
March 2025

Jesus Christ will Return on September 11, 2037 [End of Tishrei 1, 5798] 1: Main Points

When will Jesus Christ return?
When is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ?
Many people ask such questions.
At some point in time, the Voice of God will proclaim the day and hour of His Son’s return.
But only His people will understand that message.
However, from the information that He has declared to us, we know, with more than a degree of certainty, when that event will occur.
In all probability, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will occur at the Feast of Trumpets – (Rosh Hashanah) – End of Tishrei 1, 5798 – September 11, 2037. This is in the evening of the 10th September, between Jerusalem’s sunset and moonset times; sometime in that 48 minutes 19 seconds span of time between 6:52:16 PM and 7:40:35 PM, [Jerusalem time]. Sunset on the September 10th being the start of September 11th, 2037. Jesus Christ will probably come at 7.00 PM again. God / Jesus are very exact and often uses 7’s.
This document reveals how that information for the time and date has been established.
GOD’S CREATION WEEK – ADAM and EVE created by God / Jesus. [Genesis 1:1 – 2:3]. Creation Week started at sunset at 6:00 PM on Saturday October 22, 4004 BC [Jerusalem time].
With the “night” occurring before the “day” and each being of 12 hours, then the next 24 hour Day starts at 6 PM.
Thus the First Day [a Sunday] commenced upon October 23, 4004 BC [6:00 PM, Jerusalem time]. This was on Tishrei 30, -243.
The Creation Week of Genesis 1:1 – 2:3 not only parallels each Week but also parallels the History of the Earth.
God’s Sanctified Sabbath is a Saturday – not a Sunday – and commences at Friday sunset and ends at Saturday sunset. God rested [ceased working] on the seventh day.
As the six working days of our week [Sunday – Friday] precede the weekly Sanctified Sabbath day [Saturday], so there are 6000 years of Earthly rule before a 1000 year Heavenly time where His people will be with Jesus.
6000 years after 6:00 PM on Saturday October 22, 4004 BC [Jerusalem time] occurred at 6:00 PM on Wednesday October 22, 1997 BC [Jerusalem time] [4004 + 1997 = 6001 years less 1 year as the days in 4004 + 1997 give a full year].
But Jesus has yet to come. What has happened?
In consideration of the shortness of time we as a people should watch and pray, and in no case allow ourselves to be diverted from the solemn work of preparation for the great event before us. Because the time is apparently extended, many have become careless and indifferent in regard to their words and actions. They do not realize their danger and do not see and understand the MERCY OF OUR GOD IN LENGTHENING THEIR PROBATION, THAT THEY MAY HAVE TIME TO FORM CHARACTERS FOR THE FUTURE, IMMORTAL LIFE. Every moment is of the highest value. Time is granted them, not to be employed in studying their own ease and becoming dwellers on the Earth, but to be used in the work of overcoming every defect in their own characters and in helping others, by example and personal effort, to see the beauty of holiness. God has a people upon the Earth who in faith and holy hope are tracing down the roll of fast-fulfilling prophecy and are seeking to purify their souls by obeying the truth, that they may not be found without the wedding garment when Christ shall appear. {1876-1881 4T 306.3}
By how much has our probation been extended?
In God’s Word, there are clues as to the duration of this probation.
Mary conceived at Winter Solstice. Like Creation, on a Sunday, at the beginning of the week.
Winter Solstice – Sunday, December 23, 4 BC, 5:51 AM – Mary probably conceived at 6:00 AM.
This was the start of a New Day and the start of a New Year.
Molad [= Moon is “born again”] of Tishrei, 3759 – September 9, 3 BC, 11:33:33 PM; therefore 10th September.
Birth of Jesus Christ – Tishrei 1 [10th September, 3 BC] – in evening between sunset & moonset.
This was the start of a New Day [Tishrei 2]. Therefore the 10th becomes Wednesday, 11th September, 3 BC.
Jesus was born at the MIDDLE of the week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, night time :: day time [Wednesday], Thursday, Friday, Sabbath.
Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) = Tishrei 1, 3759 = 10th September, 3 BC.
Daniel 9:27 – “70th week” Jesus dies MIDDLE of the “week” – 27th April, 31 AD, Jesus died around 3.00 PM.
