a lunar Occultation visible from countries and territories including Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia and Tasmania amongst others. Although the Occultation will only be visible across part of the world – because the Moon is so close to the Earth that its position in the sky varies by as much as two degrees across the world – a close conjunction between the pair will be more widely visible. |
Unfortunately the Occultation will not be visible from Jerusalem. |
Close approach of the Moon, Jupiter and Uranus. Sunday, 06 September 2037 at 05:04 IDT (02:04 UTC) |
Close approach of the Moon and M44. Monday, 07 September 2037 at 06:04 IDT (03:04 UTC) |
Close approach of Jupiter and Uranus. Tuesday, 08 September 2037 at 14:16 IDT (11:16 UTC) |
Mercury at greatest elongation west. Tuesday, 08 September 2037 at 01:30 IDT (22:30 UTC) |
On Tuesday 08 September 2037, Mercury will be at the highest altitude in morning sky. |
New Moon. Wednesday, 09 September 2037 at 21:26 IDT (18:26 UTC) |
On September 10th 2037, Eris is with Neptune, and Uranus is near Jupiter. |
Note: For those that have not already viewed: | |
3BC September 11: Jupiter joined Regulus, chief Star in the Constellation of Leo, the Lion – Royal Planet and Royal Star. Regulus is situated between the feet of Leo. The Sun was in Virgo (Virgin Constellation) and the New Moon in the Royal Constellation Leo (Judah). First day of Jewish New Year (Tishri 1). After this 1st Conjunction Jupiter continued on its normal course in the heavens. In Jerusalem on September 10, 3BC, sunset was at 6:19 pm and moonset at 7:40 pm. Jesus Christ was born on 10 [after sunset, therefore] September 11, 3BC sometime in that 81 minute span of time between 6:19 pm and 7:40 pm. In Gematria 81 = Holy Angels. In all probability it was at 7 pm. God is very exact and often uses 7’s. At 7.00 pm the Moon would be “in the midst” of her feet [Revelation 12:1-2]. |
Also you can right click to view: | | |
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST September 11th 3 BC [slightly updated] |
If Revelation 12:1-3 is to be interpreted in an astronomical way, then there was only ONE day in 3 BC where the “sun clothed the woman” with the “moon under her feet.” This was between |
Revelation 12:1 ¶ And there appeared a great WONDER in heaven; a woman CLOTHED WITH THE SUN, AND THE MOON UNDER HER FEET, and upon her head a Crown of Twelve Stars: [WONDER is a sign which is seen.] |
Revelation 12:2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. |
Revelation 12:3 And there appeared another WONDER in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. [WONDER is a sign which is seen.] |
Question: Is the time period between sunset and moonset for this Second Advent also carry any meaning? |
Answer: I think by now that you know how God works, He is THE Master Mathematician !!!!!!! |
September-10-2037 Thursday – Sunset 18:52:16 PM * – Moonset 19:40:35 PM * |
Difference is 48 minutes 19 seconds = 48.31666 [reoccurring] minutes. Note that you are in the 49th minute. |
48 = Father’s Blessing – Tabernacle / Dwelling Place |
19 = Faith – God’s Perfect Order in regard to His Judgement |
49 = Time of the End – The Wrath of God |
316 = People Rejoice |
317 = Man of God |
666 = The Mark / Number of the Beast – The Antichrist – Hands in Chains |
667 = Vow to Earthly King |
Difference is 48 minutes 19 seconds = 0.8052777 [reoccurring] part of an hour. |
80 = Prayer (Son of Man) |
52 = Gospel Worker |
777 = Power of the Godhead / Perfection – Jesus Christ |
The time at the mid-point between Sunset and Moonset = 19 hours 16 minutes 25.5 seconds |
19 = Faith – God’s Perfect Order in regard to His Judgement |
16 = Love – Loving – Sacrifice |
25 = Repentance – Forgiveness of Sins – Payment for Sin – Grace upon Grace |
26 = The Gospel of Christ |
25.5 seconds = 0.425 part of a minute |
42 = Evil Man – Israel’s Oppression – Second Coming of Jesus |
43 = Humiliation |
16.425 minutes = 0.27375 part of an hour |
273 = King’s Behaviour Undignified |
274 = Everlasting Throne of David |
48 minutes 19 seconds = 2899 seconds = 13 * 223 |
13 = Apostasy – Depravity – Rebellion (anger) – Lawlessness – Sin – Satan |
223 = Brother Haters |
Notice the grouping that occurs: first the good and then the bad. |
Google says: |
There is no evidence of Planet formation in 2036. |
According to available astronomical data, in 2037, a notable Planet Alignment is expected to occur between Jupiter and URANUS, with the closest Alignment happening around September 8th, 2037; this is often referred to as a “Conjunction” between the two Planets. |
Approximately every 14 years, Jupiter and URANUS meet, and in astrology, this is seen as prompting breakthroughs in faith, wisdom, technology, and spirituality. The Conjunction of these two Planets gives us a necessary push toward the future. |
Jupiter |
In Hebrew Jupiter is called Sedeq, meaning “righteousness”, a term also used for the Messiah. |
Jupiter’s Hebrew name is “tzedek”, which means “justice”. |
Jupiter represents expansion and growth. |
Jupiter is often referred to as the “Lord of Heaven”. |
As the largest Planet in the Solar System, Jupiter is a fitting representation for Christ as the King of Kings. | |
Jupiter = Planet of Kings, Righteousness, The Messiah. |
Uranus |
The seventh Planet from the Sun and the third largest, with a diameter about four times that of Earth. | |
Uranus Testifies of Christ |
Uranus means “Heaven” or “Sky” and represents the big-picture, long-term, radical change. |
Uranus is the only Planet that spins on its side. |
In the Bible, the Greek word ouranos is mentioned in many places within the Bible. | |
Uranus – The church in the last days |
