
October 2024

Jesus Christ

“I am the Bread of life.” Christ is the living, everlasting bread that never decays or moulds. He gives life, spiritual life, to the world.
“The truth shall make you free;” and Christ is the truth.
“These are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through His name.” John 20:31.
A character like the character of Christ is the evidence we are to bear that God has sent His Son into the world.
A Christian family is one in which the love of Christ is the spring of action, the precepts of God’s Word the rule of life.
A knowledge of God and of Christ is the sum of all science. To know God and Christ–this is eternal life.
A love of Jesus is the first result of conversion.
Abiding in Christ is the condition of fruit-bearing.
All true believers will be one. The cross of Christ is the pledge of their fellowship and union.
An indwelling Christ is the cause of ever-increasing power. He is the life-blood of the soul. If He abides with us, we may say, “I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.”
As a people we are to be health reformers. We are to practice self-denial. Christ is our pattern in this respect.
As Christ is the channel for the revelation of the Father, so we are to be the channel for the revelation of Christ.
As Redeemer and Creator, Christ is the owner of man. He is glorified by the individual service of those who on this earth act as His helping hand.
As saints of God we are to be builded together to compose a holy temple for God. As there are different materials in a building, each article representing the parts united together, so it is with the church of God. Christ is the foundation and cornerstone which unites all the parts of the building. Every human being who has consecrated himself to Christ has his place in the building. He is connected with others to make the building, the church, a perfect whole. But he is not the head or foundation. Christ is to be all and in all.
As the head of humanity, Christ is our example in all things.
As the weary traveller seeks the spring in the desert and, finding it, quenches his burning thirst, so will the Christian thirst for and obtain the pure water of life, of which Christ is the fountain.
Because Christ is the Redeemer, we must lay hold of Him by living faith.
Both Jews and Gentiles have sinned. Both need the Saviour’s grace. As members of Christ’s body, by faith and obedience, both Jew and Gentile are one. Christ is the head; and the body is composed of all who accept Him as their Saviour, who confess their sins, and who are transformed by the renewing of the mind.
But the truth as it is in Jesus is a savor of life unto life. It is worth possessing, worth practicing, worth defending. Christ calls upon us to enter the pathway of self-denial, where every step means a denial of self, of appetite and unholy lust.
But while we see our helplessness, we are to be continually looking unto Jesus, who is the Author and Finisher of our faith. We can do nothing to originate faith, for faith is the gift of God. Neither can we perfect it, for Christ is the Finisher of our faith. It is all of Christ.
Children are to be kindly, patiently instructed from the Scriptures that Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life.
Christ is a perfect representation of God on the one hand, and a perfect specimen of sinless humanity on the other hand. Thus He has combined divinity and humanity.
Christ is in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks, walking from church to church, from congregation to congregation, from heart to heart.
Christ is not here in person to speak for Himself; but He has given us His Word. He tells us to eat it; He tells us to live it.
Christ is our Advocate before the Father. He dispatches His messengers to every part of His dominion to communicate His will to His creatures.
Christ is our Advocate in the heavenly courts, and He presents in our behalf the sacrifice He offered on Calvary.
Christ is our Advocate in the heavenly courts. If we will accept the help that He offers, we shall be enabled to overcome self.
Christ is our Advocate, and He has undertaken to plead our case in the courts of heaven.
Christ is our Advocate, and the bow of promise encircles the throne, that the Lord is waiting to be gracious.
Christ is our Advocate, pleading in our behalf. The Spirit pleads within us. Then let us show perfect trust in our Leader, and not inquire of false guides.
Christ is our Advocate. He intercedes for us as our High Priest.
Christ is our alpha and our omega. Only in His strength can we gain success.
Christ is our best Friend, for He has purchased us at infinite cost, and has made us His sons and daughters
Christ is our brother.
Christ is our Burden-bearer. He came to bear the trials that we must bear, to resist the temptations that we must resist.
Christ is our consolation and our strength. We are not required to labor, or to employ our thoughts, more than we now do; but to change the current of these thoughts and labors, and employ as many serious thoughts every day upon our salvation, and how we may show ourselves approved unto God
Christ is our Creator and Redeemer, and He is glorified by the service of those who on earth act as His helpers.
Christ is our Deliverer.
Christ is our efficiency. The lives of His followers are to be an exposition of the sacred truths of His Word. Men on the earth are to see that we are not of the same character as they.
Christ is our example for the development of a perfect character. Through the strength we receive from Him, we may be overcomers.
Christ is our example in all things, and we are to copy the pattern.
Christ is our example in all things; and if we imitate the life of Christ, we shall be separate from all sin.
Christ is our example in all things. He has magnified the Law and made it honourable.