[A prophetic week being an actual year – See Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6]
Note that the value of Pi = approximately 22/7 = 3.1415927.… is reflected in both the birth and death dates.
Born -3.11.9 [YDM] and Died 31.4.27 [YMD]
Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover) (Pesach) = Nisan 15-21, 3791 = Thursday, April 26 – Wednesday, May 2, 31 AD.
Jesus was resurrected at the MIDDLE of the Passover Feast: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, night time :: day time [Sunday], Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
Molad of Tishrei, 5798 = Tishrei 1, 5798 = Thursday, September 10th, 12:50:37 AM, 2037
Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) = Tishrei 1, 5798 = Thursday, September 10th, 2037
Question: Why have we considered year 2037?
1997 + 40 years extended probation = 2037. The Gematria for the number 40 is: Trials – Probation – Testing / Severe Test – Time of Proving – Closing in Victory / Judgement.
In the Bible, after the number 7, the number 40 is the most used.
The Israelites were in the wilderness for 40 years before they entered into “the Promised Land”. Likewise, Spiritual Israel – God’s people.
Jesus was 40 days in the wilderness being tempted by Satan. Then Satan left Him “for a season”. Likewise, Satan will no longer have access to Spiritual Israel – God’s people.
God’s warning given in Noah’s day was given 120 [3×40] years before the destruction of the Earth. Ellen G. White wrote Prophets and Kings which was published in 1917 and covers the Biblical history from King Solomon until the return of Israel from exile. Ellen G. White’s writing illuminated sacred history and provided comfort to believers as they await the Second Coming of Christ. This, her last inspired main book, was also given 120 years beforehand.
Israel served the Philistines for 40 years before Samson’s deliverance. God’s people, as children of Israel, await deliverance by Jesus Christ from the servitude of sin / Satan.
Jonah was sent of God to proclaim in the streets of Nineveh that within forty days the city would be overthrown; but GOD ACCEPTED THE HUMILIATION OF THE NINEVITES AND EXTENDED THEIR PERIOD OF PROBATION. Nineveh was tested according to the will of God. Just like Nineveh, God has extended our probationary period to give us time to form CHARACTER PERFECTION.
The Bible says that the rains that created the Noachian Flood lasted for 40 days (Genesis 7:12, 17). Rain can symbolize God’s blessing, punishment, and provision. It can also represent the Holy Spirit, spiritual renewal, and judgement. Just as the antediluvian world was destroyed by Flood, so the modern world will be destroyed by Jesus Christ at His Second Coming.
Elijah travelled 40 days and 40 nights to Mount Horeb [1 Kings 19:8] – the place of God. After 40 years of extended probation, God’s people shall likewise go to the place of God.
Ezekiel bore the iniquity of the house of Judah for 40 days [Ezekiel 4:6]. Jesus likewise has had to bear the iniquity of His people – the house of Judah – for an 40 extra years of probation beyond the 6000 years.
At His First Coming, Jesus was conceived at the start of a New Day and the start of a New Year. He was born on Tishrei 1 which is the first day of the seventh month in the Hebrew Calendar and the start of the Jewish Civil New Year. Tishrei 1 = Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah). We should not be surprised if His Second Coming also reflects the start of something New. However, this will not occur on a Sabbath day as with “seven days ascending to the Sea of Glass” the Sabbath day will occur on route.
Note: Rosh Hashanah is observed by the Jews as a two-day holiday, on the first and second of Tishrei, even though the Bible ordains only one day. As such, with Jesus coming after Tishrei 1 sunset, He will again come at the MIDDLE of the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) celebrations.
Tishrei 1 at Jesus’ Birth occurred on September 10, 3 BC. The Gregorian Calendar dates can vary by up to a month, Tishrei 1 at Jesus’ Second Coming will again occur on September 10, 2037. Since the year 2000, a September 10 date has occurred only once, in 2018, the next time will be in 2029 and then 2037.
Thus the Second Coming of Jesus Christ – – at the Feast of Trumpets – (Rosh Hashanah) – End of Tishrei 1, 5798 – Start of September 11, 2037, between Jerusalem’s sunset and moonset [Jerusalem time], at 7:00 PM – – also carries a Divine influence.
Tishrei 1 marks the beginning of the High Holy Days of Israel. The word “Tishrei” comes from the Akkadian word tasritu, which means “beginning”.