To appreciate the meaning of Uranus, it is necessary to understand the meaning of Saturn and Jupiter. Saturn, with her wedding ring about her, bows in respect and adoration of her Messiah, Jupiter. Gas Planets represent spiritual life. As the greatest Gas Planet JUPITER REPRESENTS THE MESSIAH IN HIS FIRST COMING TO EARTH, FULLY MAN AND FULLY GOD. Saturn represents the spiritual life of believers in the Messiah, the church of Jesus Christ, in her glory at the beginning of the Age of Grace. Next Gas Planet along, URANUS REPRESENTS THE LOWLY STATE OF THE SPIRITUAL LIFE OF THE CHURCH AT THE END OF THE AGE OF GRACE. The spiritual numbers of the astronomical measurements of Saturn and Uranus are most meaningful when measured relative to Jupiter since Jesus is our Lord (the standard by which we measure ourselves). |
The message from the sky may be interpreted as: |
[Jupiter] Jesus Christ as the King of Kings, has come back to Earth, “the material world” or “the abode of man”, to link up with [Uranus] His church in these last days, which was in a low state of spiritual life, to commence and instigate a “long-term”, radical change. |
At the time of Christ’s First Coming: |
Molad of Tishrei, 3759 occurred at September 9, 3 BC, 11:33:33 pm. |
This was September 10th, 3 BC according to God’s Sunset Calendar. |
Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) occurred on September 10th, 3BC. |
3 BC September 11 was the First day of Jewish Civil New Year (Tishri 1). |
In Jerusalem on September 10, 3 BC, sunset was at 6:19 pm and moonset at 7:40 pm. |
Using God’s Sunset Calendar, September 10th would become September 11th at 6:19 pm. |
Jesus Christ was born on September 11, 3 BC sometime in that 81 minute span of time between 6:19 pm and 7:40 pm, Jerusalem time. |
In Gematria, the number 81 = Holy Angels. |
For more information, right click on the following links: | | |
For the time of Christ’s Second Coming: |
Molad of Tishrei, 5798 will occur on September 10, 2037, 12:50:36 am = 0:50:36 am. |
The difference in the Molad of Tishrei dates between 3 BC and 2037 AD [1st and 2nd Coming] is 1:07:03 = 77 minutes and 3 seconds. |
Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) [Tishrei 1, 5798] is on September 10, 2037. |
The Jewish Civil New Year, Rosh Hashanah, begins on the first day of the Hebrew month of Tishri. |
In Jerusalem for September 10, 2037AD, sunset will be at 6:52 pm and moonset at 7:40 pm. |
Using God’s Sunset Calendar, September 10th would become September 11th at 6:52 pm. |
Jesus Christ will probably return [after sunset on September 10th which would be] on September 11th, 2037 sometime between Jerusalem’s sunset and moonset times; sometime in that 48 minutes 19 seconds span of time between 6:52:16 pm and 7:40:35 pm, Jerusalem time. |
In Gematria, the number 48 = Father’s Blessing – Tabernacle / Dwelling Place |
48 = 3 * 23, where |
3 = Godhead (3 Powers) – Divine Completeness / Perfection / Holiness – Resurrection – Holy Spirit – Completion of Divine Will – Wholeness / Inner Sanctity – Binding (Spirit of God) |
2 = Union [i.e. man with God and Jesus] |
49 = Time of the End – The Wrath of God. |
49 is also 7 * 7, or 7 raised to a higher power. |
In Gematria, the number 7 = Spiritual Completeness / Perfection – Sanctification – Resurrection – Covenant – Holy Spirit – Finished – Totality – God’s Seal – The End (sword) |
Ephesians 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT, which is the WORD of GOD: |
Now for the Mathematics and Gematria / Meaning of Numbers: |
2037 = 3 * 7 * 97 |
3037 is a Prime Number. It is the 435th Prime Number, and the 5th Prime Number between 3,001 and 4,000. |
4003 is a Prime Number. It is the 552nd Prime Number, and the 2nd Prime Number between 4,001 and 5,000. |
4004 = 2 * 2 * 7 * 11 * 13 |
5797 = 11 * 17 * 31 |
6039 = 3 * 3 * 11 * 61 |
6040 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 5 * 151 |
7039 is a Prime Number. It is the 905th Prime Number, and the 5th Prime Number between 7,001 and 8,000. |
7040 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 5 * 11 ou 27 * 5 * 11 = the Beginning of Eternity Future. |
Note: 22 = 2 raised to a higher power. 27 = 2 raised to the Omnipotent Power of God. |
Creation start: 22nd October 4004 BC at 6pm [Jerusalem sunset] means the start of 23rd October 4004 BC |
4004 BC only had 9 [in October] + 30 [November] + 31 [December] = 70 days. |
70 = 2 * 5 * 7 |
4003 BC was a full year |
After 4000 full years you have |
3 BC which was a full year, then |
2 BC which was a full year, then |
1 BC which was a full year, then |
All this gives 4003 full years + 70 days [of 4004 BC] in the BC era. |
Then you have |
1 AD which was a full year, followed by full years all the way up to |
2036 AD which will be a full year |
Giving 2036 full years |
2037 will be a partial year as only up to and including 10th September |
No of days in 2037 = 31+28+31+30+31+30+31+31+10 = 253 days |
253 = 11 * 23 |
11 = Disorder – Chaos – Judgement – Lack of Fulfilment – Incomplete – Darkness |
23 = Death |
Unfortunately, for most people this will be their fate when Jesus returns. |
4003+2036 = 6039 full years, plus |
70+253 = 323 days |
323 = 17 * 19 |
323 is 42 days short of 365 days |
42 = 2 * 3 * 7 [explained soon] |
The 6000 years was up on the 22nd October 1997 at 6 pm Jerusalem time as |
4003+1997 = 6000 full years. Note that the 70 days of 4004 BC make 1997 a complete year. |
From the [6000 years since Creation] 22nd October 1997 at 6 pm Jerusalem time to the [40 years of extended probation] 22nd October 2037 at 6 pm Jerusalem time gives: |
6000 years + 40 complete years = 6040 years. |
The 10th September 2037 at 6 pm Jerusalem time is 20+22 = 42 days short of the 22nd October 2037 at 6 pm Jerusalem time. Note that 6 pm is 7 pm with Daylight Saving Time. |
42 = 2 * 3 * 7 or 6 * 7 = Man made Perfect |