Christ is our example in all things. He laid aside the glory that he had with the Father, that he might live on earth the life of a poor man, and reveal to all classes of society, rich and poor alike, the principles of the kingdom of heaven.
Christ is our example in all things. If health of body or mind had been dependent on amusement, Christ would have engaged in it.
Christ is our example in all things. In response to His prayer to His Father, heaven was opened, and the Spirit descended like a dove and abode upon Him.
Christ is our example in all things. In the providence of God, His early life was passed in Nazareth, where the inhabitants were of that character that He was continually exposed to temptations.
Christ is our example, and every soul placed in a position of trust needs the subduing influence of the Spirit of God upon his heart day by day.
Christ is our example, and he says to every one of us, “Learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart.”
Christ is our example, and he who follows Him will be rewarded at the appearing of Jesus. They will be rewarded because they have endured trial and sorrow for His sake.
Christ is our example, and in youth we should contemplate God in nature,–study His character in the work of His hands.
Christ is our example, our inspiration, our exceeding great reward.
Christ is our example; He identified Himself with suffering humanity; He made the necessities of others a consideration of His own.
Christ is our example. “As many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God.”
Christ is our example. “Learn of me,” He says.
Christ is our example. By beholding Him we are to be changed into His image, from glory to glory, from character to character.
Christ is our example. Do you imitate the great Exemplar? Christ often wept but never was known to laugh.
Christ is our example. He came to earth to teach us how to live.
Christ is our example. He devoted the whole of His sacred life to save the perishing world. The impartation of the Holy Spirit after His ascension was after the disciples had devoted themselves to the Lord in most earnest prayer for ten days, and the Spirit of God came down upon the company as Christ had promised.
Christ is our example. He did not become weary in His efforts to save fallen man.
Christ is our example. He gave his life as a sacrifice for us, and He asks us to give our lives as a sacrifice for others.
Christ is our example. He placed Himself at the head of the human family to accomplish an important work.
Christ is our example. He sought for men wherever He could find them; in private houses, in the public streets, in the synagogues, or by the lake side, that He might let his light shine upon those who in the darkness of error, needed it so much.
Christ is our example. He was the Majesty of heaven, yet He did more for our fellow men than any of us can possibly do.
Christ is our example. He was the Prince of glory, but He had such an interest in our world that He left His riches and came to this earth to live a life that should be an example to rich and poor alike.
Christ is our example. He went about doing good. He lived to bless others. Love beautified and ennobled all His actions.
Christ is our example. His life is a practical illustration of His divine teachings. His character is a living exhibition of the way to do good and overcome evil.
Christ is our example. His life was a life of prayer.
Christ is our example. In His life on earth He withstood the temptations of the enemy; for He was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
Christ is our example. Jesus endured agony which required help and support from His Father.
Christ is our example. Let us follow in His steps.
Christ is our example. Of His work we read: “Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.
Christ is our example. The determination of antichrist to carry out the rebellion he began in heaven will continue to work in the children of disobedience.
Christ is our example. We are to study His life, His method of teaching, and follow His footsteps.
Christ is our example. We must keep the Pattern continually before us and contemplate the infinite sacrifice which has been made to redeem us from the thralldom [slavery] of sin.
Christ is our example. When He was reviled, He reviled not again. When the cruelty of men caused Him to suffer painful stripes and wounds, He threatened not, but committed Himself to One who judges righteously.
Christ is our example. When wickedness was swelling like a roaring torrent around Him, He stood like a rock. He was a true, faithful, Authoritative, unbending witness for God.
Christ is our glorified Head, and the divine love flowing from the heart of God rests in Christ, and is communicated to those who have been united to Him. This divine love entering the soul inspires it with gratitude, frees it from its spiritual feebleness, from pride, vanity, and selfishness and from all that would deform the Christian character.
Christ is our great Physician.
Christ is our guide. He has given us reasoning powers of our own, and He wants us to put them to the very best use.
Christ is our helper, and He invites us to take hold of His strength, and we shall make peace with Him.
Christ is our helper, our sufficiency. It is His to give us the victory.
Christ is our helper, that in Him is love and consolation.
Christ is our Helper. Make Him everything to you.
Christ is our High Priest; even though Satan stands before Him night and day as an accuser of the brethren.
Christ is our hope and our refuge. His righteousness only is imputed to the obedient.
Christ is our hope. In Him our lives are to centre. Here lies the source of power, the secret of success, in our service for God.
Christ is our hope. Those who trust in Him are cleansed. The grace of Christ and the government of God walk together in perfect harmony.
Christ is our ideal. He has left a perfect example for childhood, youth, and manhood.
Christ is our Intercessor. But we must come, not in a spirit of self-justification, but with humility, repenting of our sins.