Another aspect of the working of God [and Jesus] is to be found in His use of Prime Numbers; there are many:
Days between 11 September 3BC and 11 September 2037 = 744,721 = the 5,800th Prime Number. The Gematria number 58 = Worldly Life.
Years from 11 September 3BC to 10 / 11 September 2037 = 2039. 239 means God’s Spirit Fills a New Prophet.
2039 is the 309th prime number. In Gematria, the number 309 means Good Confession.
Number of complete years from Creation to the start of Eternity Future (after 1000 years with Christ) = 4004 + 2037 – 1 (as no year zero) – 1 (from the 2 end “part of year” dates) + 1000 = 4003 + 2036 + 1000 = 7039.
7039 is the 905th Prime Number. In Gematria, the number 95 means Voice of God.
The Eight Planets [and main stars / galaxies] in our Solar System all have Meanings:
There are also several Dwarf Planets in our Solar System, including: Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris. Dwarf Planets are celestial bodies that orbit the Sun, but are not considered Planets. 
Mercury = Planet of Speed, Messenger, Law, Deception
Venus = The Mother Planet, Prophecy
Mars = Red Planet, Planet of War, Aggression, Danger
Jupiter = Planet of Kings, Righteousness, Justice, Lord of Heaven, The Messiah
Saturn = Planet Protector of the Jews
Neptune is associated with the sign of Pisces, which is a traditional symbol of Christianity
Uranus = Bride of Christ, Testifies of Christ, Church in Decline, Last Days of the Church
Pluto is the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Hades. Pluto [Planet “X”] signifies the underworld, a place of darkness and cold
Regulus = Star of Kingship, Kingmaker, Little King, Chief Star of Leo
Day Star = The Star in the Head of the Infant in “Coma” was visible in daylight for 300 years
Leo = Constellation of Kings and of Tribe of Judah
Pisces = Constellation of Nation of Israel
Virgo = The Virgin or Maiden
Eris = Discord, Strife and Controversy
These meanings enable us to understand God’s messages in the sky.
We also need to understand some technical words:
Perigee – instant when the Moon is closest to Earth
Apogee – instant when the Moon is furthest from Earth
Perihelion – instant when a Planet is closest to the Sun
Aphelion – instant when a Planet is furthest from the Sun
Conjunction – instant when a Planet appears closest the Sun as seen from Earth
Superior Conjunction – instant when a Planet (Mercury or Venus) passes on the opposite side of the Sun from Earth
Inferior Conjunction – instant when a Planet (Mercury or Venus) passes between Earth and the Sun
Opposition – instant when a Planet appears opposite the Sun as seen from Earth
Occultation – the Moon Occults or Eclipses a Star or Planet.
The eight Lunar Phases are, in order: New Moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, Full Moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, and waning crescent. The cycle repeats once every 29.530575 days.
If Perigee coincides with a Full Moon phase, this is generally called a Supermoon. Supermoons appear roughly 17% bigger and 30% brighter than the faintest Moon of the year.
When a Full Moon takes place when the Moon is near its closest approach to Earth, it is called a Super Full Moon. When there is a New Moon around the closest point to Earth, it is known as a Super New Moon.
A Micromoon, on the other hand, is when a Full or a New Moon is near its farthest point from Earth, around Apogee. It’s also known as a Minimoon, Mini Full Moon, or a Mini New Moon.
The technical term for a Supermoon is a Perigee syzygy. Syzygy means a Conjunction or Opposition, especially of the Moon with the Sun.
There is usually only one Full Moon every month, but occasionally there are two – and that second Full Moon is called a [Pruett] Blue Moon.
The years that have had TWO [Pruett] BLUE MOONS in a single Calendar Year are: 1915, 1961, 1999, 2018, and the next occurrence is predicted for 2037, then 2094. These are ALL the TWO BLUE MOONS that will occur from 1901-2100; 6 over a 200 year span and the next one occurs in 2037.
A Calendrical Blue Moon (by Pruett’s definition) is predictable and relatively common, happening 7 times in every 19 years (i.e. once every 32.5 months). Calendrical Blue Moons occur because the time between successive Full Moons (29.530575 days) is shorter than the average Calendar Month.