Technically, in September 2037, we shall still be in the 6039th year from Creation |
Now, what about those 1000 years: [The Millennium is the 1,000-year reign of Jesus Christ described in Revelation 20.] |
6039+1000 = 7039 |
7039 is a prime number. It is the 905th prime number, and the 5th prime number between 7,001 and 8,000. |
905 = 5 * 181 = Power & Divine Grace overcomes the Alien Ruler |
In 7039 Satan and all his angels and all his followers will be destroyed. |
Furthermore, 7040, the very next year, is the start of Eternity Future; this is worthy of note: |
In the Gematria of numbers, a number repeating itself [i.e. 2 * 2] implies that the meaning of the number is raised to a higher power. |
7040 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 5 * 11 or 27 * 5 * 11 |
Here, we witness the power of Jesus and God. 2 is raised to the power of SEVEN. |
2 = Union [i.e. man with God and Jesus] |
7 = Spiritual Completeness / Perfection – Covenant – Holy Spirit – Finished – Totality – God’s Seal |
2037+1000 = 3037 |
3037 is a Prime Number. It is the 435th Prime Number, and the 5th Prime Number between 3,001 and 4,000. |
435 = 3 * 5 * 29 = Godhead / Divine completeness with Power & Divine Grace with the Holy One |
The 2037th verse in the KJV, and no doubt the LSG 1910, Bible says: |
Exodus 19:10 ¶ And the LORD said unto MOSES, Go unto the people, and SANCTIFY THEM to day and to morrow, and let them wash their clothes, [This is the 2037th verse. “MOSES was a type of CHRIST” – {1890 PP 480.1} With Jesus returning in year 2037, God’s people WILL be fully sanctified.] |
The reason is given in the very next verse: |
Exodus 19:11 And be ready against the third day: for the third day THE LORD WILL COME DOWN IN THE SIGHT OF ALL THE PEOPLE upon MOUNT SINAI. [At Christ’s Second Coming He will also come down from Heaven in the sight of all the people; but not upon Mt. Sinai.] |
Also: |
Luke 20:37 NOW THAT THE DEAD ARE RAISED, even Moses showed at the bush, when he calleth the LORD the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. [Exodus 3:6 15, 4:5; Matthew 22:32; Mark 12:26; Acts 7:32] [Luke, as a physician, gives the most detailed account of Jesus. Jesus was answering the Sadducees about the wife who had 7 brethren; “in the resurrection whose wife of them is she? for seven had her to wife.” With Jesus Second Coming in the year 2037, the dead in Christ will indeed be raised.] |
Consider the full years: 4003 + 2036 = 6039 |
6,039 |
Full years since Creation up to 10th September 2037 at 6 pm Jerusalem time |
365.242190 |
The average number of days in a year |
2,205,698 |
Days* in these full years |
70 |
Days in 4004 BC |
253 |
Days in 2037 AD |
*When the Gregorian Calendar was introduced, Thursday 4 October 1582 was followed by Friday 15 October 1582. This was a loss of 10 days. |
In 1582, “10 days were lost” from the Calendar because Pope Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian Calendar, which required dropping 10 days to correct the inaccuracies of the previously used Julian Calendar, effectively making October 4th, 1582 followed by October 15th, 1582, to realign the Calendar with the Solar Year and the Equinoxes; this change was made to ensure the date of Easter remained consistent with the Spring Equinox. |
The error in the Julian Calendar was that it slightly overestimated the length of a Solar Year by about 11 minutes, causing the Calendar to drift out of sync with the seasons over time, accumulating to roughly one day every century due to its leap year calculation being slightly too generous; this meant that the Calendar was not accurately aligned with the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. |
But God has a Moon Calendar and not a Sun Calendar; so these 10 days need not be deducted. |
2,206,021 |
Days since Creation up to and including 10th September 2037 | |
This number, 2,206,021 is a Prime Number. |
God often uses Prime Numbers. |
According to the Bible, in the events of Joshua, there is a specific instance where an “extra day” is described, where the Sun stood still in the sky during a battle, essentially extending daylight for a full day to allow the Israelites to finish their fight against the Amorites; this event is recorded in Joshua 10:12-13. |
This need not be taken into account as, through the power of God, “the Sun [and no doubt the whole universe] stood still”. |
29.530575 |
The average number of days in a Moon Cycle around the Earth |
Divide the number of days by the Moon Cycle days gives the number of times that the Moon circles the Earth = |
74,702.93367 |
Christ will come after 74,703 Revolutions of the Moon around the Earth. |
74,703 = 3 * 37 * 673 |
3 = Holiness – Resurrection |
37 = The Word of God – The Godhead – God’s Attributes – Chosen Servant – Exaltation |
673 = True Love |
Note also that 3 * 37 = 111 = Fear of the Lord – Oneness of Almighty God |
Fear means Respect. The “Fear of the Lord” is a way of acknowledging God’s power and authority, and responding with awe and worship. It’s a way of living a life that’s centred on God. |
It is important to note that 74,703 * 29.530575 = 2,206,022.5 days. The difference being 1.5 days. |
The 1.5 could be seen as a 1 [God] being bonded to a 2 [Jesus and Spiritual Man] via a Heavenly Marriage. |
Also, 0 is the Symbol of Nothing, the Empty Absolute. It does not form part of Bible Numbers, nor Gematria. |
By adding the 3 to the 4 in the 74,703 Moon [Jesus] Revolutions around the Earth [Mankind] we get 777. |
777 = Power of the Godhead / Perfection – Jesus Christ. |
Summary of Main Findings |