Christ is our Intercessor. He places the incense of His righteousness in the golden censer, to offer up with the prayers of His disciples. The Father hears every prayer offered in contrition and sincerity.
Christ is our invisible leader. He presents before His soldiers the plan of the battle.
Christ is our King–He who is called, “Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”
Christ is our Leader, and His followers love to keep step and step with Him. He speaks, and they obey His voice as one mind and one soul. His people are made willing in the day of His power.
Christ is our Leader, and if we follow Him, we shall see His triumph and share His joy.
Christ is our Leader; we cannot lead ourselves; but in order to obtain His help, we must believe. We should pray much.
Christ is our Leader. Clothing His divinity with humanity, He humbled Himself, that He might stand in person at the head of the human race. He laid aside His kingly crown, and yielded up His high position as commander of the angels, who loved to do His bidding. For our sake He became poor, that through His humiliation and poverty, human beings might be made rich, heirs to an eternal weight of glory.
Christ is our life, and He desires to give to each one of us a life that will measure with the life of God.
Christ is our life. If He abides in us, our lives will meet His requirements. His principles are to be nourishment to the soul. He is made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.
Christ is our life. It is His virtue that must be brought into the life of His followers. Self, and every vestige of selfishness, must die. The life that Christ lived in our world is the example of what every man and woman must become in order to be saved.
Christ is our life. The soul in whom He abides will meet the requirements of His principles in thorough devotion and consecration to God.
Christ is our light, our salvation.
Christ is our living example. He kept His Father’s commandments.
Christ is our living head, and we are the members of His body, mutually dependent.
Christ is our living intercessor today, before the Father in the heavenly court. Jesus, the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but for the sins of the whole world, is the theme instinct with divinity, which the servant of God is to present before his hearers.
Christ is our living, working Master. We little appreciate the advantage we enjoy of standing on the platform of eternal truth, and of carrying out this truth in our missionary work.
Christ is our Master. By definite instructions He prepared His followers for their work before leaving them.
Christ is our Mediator and officiating High Priest in the presence of the Father.
Christ is our Mediator and our Redeemer.
Christ is our Mediator, and accepting Him as our Saviour, we may claim the promise, “Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Christ is our model, and we are to change our reason, our affections, our speech, our habits, according to his divine example, rather than seek to meet the customs, practices, and habits of education of any nation.
Christ is our Model; but unless we behold Him, unless we contemplate His character, we shall not reflect His character in our practical life.
Christ is our model; imitate Him, plant your feet in His steps. You may professedly believe every point of present truth, but unless you practice these truths it will avail you nothing.
Christ is our model. He was meek and lowly. Learn of Him, and imitate His example. The Son of God was faultless. We must aim at this perfection and over come as He overcame, if we would have a seat at His right hand.
Christ is our only dependence, our only hope of salvation. He made a sacrifice so large, so infinite, that it cannot be excelled.
Christ is our only hope of salvation. “For there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12.
Christ is our only hope, our only refuge. He “bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness.”
Christ is our only hope. “There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” “Neither is there salvation in any other.” Acts 4:12.
Christ is our only hope. Come to God in the name of Him who gave His life for the life of the world.
Christ is our only hope. He is the Bread of life, and we may feed on Him.
Christ is our only hope. He will receive us and lead us into all truth if we come to Him. But we must surrender wholly to Him.
Christ is our only hope. We may look to Him, for He is our Saviour. We may take Him at His word and make Him our dependence.
Christ is our only security. We cannot trust to human reasoning.
Christ is our only sure dependence.
Christ is our Pattern, and those who follow Christ will not walk in darkness; they will not seek their own pleasure.
Christ is our Pattern, and unless men are willing to learn in His school how to reveal His meekness and lowliness, they will not be successful in their work for Him.
Christ is our Pattern, the perfect and holy example that has been given us to follow. We can never equal the Pattern; but we may imitate and resemble it according to our ability.
Christ is our Pattern; He would have us follow Him.
Christ is our pattern; His life was an example of good works. He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
Christ is our Pattern. In Him is perfection of character–of outward manner and inward grace.
Christ is our Pattern. In humanity He lived a spotless life. He was merciful, compassionate, obedient—full of goodness and truth. By His life of obedience He gave a true representation of the Law.
Christ is our personal Saviour, and if we are His disciples, our wrongdoing will cease, the lifting up of the soul unto vanity will come to an end; all unrighteousness will come to an end.
Christ is our power of efficiency. Work under Christ, controlled by His Holy Spirit, and there will be efficiency and power.
Christ is our present, all-sufficient Saviour. In Him all fullness dwells. It is the privilege of Christians to know indeed that Christ is in them of a truth.
Christ is our Prince, and as His subjects we are to do the work appointed us by God.