Seasonal Blue Moons take place slightly less frequently than Monthly Blue Moons—in the 1100 years between 1550 and 2650, there are 408 Seasonal Blue Moons and 456 Monthly Blue Moons. This means that either type of Blue Moon occurs roughly every 32.5 months.
The term “Supermoon” is used to describe a Full Moon that occurs within a day or so of Perigee. The time between Super Blue Moons is quite irregular ? it can be as much as 20 years ? but in general, 10 years is the average.
A “Black [New] Moon” is actually the inverse of a “Blue [Full] Moon.” It is either defined as the second New Moon within a Calendar Month, or as the third New Moon in a season of four New Moons. Black [New] Moons aren’t visible in the night sky because they are New Moons.
The time keeping of God is Jerusalem time. Jerusalem, Israel time [IST / IDT*] is the same as in Eastern European Time [EET]. All other Time Zones MUST be converted as Jerusalem is God’s Holy City.
On September 10, 2037 04:13 the Moon is at Perigee: 357229 km from the Earth.
357229 is the 30539th Prime Number, which itself is the 3297th Prime Number.
Note that the Moon [Jesus] is at Perigee [closest to the Earth = Mankind] on this 10th September, 2037 day.
In Christianity, the Moon symbolizes Jesus, the Son of God. The Sun is symbolic of God the Father. The Earth is symbolic of us mortal human beings. The Father (Sun) illuminates the Son (Moon) with His Light / Life, and in turn, the Son (Moon) illuminates us mortal human beings (Earth) with the same Light / Life which He (Jesus, the Son, the Moon) received from His Father (the Sun). We do not see the Sun at night, but the Moon (Son of God), He is the reflection of His Father (the Sun). Jesus (the Moon) is a Light which shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not been able to put it out. It is by the God the Father (Sun) is the Source of Power and the Life-giver. It is by Faith that we (Earth) look to Jesus (Moon) to ensure that we do not walk in [spiritual] darkness. Finally, note that, as we cannot look at the Sun without incurring destruction, so with God – no man can see God and live [Exodus 33:20].
In the 12 month review [12.9.2036 – 11.9.2037] [1st month was dormant, so in 11 months], we have a total of 27 Conjunctions = 12 Planet / Planet Conjunctions, 3 Planet / Dwarf Planet Conjunctions, 10 Planet / Moon Conjunctions and 2 Planet / Solar Conjunctions. In addition, there are 9 Close approaches of the Moon and M44.
The number 279 means Give Glory to God.
Note: There were NO Moon / M44 dates for 2036 prior to the 12 September, 2036 review start date. See and
For 3 months [March 1-June 18, 2037] Regulus was always within 6 hours of the 5 No. Saturn – Moon Occultations. Regulus [the Kingmaker] was giving continuing support to Saturn [the Planet Protector of the Jews] when Jesus (Moon) appeared far away. Jupiter [Planet of Kings, Righteousness, Lord of Heaven, The Messiah], Mercury [Planet of Speed, Messenger, Law] and Regulus [the Kingmaker] are all present with the Moon [Jesus] during the 5 days up to 11 September. Venus, the Mother Planet / Prophecy, also shows a presence 52 days before 11th September. Also, a once in 12 year Sun Conjunction Jupiter occurs in this year on June 29, 2037 at 16:42.
The Day Star of Coma Berenices played an important role in 3 BC. Jesus grew up and lived for 33 years. At His Second Coming, this Star does NOT have a role to play in the sky. In fact, when Christ comes in September, it will NOT be visible.
07.06.2037 13:06: Neptune Conjunction Eris. [Time may be 3? hours later] This Conjunction is the ONLY one to occur in the 2030’s before September 11, 2037.
June 7 to September 11 is 96 days, where the number 96 = New Song to God.
Conjunctions of Mercury and Saturn Thursday, 30 July 2037 at 17:44 IDT and Tuesday, 11 August 2037 at 23:08 IDT
Saturn = Planet Protector of the Jews
Mercury = Planet of Speed, Messenger, Law
A repeated and swift message of final warning is given for God’s people to put themselves right with God and Jesus, His Son. Mediator Protection time is almost finished.
22.08.2037 02:27: Sun Conjunction Mercury
Sun is representative of the Father
Mercury = Planet of Speed, Messenger, Law
God the Father swiftly sends His last message of warning just prior to His Son leaving the Heavenly Sanctuary.