1. Normally Blue Moons occur about every 32.5 months. In 2018, unusually, we had TWO BLUE MOONS IN ONE YEAR and only two months apart – and one was a Lunar Eclipse! THE NEXT TIME WE WILL GET TWO BLUE MOONS IN A YEAR WILL BE 2037. The years that have had TWO [Pruett] BLUE MOONS in a single Calendar Year are: 1915, 1961, 1999, 2018, and the next occurrence is predicted for 2037, then 2094. These are ALL the TWO BLUE MOONS that will occur from 1901-2100; 6 over a 200 year span and the next one occurs in 2037. And in fact, the next monthly Super Blue Moons will occur as a pair, in January and March 2037. The year 2037 will be a special year as it has TWO BLUE MOONS, which is a 3 % chance of that happening. |
2. In Christianity, the Moon symbolizes Jesus, the Son of God. The Sun is symbolic of God the Father. The earth is symbolic of us mortal human beings. The Father (Sun) illuminates the Son (Moon) with His Light / Life, and in turn, the Son (Moon) illuminates us mortal human beings (Earth) with the same Light / Life which He (Jesus, the Son, the Moon) received from His Father (the Sun). We do not see the Sun at night, but the Moon (Son of God), He is the reflection of His Father (the Sun). Jesus (the Moon) is a Light which shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not been able to put it out. It is by the God the Father (Sun) is the Source of Power and the Life-giver. It is by Faith that we (Earth) look to Jesus (Moon) to ensure that we do not walk in [spiritual] darkness. Finally, note that, as we cannot look at the Sun without incurring destruction, so with God – no man can see God and live [Exodus 33:20]. |
3. For 3 months [March 1-June 18, 2037] Regulus was always within 6 hours of the 5 No. Saturn – Moon Occultations. Regulus [the Kingmaker] was giving continuing support to Saturn [the Planet Protector of the Jews] when Jesus (Moon) appeared far away. Jupiter [Planet of Kings, Righteousness, Lord of Heaven, The Messiah], Mercury [Planet of Speed, Messenger, Law] and Regulus [the Kingmaker] are all present with the Moon [Jesus] during the 5 days up to 11 September. Venus, the Mother Planet / Prophecy, also shows a presence 52 days before 11th September. Also, a once in 12 year Sun Conjunction Jupiter occurs in this year on June 29, 2037 at 16:42. |
4. In rare instances, Mars can have three Conjunctions with the Pleiades cluster in period of about 4.7 months. But for this to happen, Mars must reach Opposition at a critical time, so that Mars can swing by the Pleiades going in prograde (eastward in front of the background Stars of the Zodiac), then in retrograde (westward in front of the backdrop Stars), and then in prograde (eastward) again. This last happened in 1990-91 and will next happen in 2037-38. The Pleiades have been associated with mourning and funerals in European folklore since the Bronze Age. First Conjunction: September 12, 2037 (6.0 degrees, going eastward). The date September 12, 2037 does seem to be of relevance. It would be the day [probably plus a few hours] after the Second Coming of Jesus and the first day where Satan and his angels are confined to a desolate Earth. Notice that all the Planets but Saturn have a correlation with the Moon on 10th September, Jerusalem time. Saturn, the Planet Protector of the Jews, does NOT need to be present. God’s people at that time are character perfect and living without a Mediator in heaven. |
5. September 9, 2037 at 9:25 pm Sun [God the Father] Conjunction Moon [Jesus, His Son] – Jerusalem time; which is 10th September by sunset times. How appropriate! At the death of Christ they were apart. At the Second Advent they are seen as One by the Conjunction. |
6. 7 September 2037 at 06:04 IDT (Jerusalem time) Close approach of the Moon and M44. [Messier 44, also well known as the Beehive Cluster or Praesepe, swarms with activity as its name would suggest. This Open Cluster of around 1,000 Stars, loosely connected by gravity, is one of the closest to Earth at approximately 600 light-years away.] In the Bible, Stars and Angels are both seen as Messengers and Guides, and are sometimes used metaphorically to describe each other. With Jesus taking a week [same time assumed as His return with His people to the Sea of Glass] to come from the Third Heaven then, He would again be “in the midst” of His chariot journey to Earth; Should He be surrounded by a literal “myriad of myriads” of angels, then that would be 100 million angels; whatever the number, the Beehive Cluster likewise swarms with activity. Considering this point further, adding 3.5 days to 7 September at 6:04 gives 10 September at 18:04 IDT. This is 48 minutes and 16 seconds before September-10-2037 Thursday – Sunset 18:52:16 PM *; it is noted that the time between sunset and moonset for 10 September is 48 minutes and 19 seconds. |
7. Findings: In the above 12 month review [12.9.2036 – 11.9.2037] [1st month was dormant, so in 11 months], we have a total of 27 Conjunctions = 12 Planet / Planet Conjunctions, 3 Planet / Dwarf Planet Conjunctions, 10 Planet / Moon Conjunctions and 2 Planet / Solar Conjunctions. In addition, there are 9 Close approaches of the Moon and M44. Note: There were NO Moon / M44 dates for 2036 prior to the 12 September, 2036 review start date. See and |
8. When Jesus returns both the Sun (God the Father] and the Moon (Jesus, His Son) will be in Virgo. Virgo, which means Virgin or Maiden, is the second-largest constellation in the sky. Their neighbours are Leo and Libra. Leo is the fifth sign of the Zodiac, and is represented by Leo the Lion. Leo represents the Constellation of Kings and the Tribe of Judah. The brightest Star being Regulus. Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac, and is represented by the Scales of Justice, Law, Fairness, Balance and Civility. The scales are also a reference to the Equinox, when day and night are equal. This can be seen as a fitting description at the time that Christ returns. |
9. Note that in 2037 up to September 11, the Sun has a Conjunction with all the Planets except Mars, the fourth Planet from the Sun, the Red Plant, the Planet of War, Aggression, Danger. Sun Conjunctions with Mars occur on September 23, 2036 4:44 PM Sunday and November 1, 2038 7:00 AM Sunday. Interestingly, both these dates occur on a Sunday. With Mars a representation of satanic forces and the “Sunday Laws” having be implemented, there could well be a connection. From and including: Tuesday, 23 September 2036 to, but not including Friday, 11 September 2037 gives 353 days; 353 is a Prime Number and means Despise the Prophets. |
10. Rosh Hashanah is the Civil Jewish New Year. In 2037, it will start on Wednesday, 9 September at sunset – Thursday, 10 September nightfall 1 Tishrei 5798. This is the Biblical day: Leviticus 23:24 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the SEVENTH MONTH, in the FIRST [DAY] of the month [Tishrei 1 – Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah)], shall ye have a Sabbath, a memorial of BLOWING OF TRUMPETS, an holy convocation. God’s Calendar was a Lunar one; this was used by everyone from 4004 BC until about 46 BC. As God wishes us to be restored back to the Garden of Eden, we should not reject what the Moon can tell us. |
11. Rosh Chodesh Nisan 1 Hebrew Year 5797 begins at sundown on Monday, 16 March 2037 and ends at nightfall on Tuesday, 17 March 2037. Days between 16 March and September 10 = 178 178 = Two Witnesses In the Bible, the “two witnesses” are most commonly interpreted as Enoch and Elijah, as they are the only two individuals mentioned in scripture who were taken directly to heaven without experiencing death, making them a prominent candidate for this symbolic representation found in the Book of Revelation (Chapter 11). In traditional Seventh-day Adventist interpretation, as found in Uriah Smith and Ellen G. White, the two witnesses are the Old and New Testaments. To both of these interpretations, there is a fitting parallel with what will happen when Jesus returns. |
12. The nearest distances for the Earth – Moon Perigees from 1901 – 2100 show that January 21, 2023 was the closest of them all. The 2037 Perigee distance is less than 0.214% above this minimum 2 century value. Of the 4 New Supermoon during the year 2037, the one on 10th September 2037 is the closest to the Earth for the year. This “Perigee” distance from the Earth is less than normal; the distance of 357,334 km being within 0.214% of the nearest/lowest distance for 2 centuries. Although Perigee occurs on Thursday 10th September 2037 at 05:13 [am] Jerusalem time, the New Moon occurs on Wednesday, 9th September 2037 at 21:25 Jerusalem time. This is AFTER SUNSET and therefore is the 10th September 2037 according to God’s time-keeping. This Thursday 10th September 2037 Perigee date just so happens to be 1st of Tishrei, 5798, the start of the Civil Jewish New Year. |
13. The Day Star of Coma Berenices played an important role in 3 BC. Jesus grew up and lived for 33 years. At His Second Coming, this Star does NOT have a role to play in the sky. In fact, when Christ comes in September, it will NOT be visible. |
14. Uranus is associated with Church in Decline / Last Days of the Church, while Neptune is associated with the Creation of the heavens on the fourth day. Neptune is also associated with the sign of Pisces [fish], which is a traditional symbol of Christianity. Pisces is the 12th and final sign of the Zodiac. The Age of Pisces began 1 AD and will end |
15. 07.06.2037 13:06: Neptune Conjunction Eris. [Time may be 3? hours later] This Conjunction is the ONLY one to occur in the 2030’s before September 11, 2037. June 7 to September 11 is 96 days, where the number 96 = New Song to God. |
16. Conjunction of Mercury and Saturn Thursday, 30 July 2037 at 17:44 IDT (14:44 UTC) and Tuesday, 11 August 2037 at 23:08 IDT (20:08 UTC) Saturn = Planet Protector of the Jews Mercury = Planet of Speed, Messenger, Law A repeated and swift message of final warning is given for God’s people to put themselves right with God and Jesus, His Son. Mediator Protection time is almost finished. |
17. 22.08.2037 02:27: Sun Conjunction Mercury Sun is representative of the Father Mercury = Planet of Speed, Messenger, Law God the Father swiftly sends His last message of warning just prior to His Son leaving the Heavenly Sanctuary |
18. Saturn at Solar Conjunction. Saturday, 29 August 2037 at 10:01 IDT (07:01 UTC). At around the same time, Saturn will also be at its most distant from the Earth – receding to a distance of 10.30 AU – since the two Planets will lie on opposite sides of the Solar System. If Saturn could be observed at this time, it would appear at its smallest and faintest on account of its large distance. It would measure 16.1 arcsec in diameter. Over following weeks and months, Saturn will re-emerge to the west of the Sun, gradually becoming visible for ever-longer periods in the pre-dawn sky. The Sun is representative of God the Father Saturn = Planet Protector of the Jews God the Father is giving the Jews [Spiritual Israel = His people] protection until 12 full days before the Return of Jesus. Saturn is NOT REQUIRED when God’s people live without a Mediator [See bold text notes above]. Hence, after the 30.08.2037 11:45 [14:45] Ceres sextile Saturn event, there are no more Saturn events before September 11th. |
19. Jupiter & Uranus Conjunction on September 8th, 2037 at 14:16 IDT (11:16 UTC). Jupiter will be at magnitude -2.0; and Uranus will be at magnitude 5.6. Both objects will lie in the constellation Gemini. The constellation Gemini is made up of the twins Castor and Pollux. Represented by twins, the sign is deeply independent, yet also in search of a lifelong partner. Jupiter = Planet of Kings, Righteousness, Justice, Lord of Heaven, The Messiah. Uranus is the Planet of change, innovation, and liberation. It’s also known as the “Rebel of the Solar System”. This Conjunction is the very last one before the Return of Jesus. It implies that Jesus, the Messiah, will return to Earth to implement a change to this “Rebel of the Solar System”. The inhabitants of Earth are the ONLY beings that have fallen / come short of the Glory of God. |