Saturn at Solar Conjunction. Saturday, 29 August 2037 at 10:01 IDT. At around the same time, Saturn will also be at its most distant from the Earth; the two Planets will lie on opposite sides of the Solar System. If Saturn could be observed at this time, it would appear at its smallest and faintest on account of its large distance.
The Sun is representative of God the Father
Saturn = Planet Protector of the Jews
God the Father is giving the Jews [Spiritual Israel = His people] protection until [at least]12 full days before the Return of Jesus.
Saturn is NOT REQUIRED when God’s people live without a Mediator. Hence, after the 30.08.2037 14:45 Ceres sextile Saturn event, there are no more Saturn events before September 11th.
7 September 2037 at 06:04 IDT (Jerusalem time) Close approach of the Moon and M44. [Messier 44, also well known as the Beehive Cluster or Praesepe, swarms with activity as its name would suggest. This open cluster of around 1,000 Stars, loosely connected by gravity, is one of the closest to Earth at approximately 600 light-years away.] In the Bible, Stars and Angels are both seen as Messengers and Guides, and are sometimes used metaphorically to describe each other. With Jesus taking a week [same time assumed as His return with His people to the Sea of Glass] to come from the Third Heaven then, He would again be “in the midst” of His chariot journey to Earth; Should He be surrounded by a literal “myriad of myriads” of angels, then that would be 100 million angels; whatever the number, the Beehive Cluster likewise swarms with activity. Considering this point further, adding 3.5 days to 7 September at 6:04 gives 10 September at 18:04 IDT. This is 48 minutes and 16 seconds before September-10-2037 Thursday – Sunset 18:52:16 PM*; it is noted that the time between sunset and moonset for 10 September is 48 minutes and 19 seconds.
Jupiter & Uranus Conjunction on September 8th, 2037 at 14:16 IDT.
Jupiter and Uranus lie in the Constellation Gemini.
The Constellation Gemini, made up of the twins Castor and Pollux, represent a sign that is deeply independent, yet also in search of a lifelong partner.
Jupiter = Planet of Kings, Righteousness, Justice, Lord of Heaven, The Messiah.
Uranus is the Planet of change, innovation, and liberation. It’s also known as the “Rebel of the Solar System”.
This Conjunction is the very last one before the Return of Jesus.
It implies that Jesus, the Messiah, will return to Earth to implement a change to this “Rebel of the Solar System”.
The inhabitants of Earth are the ONLY beings that have fallen / come short of the Glory of God.
Uranus is associated with Church in Decline / Last Days of the Church, while Neptune is associated with the Creation of the heavens on the fourth day. Neptune is also associated with the sign of Pisces [fish], which is a traditional symbol of Christianity. Pisces is the 12th and final sign of the Zodiac. The Age of Pisces began 1 AD and will end 2150 AD when Jesus returns. With the Birth of Christ coinciding near to this date, many Christian symbols for Christ use the astrological symbol for Pisces, the fish.
Uranus – The church in the last days. To appreciate the meaning of Uranus, it is necessary to understand the meaning of Saturn and Jupiter. Saturn, with her wedding ring about her, bows in respect and adoration of her Messiah, Jupiter. Gas Planets represent spiritual life. As the greatest Gas Planet JUPITER REPRESENTS THE MESSIAH IN HIS FIRST COMING TO EARTH, FULLY MAN AND FULLY GOD. Saturn represents the spiritual life of believers in the Messiah, the church of Jesus Christ, in her glory at the beginning of the Age of Grace. Next Gas Planet along, URANUS REPRESENTS THE LOWLY STATE OF THE SPIRITUAL LIFE OF THE CHURCH AT THE END OF THE AGE OF GRACE. The astronomical measurements of Saturn and Uranus are most meaningful when measured relative to Jupiter since Jesus is our Lord (the standard by which we measure ourselves).
In September 2037, the Messiah Planet Jupiter and the Bride of Christ Planet Uranus occur in the sign of Cancer. Cancer is known for being domestic, homely and protective of loved ones. The Moon [Jesus] is the ruling Planet of Cancer.