20. Uranus – The church in the last days. To appreciate the meaning of Uranus, it is necessary to understand the meaning of Saturn and Jupiter. Saturn, with her wedding ring about her, bows in respect and adoration of her Messiah, Jupiter. Gas Planets represent spiritual life. As the greatest Gas Planet JUPITER REPRESENTS THE MESSIAH IN HIS FIRST COMING TO EARTH, FULLY MAN AND FULLY GOD. Saturn represents the spiritual life of believers in the Messiah, the church of Jesus Christ, in her glory at the beginning of the Age of Grace. Next Gas Planet along, URANUS REPRESENTS THE LOWLY STATE OF THE SPIRITUAL LIFE OF THE CHURCH AT THE END OF THE AGE OF GRACE. The spiritual numbers of the astronomical measurements of Saturn and Uranus are most meaningful when measured relative to Jupiter since Jesus is our Lord (the standard by which we measure ourselves). In September 2037, the Messiah Planet Jupiter and the Bride of Christ Planet Uranus occur in the sign of Cancer. Cancer is known for being domestic, homely and protective of loved ones. The Moon [Jesus] is the ruling Planet of Cancer. |
21. The sky events for the 5 days before the Return of Jesus are: Lunar Occultation of Jupiter. Sunday, 06 September 2037 from 02:32 IDT (23:32 UTC) to 06:24 IDT (03:24 UTC) Unfortunately the Occultation will not be visible from Jerusalem. Close approach of the Moon, Jupiter and Uranus. Sunday, 06 September 2037 at 05:04 IDT (02:04 UTC) Close approach of the Moon and M44. Monday, 07 September 2037 at 06:04 IDT (03:04 UTC) Close approach of Jupiter and Uranus. Tuesday, 08 September 2037 at 14:16 IDT (11:16 UTC) Mercury at greatest elongation west. Tuesday, 08 September 2037 at 01:30 IDT (22:30 UTC) On Tuesday 08 September 2037, Mercury will be at the highest altitude in morning sky. Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus. Wednesday, 09 September 2037 at 00:53 IDT (21:53 UTC) – a 1 in 14 year event. New Moon. Wednesday, 09 September 2037 at 21:26 IDT (18:26 UTC) On September 10th 2037, Eris is still with Neptune, and Uranus is near Jupiter. NB: Pluto is one the other side of the Solar System – the name Pluto is the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Hades and represents the “underworld”. |
22. The message from the sky may be interpreted as: [Jupiter] Jesus Christ as the King of Kings, has come back to Earth, “the material world” or “the abode of man”, to link up with [Uranus] His church in these last days, which was in a low state of spiritual life, to commence and instigate a “long-term”, radical change. |
23. When we look at the Night [and Day] Sky for Jerusalem on September 10th, 2037 we find NOTHING is happening. This is also the case for September 11th. Reason: The focus is ALL upon the Return of Jesus. All that we find on September 10th 2037 is that Eris, after 4 months [middle of May – middle of September, 2037], is still with Neptune [until December], and Uranus is near but moving away from Jupiter. Neptune is associated with the sign of Pisces, which is a traditional symbol of Christianity Eris = Discord, Strife and Controversy The Jupiter – Uranus meaning has just been covered. The Eris – Neptune 4 month bond typifies secular Christianity, and that includes multitudes who proclaimed that they were saved [by grace, etc.], who are in a state of turmoil as they realize too late that they have not served God and Jesus [but a false God in keeping Sunday and worshipping false trinity gods]. |
Notes for Advanced Readers: Eris has been getting nearer to Neptune throughout 2035 – March 2037; then middle of March – middle of May, 2037 there is an accelerated movement of Eris while it “unites” with Neptune, then to become stationery for months. We are told that after the Sunday Laws are implemented, God will reveal the Ark of the Covenant so that the world will know about the Fourth Commandment. It is quite possible that the Eris – Neptune “bonding” depicts that time with God’s Law being shown to the world around the the “middle” of February 2037. If we subtract 7 months of 30 days / month = 210 days from Friday, 11 September, 2037 we get Friday, 13 February, 2037. 210 is a special number being the product of the first four Prime Numbers. 210 is also the sum of the first 20 numbers. Knowing the way that God works, I believe that this could well be the date that God reveals His Law Commandment Laws. |
Why? [Well, besides it being a Friday 13th – People who are afraid of Friday the 13th have a condition called friggatriskaidekaphobia] It is noted that on February 13 at 06:35 Saturn was 1.1°N of Regulus. Saturn = Planet Protector of the Jews, and Regulus = Star of Kingship, Kingmaker, Little King, Chief Star of Leo. Thus we have Jesus with Jesus. 210 days = 30 weeks = 210 days = 5040 hours = 302,400 minutes = 18,144,000 seconds. 21 = Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin – The Totality of God’s Judgement against the Wicked – Lawlessness (appointed time) 30 = Adoption – Blood of Christ – Blood (children) – Dedication – Consecration – Maturity for Ministry 50 = Fire (purify / persecution) – Holy Spirit / Holy Ghost – Israel’s Jubilee 40 = Trials – Probation – Testing / Severe Test – Days of Jesus’ Temptation – Time of Proving – Closing in Victory / Judgement – A Very Long Time – Tribulation 30 = Adoption – Blood of Christ – Blood (children) – Dedication – Consecration – Maturity for Ministry 24 = The Priesthood – Heavenly Government & Worship of God – Christian Number for Completion / Restoration –Priest 18 = Bondage (depression) – Life and Sin / Death 144000 = Those Numbered of Israel |
After analysis, all of this makes sense to the events taking place. God’s Commandment Laws are revealed following the Sunday Law enforcement. All have a Severe Test and a Time of Proving as to whether they will be Consecration for a heavenly Consecration or remain in Bondage through a life of Sin / Death. Many will convert but fall before the Great Day of the Lord but the 144,000 who, through the Blood of Christ have Matured for Heavenly Government & Worship of God will defiantly stand the Severe Test. |
In the above considerations, 210 days [7 months of 30 days] before September 11th, 2037 gave the 13th February, 2037 date – which is at the 28th day of Shevat. [The months of the Hebrew year are Nisan, Iyar, Sivan, Tammuz, Av, Elul, Tishrei, Heshvan, Kislev, Tevet, Shevat, and Adar.] The month of Shevat [Sh’vat] is associated with the Torah [Bible], and is a time to renew study of the Torah. The 28th day of Shevat is Parashat Mishpatim. The word Parashah is a Hebrew word that means “explanation”; Mishpatim means “Laws”. Parashat Mishpatim relates to the Exodus Chapters 20 – 21 portion of Scripture that outlines the Laws and the Covenant between God and the Israelites as given by Moses – a type of Christ. These include Laws about the Sabbath, the sabbatical year, holidays, destroying idolatry, slavery, the treatment of slaves, damages, loans, returning lost property, personal injuries, and social responsibility. How opportune that God / Jesus use this date, the 13th February, 2037 to reveal the Ten Commandments. Friday, the sixth day, is also the Preparation day for the seventh day – a sanctified day – the Sabbath / 7,000 years. |
24. Close approach of the Moon and Venus. Saturday, 12 September 2037 at 21:58 IDT (18:58 UTC). This will be the FIRST significant event in the Night [and Day] Sky of Jerusalem AFTER the Return of Jesus. The Moon represents Jesus. Venus = The Mother Planet, Prophecy Just as foretold in Biblical Prophecy, and also in the Heavens, Jesus has Returned to collect His people. The Moon and Venus will make a close approach, passing within 6°10′ of each other. 6°10′ = 370′ where 37 = The Word of God – The Godhead – God’s Attributes – Chosen Servant – Exaltation The Moon [Jesus] will be 3 DAYS OLD. Jesus [Moon] returns / resurrects Himself on the third day of the Moon at His Second Coming, which parallels His First Coming. There were also displays of Meteor Showers around this time in 3 BC.. |
25. The Mercury and Saturn Conjunction on 15th September, 2037 is considered one of the best Conjunctions until 2065. It is Satan’s Consolation Prize from God. Also note that God created Adam and Eve on the sixth day (Friday). September 11 is also a Friday. The difference being that God / Jesus were living with their “image” – mankind on that “first” day and onwards; whereas Satan, from that “first” day will no longer be living with mankind. |
26. New Moon Wednesday, 9 September, 2037 at 21:26:22 IDT * [After sunset, therefore 10th September] On this date [9th] the Moon [Jesus] was also at Perigee – nearest to the Earth [Mankind]. September-10-2037 [Sunset] Thursday 18:52:16 * September-10-2037 [Moonset] Thursday 19:40:35 * Difference in Sunset and Moonset = 48 minutes 19 seconds. Note that you are in the 49th minute. We established, just like the First Advent, that these numbers held Gematria significance in their meaning. |
27. The time at the mid-point between Sunset and Moonset = 19 hours 16 minutes 25.5 seconds. Likewise, we established that these numbers held Gematria significance in their meanings. |
28. From a review of the Year Dates, we also established that these numbers held Gematria significance in their meanings. Furthermore, when Time Periods were converted to Days, then they often gave Prime Numbers. God frequently uses Prime Numbers and not Composite Numbers. God also uses the Moon Calendar and not the man-made Sun Calendar; as such, He avoided the pit-falls of comparison difficulties. |
29. On September 10, 2037 it appears that, at the start of that day, a Solar Eclipse does occur. On September 10, the Moon goes from Virgo [Number 6 in the Zodiac] into Libra [Number 7]. Tishrei is also the seventh month of the Hebrew Calendar, which starts the Civil New Year. There seems to be a parallel here to the 6 weekly days going into the 7 Sabbath day and therefore the 6,000 years going into the 7,000 year period. The two main Stars in Libra, Zubenelgenubi and Zubeneschamali, are considered the “gateway” in the sky and symbolize Divine Justice. The Star Zubenelgenubi is almost on the Ecliptic Line. The Ecliptic Line is an imaginary line that marks the path of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. It’s also the apparent path of the Sun, Moon and Planets as they travel on or near this Celestial Pathway across the sky as seen from Earth. Astronomers and navigators use the Ecliptic to map the sky. |
30. September 10, 2037 04:13 Moon at Perigee: 357229 km 357229 is the 30539th Prime Number, which itself is the 3297th Prime Number. 3297 = 3 * 7 * 157, where 3 = Godhead (3 Powers) – Divine Completeness / Perfection / Holiness – Resurrection – Holy Spirit – Completion of Divine Will – Wholeness / Inner Sanctity – Binding (Spirit of God) 7 = Spiritual Completeness / Perfection – Sanctification – Resurrection – Covenant – Holy Spirit – Finished – Totality – God’s Seal – The End (sword) 157 = Chosen People Also note that the Moon [Jesus] is at Perigee [closest to the Earth = Mankind] on this 10th September, 2037 day. |