The sky events for the 5 days before the Return of Jesus are:
Lunar Occultation of Jupiter. Sunday, 06 Sep 2037 from 02:32 IDT to 06:24 IDT
Close approach of the Moon, Jupiter and Uranus. Sunday, 06 September 2037 at 05:04 IDT
Close approach of the Moon and M44. Monday, 07 September 2037 at 06:04 IDT
Close approach of Jupiter and Uranus. Tuesday, 08 September 2037 at 14:16 IDT
Mercury at greatest elongation west. Tuesday, 08 September 2037 at 01:30 IDT
On Tuesday 08 September 2037, Mercury will be at the highest altitude in morning sky.
Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus. Wednesday, 09 September 2037 at 00:53 IDT – a 1 in 14 year event.
New Moon. Wednesday, 09 September 2037 at 21:26 IDT
On September 10th 2037, Eris is still with Neptune, and Uranus is near Jupiter.
NB: Pluto is one the other side of the Solar System – the name Pluto is the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Hades and represents the “underworld”.
September 9, 2037 at 9:25 PM Sun [God the Father] Conjunction Moon [Jesus] – Jerusalem time; which is 10th September by sunset times.
How appropriate! At the death of Christ they were apart [Matthew 27:46 – My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? – because of sin!]. At the Second Advent they are seen as One by the Conjunction.
The message from the sky may be interpreted as:
[Jupiter] Jesus Christ as the King of Kings, has come back to Earth, “the material world” or “the abode of man”, to link up with [Uranus] His church in these last days, which was in a low state of spiritual life, to commence and instigate a “long-term”, radical change.
On September 10, 2037 it appears [from the video] that, at the start of that day, a Solar Eclipse does occur.
On September 10, the Moon goes from Virgo [Number 6 in the Zodiac] into Libra [Number 7]. Tishrei being the seventh month of the Hebrew Calendar, which starts the Civil New Year.
There seems to be a parallel here to the 6 weekly days going into the 7 Sabbath day and therefore the 6,000 years going into the 7,000 year period.
The two main Stars in Libra, Zubenelgenubi and Zubeneschamali, are considered the “gateway” in the sky and symbolize Divine Justice.
The Star Zubenelgenubi is almost on the Ecliptic Line.
The Ecliptic Line is an imaginary line that marks the path of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. It’s also the apparent path of the Sun, Moon and Planets as they travel on or near this Celestial Pathway across the sky as seen from Earth. Astronomers and Navigators use the Ecliptic to map the sky.
When we look at the Night [and Day] Sky for Jerusalem on September 10th, 2037 we find NOTHING is happening. This is also the case for September 11th.
Reason: The focus is ALL upon the Return of Jesus.
All that we find on September 10th 2037 is that Eris, after 4 months [middle of May – middle of September, 2037], is still with Neptune, and Uranus is near but moving away from Jupiter.
Neptune is associated with the sign of Pisces, which is a traditional symbol of Christianity
Eris = Discord, Strife and Controversy
The Jupiter – Uranus meaning has just been covered.
The Eris – Neptune 4 month bond typifies secular Christianity, and that includes multitudes who proclaimed that they were saved [by grace, etc.] who are in a state of turmoil as they realize too late that they have not served God and Jesus [but a false God in keeping Sunday and worshipping false trinity gods].
In 2037 up to September 11, the Sun has a Conjunction with all the Planets except Mars, the fourth Planet from the Sun, the Red Plant, the Planet of War, Aggression, Danger. Sun Conjunctions with Mars occur on September 23, 2036 4:44 PM Sunday and November 1, 2038 7:00 AM Sunday. Interestingly, both these dates occur on a Sunday. With Mars a representation of satanic forces and the “Sunday Laws” having be implemented, there could well be a connection. From and including: Tuesday, 23 September 2036 to, but not including Friday, 11 September 2037 gives 353 days; 353 is a Prime Number and means Despise the Prophets.
Close approach of the Moon and Venus. Saturday, 12 September 2037 at 21:58 IDT.
This will be the FIRST significant event in the Night [and Day] Sky of Jerusalem AFTER the Return of Jesus.
The Moon represents Jesus.
Venus = The Mother Planet, Prophecy
Just as foretold in Biblical Prophecy, and also in the Heavens, Jesus has Returned to collect His people.
The Moon and Venus will make a close approach, passing within 6°10′ of each other.