31. The 2037th verse in the KJV, and no doubt the LSG 1910, Bible says: Exodus 19:10 ¶ And the LORD said unto MOSES, Go unto the people, and SANCTIFY THEM to day and to morrow, and let them wash their clothes, [This is the 2037th verse. “MOSES was a type of CHRIST” – {1890 PP 480.1} With Jesus returning in year 2037, God’s people WILL be fully sanctified.] The 2038th verse gives the reason: Exodus 19:11 And be ready against the third day: for the third day THE LORD WILL COME DOWN IN THE SIGHT OF ALL THE PEOPLE upon MOUNT SINAI. [At Christ’s Second Coming He will also come down from Heaven in the sight of all the people; but not upon Mt. Sinai.] We saw that Jesus would also COME DOWN on the THIRD day of the New Moon. |
32. Christ will come after 74,703 revolutions of the Moon around the Earth. Besides the factorised findings, by adding the 3 to the 4 in the 74,703 Moon [Jesus] Revolutions around the Earth [Mankind] we get 777. 777 = Power of the Godhead / Perfection – Jesus Christ. |
If you’re asking about a scenario where all the Planets in our Solar System are aligned on one side in the year 2037, this is not a realistic possibility based on our current understanding of planetary motion; Planets orbit the Sun in relatively stable paths with significant distances between them, making such an alignment extremely unlikely to occur. |
Google AI – Stay tuned. You have something to see and learn !!!!!!! |
Finally, you will want to see [and I would recommend that you do] the Planets as they will be during 2037 and especially on September 10 / 11, 2037. Please right click the link below and watch the whole year in full screen, or just go to 1 minute 26 seconds: | |
Note: The Time Zone is UTC; for Jerusalem Time add 2 hours to the displayed time. Sunset will therefore be at 4:52 pm on the video. |
Additional Note |
In connection with the above Google note, it appears that on 23.7.2035, 16.4.2036, 21.7.2037, and 16.6.2038 the Planets appear to be gathered in a 150° sector of the heavens. There are probably other dates that may be found by right clicking upon the following links: | | for 2035 | for 2036 | for 2037 | for 2038 |
This documentation has been produced to add convincing weight to the web-page: | |
which confirmed that: |
In all probability, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will occur at the Feast of Trumpets – (Rosh Hashanah) – End of Tishrei 1, 5798 – September 11, 2037. This is in the evening of the 10th September, between Jerusalem’s sunset and moonset times; sometime in that 48 minutes 19 seconds span of time between 6:52:16 pm and 7:40:35 pm, [Jerusalem time]. Sunset on the September 10th being the start of September 11th, 2037. Jesus Christ will probably come at 7.00 pm again. God / Jesus are very exact and often uses 7’s. |
In the research, preparation and issue of these two documents, I give ALL the glory to God the Father and Jesus Christ His Only Begotten Son. I could NEVER have found out all this without prayer and much guidance from His Holy Spirit. |
Psalm 8:3 When I consider THY HEAVENS, the work of Thy fingers, the MOON and the STARS, which Thou hast ordained; |
Psalm 8:4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the Son of man, that Thou visitest him? |
Psalm 8:9 O LORD our Lord, how excellent [is] Thy Name in all the Earth! |
Amos 5:8 [Seek Him] that maketh the SEVEN STARS AND ORION, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the Earth: The LORD [is] HIS NAME: [The Hebrew word for the Pleiades (seven stars) means properly “heap” or “cluster,” and that for Orion signifies “stout, strong one.” The appearance of the Pleiades indicated the “sweet influences” of spring, that of Orion the winter solstice.] [seven stars – an old English name of the Pleiades]. |
My Reader Friend, if you have not given your whole life to God through Jesus Christ, please, please, do it now. |
Whoever you are and whatever you have done, He will Accept you and Justify you. |
You must then Sanctify your life in Jesus, living as He would live by putting God first. |
That involves keeping the Sabbath, from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, holy – God and Jesus focused and NOT self. |
It means studying the Word of God from a King James Version [KJV] Bible, and NOT from profit- making / perverted man-made bibles. |
Being Baptised – if at all possible, in the Name of Jesus [as in Acts 2:38, 8:12, 8:16, 10:48, 16:15, 18:8, 19:5, 22:16; Romans 6:3-4; 1 Corinthians 1:12-17; Galatians 3:27; Ephesians 4:5 and 1 Peter 3:21]. Otherwise, in the Name of the 3 greatest heavenly powers of God the Father, His Son, Jesus and the / their Holy Spirit. |
It means denying the trinity and other man-made theologies. |
You are what you eat; it probably means a lifestyle change to adopting a Vegan diet. |
It implies that your spiritual food should also be the best for you. This probably will not be found at your local Seventh-day Adventist [SDA] church, for they have adopted the pagan trinity beliefs. |
It means seeking out those organisations that are telling the TRUTH, such as [right click please]: |
Pastor Daniel Mesa who has the website. |
Pastor Nader Mansour who has the and websites. |
Pastor Imad Awde who has the and websites. |
Finally, it means walking in your life with the BEST FRIENDS that you could ever have – God and Jesus. |
Soon, it will be too late. Your Probation will close. IF YOU LOOSE HEAVEN, YOU LOOSE EVERYTHING. |
There are just over 4,500 days left, and Time and Tide wait for no man – Time flies so fast. |
DO NOT DELAY, in giving your life to Christ. He has given His life to you [and others] on Calvary. |
Mankind may live to be 100 years of age. By dividing 100 into Infinity you still have Infinity ! |
That is the Free Gift on offer that you could have; living with God and Jesus in a perfect environment. |