6°10′ = 370′ where 37 = The Word of God – The Godhead – God’s Attributes – Chosen Servant – Exaltation
The Moon [Jesus] will be 3 DAYS OLD.
Jesus [Moon] returns / comes again / resurrects Himself on the third day of the Moon at His Second Coming, which parallels His First Coming – Sunday resurrection.
There were also displays of Meteor Showers around this time in 3 BC.
The Mercury and Saturn Conjunction on 15th September, 2037 is considered one of the best Conjunctions until 2065.
It is Satan’s Consolation Prize from God.
Also note that God created Adam and Eve on the sixth day (Friday).
September 11, 2037 is also a Friday.
The difference being that God / Jesus were living with their “image” – mankind on that “first” day and onwards; whereas Satan, from that “first” day will no longer be living with mankind.
The 2037th verse in the KJV Bible says:
Exodus 19:10 ¶ And the LORD said unto MOSES, Go unto the people, and SANCTIFY THEM to day and to morrow, and let them wash their clothes, [This is the 2037th verse. “MOSES was a type of CHRIST” – {1890 PP 480.1} With Jesus returning in year 2037, God’s people WILL be fully sanctified.]
The 2038th verse gives the reason:
Exodus 19:11 And be ready against the third day: for the third day THE LORD WILL COME DOWN IN THE SIGHT OF ALL THE PEOPLE upon MOUNT SINAI. [At Christ’s Second Coming He will also come down from Heaven in the sight of all the people; but not upon Mt. Sinai.]
We saw that Jesus would also COME DOWN on the THIRD day of the New Moon.
Christ will come towards the end of 74,703 Moon Cycles. Besides the factorised findings, by adding the 3 to the 4 in the 74,703 Moon [Jesus] Cycles of the Earth [Mankind] we get 777.
777 = Power of the Godhead / Perfection – Jesus Christ.
Finally, you will want to see [and I would recommend that you do] the Planets as they will be during 2037 and especially on September 10 / 11, 2037. Please right click the link below and watch the whole year in full screen, or just go to 1 minute 26 seconds:
Note: The Time Zone is UTC; for Jerusalem Time add 2 hours to the displayed time. Sunset will therefore be at 4:52 pm on the video.
Food for Thought:
Why are so many factors pointing to this specific time ?
As such, how can it NOT hold Divine relevance ?
To what else could it refer ? The next MAJOR event is the Return of Jesus Christ.
The above forms a Summary of the Main Points explained on the following web pages:
Should you wish, please right click to study in much more detail.
Notes for Advanced Readers:
Eris has been getting nearer to Neptune throughout 2035 – March 2037; then middle of March – middle of May, 2037 there is an accelerated movement of Eris while it “unites” with Neptune, then to become stationery for months.
We are told that after the Sunday Laws are implemented, God will reveal the Ark of the Covenant so that the world will know about the Fourth Commandment.
It is quite possible that the Eris – Neptune “bonding” depicts that time with God’s Law being shown to the world around the “middle” of February 2037.
If we take 7 months of 30 days / month = 210 days from Friday, 11 September, 2037 we get Friday, 13 February, 2037.
210 is a special number being the product of the first four Prime Numbers [2*3*5*7] – the number 2357 being the 350th Prime Number, where 6 [Man] * 35 [Hope – Suffering Servant] = 210.
Also 210 is the sum of the first 20 [A Complete or Perfect Waiting Period] numbers, as well as reflecting the 10 / 11 September date where 210 / 20 = 10.5.
Knowing the way that God works, I believe that this could well be the date that God reveals His Commandment Laws.
Why? [Well, besides it being a Friday 13th – People who are afraid of Friday the 13th have a condition called friggatriskaidekaphobia]
210 days = 30 weeks = 210 days = 5040 hours = 302,400 minutes = 18,144,000 seconds.
21 = Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin – The Totality of God’s Judgement against the Wicked – Lawlessness (appointed time)
30 = Adoption – Blood of Christ – Blood (children) – Dedication – Consecration – Maturity for Ministry
50 = Fire (purify / persecution) – Holy Spirit / Holy Ghost – Israel’s Jubilee
40 = Trials – Probation – Testing / Severe Test – Days of Jesus’ Temptation – Time of Proving – Closing in Victory / Judgement – A Very Long Time – Tribulation
30 = Adoption – Blood of Christ – Blood (children) – Dedication – Consecration – Maturity for Ministry
24 = The Priesthood – Heavenly Government & Worship of God – Christian Number for Completion / Restoration – Priest
18 = Bondage (depression) – Life and Sin / Death
144000 = Those Numbered of Israel
After analysis, all of this makes sense to the events taking place.
God’s Commandment Laws are revealed following the Sunday Law enforcement.
All have a Severe Test and a Time of Proving as to whether they will be Consecration for a heavenly Consecration or remain in Bondage through a life of Sin / Death.
Many will convert but fall before the Great Day of the Lord but the 144,000 who, through the Blood of Christ have Matured for Heavenly Government & Worship of God will defiantly stand the Severe Test.
In the above considerations, 210 days [7 months of 30 days] before September 11th, 2037 gave the Friday 13th February, 2037 date – which is at the 28th day of Shevat.
[The months of the Hebrew year are Nisan, Iyar, Sivan, Tammuz, Av, Elul, Tishrei, Heshvan, Kislev, Tevet, Shevat, and Adar.]
The month of Shevat [Sh’vat] is associated with the Torah [Bible]; it is a time to renew study of the Bible [Torah].
The 28th day of Shevat is Parashat Mishpatim. The word Parashah is a Hebrew word that means “explanation”; Mishpatim means “Laws”.
Parashat Mishpatim relates to the Exodus Chapters 20 – 21 portion of Scripture that outlines the Laws and the Covenant between God and the Israelites as given by Moses – a type of Christ.
These include Laws about the Sabbath, the sabbatical year, holidays, destroying idolatry, slavery, the treatment of slaves, damages, loans, returning lost property, personal injuries, and social responsibility.
How opportune that God / Jesus use this date, the Friday 13th February, 2037 to reveal His Laws / the Ten Commandments to a corrupt world of sin.
Friday, the sixth day, is also the Preparation day for the seventh day – a sanctified day – the Sabbath / 7,000 years.
My Reader Friend,
If you have not given your whole life to God through Jesus Christ, please, please, do it now.
Make TODAY the day of your Salvation in Christ. The clock is ticking fast. Today, like yesterday, will soon be lost in history.
Whoever you are and whatever you have done, He will Accept you and Justify you.
You must then Sanctify your life in Jesus, living as He would live by putting God first.
That involves keeping the Sabbath, from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, holy – God and Jesus focused and NOT self.
It means studying the Word of God from a King James Version [KJV] Bible, and NOT from profit-making / perverted man-made bibles.
Being Baptised – if at all possible, in the Name of Jesus [as in Acts 2:38, 8:12, 8:16, 10:48, 16:15, 18:8, 19:5, 22:16; Romans 6:3-4; 1 Corinthians 1:12-17; Galatians 3:27; Ephesians 4:5 and 1 Peter 3:21]. Otherwise, in the Name of the 3 greatest heavenly powers of God the Father, His Son, Jesus and the / their Holy Spirit.
It means denying the trinity and other man-made theologies.
You are what you eat; it probably means a lifestyle change to adopting a Vegan diet.
It implies that your spiritual food should also be the best for you. This probably will not be found at your local Seventh-day Adventist [SDA] church, for they have adopted the pagan trinity beliefs.
It means seeking out those organisations that are telling the TRUTH, such as:
Pastor Daniel Mesa who has the website.
Pastor Nader Mansour who has the and websites.
Pastor Imad Awde who has the and websites.
Why not walk in your life with the BEST FRIENDS that you could ever have – God and Jesus.
Soon, it will be too late. Your Probation will close. IF YOU LOOSE HEAVEN, YOU LOOSE EVERYTHING.
There are just over 4,500 days left, and Time and Tide wait for no man – Time flies so fast.
DO NOT DELAY, in giving your life to Christ. He has sacrificed His life for you [and others] on Calvary.
Mankind may live to be 100 years of age. By dividing 100 into Infinity you still have Infinity !
That is the Free Gift on offer that you could have; living with God and Jesus in a perfect environment.
In the research, preparation and issue of these documents, I give ALL the glory to God the Father and Jesus Christ His Only Begotten Son. I could NEVER have found out all this without prayer and much guidance from His Holy Spirit.