Christ is our Redeemer, our Owner, and he is intensely interested that we shall have peace in this world.
Christ is our Redeemer. He is the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us. He is the fountain in which we may be washed and cleansed from all impurity. He is the costly sacrifice that has been given for the reconciliation of man.
Christ is our refuge, our source of strength. In him all power is provided for us if His Word abides in us, and it is for us to choose whether we will serve God or Baal.
Christ is our refuge; and it is only through faith in Him that we can form characters that God can accept.
Christ is our righteousness; He goes before us in His work, and the glory of the Lord follows.
Christ is our righteousness. He goes before us as we do this work, and the glory of the Lord follows.
Christ is our righteousness. He goes before us, and we follow Him, working in love and compassion for the needy and destitute.
Christ is our righteousness. Let our faith rest upon this foundation, for it will stand fast forever.
Christ is our righteousness. We are not to depend on feeling, but by faith rest in the arms of His love, and claim to be the sons and daughters of God.
Christ is our Rock. He never changes. Look unto Him continually.
Christ is our Root, and all who are grafted into this root will bear the fruit which Christ bore. They will reveal the fragrance of His character in the talent of speech, in the cultivation of kindness, of hospitality, of Christian courtesy, and true heavenly politeness.
Christ is our Ruler, and to man is not given power to lord it over the flock of God.
Christ is our sacrifice, our substitute, our surety, our divine intercessor; He is made unto us righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.
Christ is our sanctification and redemption; never should we conduct ourselves as though His great sacrifice in our behalf had not been made.
Christ is our strength, our sufficiency. He died that we might live. To those who receive Him to them gave He power to become sons of God.
Christ is our strength. He can enable us to stand uncorrupted, true, pure, holy, under temptation.
Christ is our substitute and security, and He taketh away the sin of the believing soul, and imparts to the penitent His own righteousness.
Christ is our substitute and surety; He stands before God in the place of humanity, and He is affected as His weakest follower is affected.
Christ is our Substitute as One who will fight our battles for us. The human arm of Christ encircles the fallen race and with His divinity He grasps the throne of the Infinite.
Christ is our sufficiency, and we are to present the truth in humble simplicity.
Christ is our sufficiency. Each one of us must understand what it means to have the word of God fulfilled in us.
Christ is our Teacher. Be not only Bible readers, but earnest Bible students, that we may know what God requires of us. We need an experimental knowledge of how to do His will.
Christ is our teacher. He is made unto us “wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.”
Christ is our tower of strength, and Satan can have no power over the soul who walks with God in humility of mind.
Christ is our witness; angels are watching; and the atmosphere of heaven is surrounding us. When we do just what Christ has charged us to do, we are bringing ourselves into close relationship with our Lord.
Christ is that ladder. We are to mount by the Mediator, and all the while keep hold on the Mediator, clinging to Christ, walking with Christ, living with Christ, growing in Christ, until we gain heaven. Christ is the ladder set upon the earth, the topmost round [rung] reaching the throne of God.
Christ is the “bright and morning star.” He is the Christian’s light. “They that follow me,” He says, “shall not walk in darkness.” They are to receive their light from the morning star; and as they catch His bright beams, they are actively, interestedly, to transmit to others the light received.
Christ is the “Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” John 1:9.
Christ is the atoning sacrifice.
Christ is the Author and His Word, the divine oracle; the Author of the Old and the New Testaments.
Christ is the Author of all truth. Every brilliant conception, every thought of wisdom, every capacity and talent of men, is the gift of Christ.
Christ is the Author of all truth. He came down from heaven to give to the world the bread of life. “The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.”
Christ is the Author of all truth. He is the science of all education.
Christ is the Author of truth, and He intends that we shall understand its principles.
Christ is the beginning and the end, and we are utterly dependent upon Him.
Christ is the beginning and the end. Christ Jesus is the Author and the Finisher of our faith. He says, “Without me ye can do nothing.” He is our sacrifice, our substitute, our surety and Advocate. We have a risen Saviour, and our completeness is in Him.
Christ is the believer’s hope and consolation, the one about whom his best affections are woven.
Christ is the bread of life, and we must feed upon His Word, and be a doer of His commands.
Christ is the Bridegroom, the church is the bride. The gospel is to go forth to all nations.
Christ is the Captain of our salvation, and by His own sufferings and sacrifice He has given an example to all His followers.
Christ is the Captain of our salvation. “It became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the Captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.”
Christ is the central figure. All who draw near to Him are forced to touch one another. This they must do if they would sit together with Him in heavenly places.
Christ is the centre of all our faith and hope.
Christ is the centre of all true doctrine. All true religion is found in His Word and in nature. He is the One in whom our hopes of eternal life are centred; and the teacher who learns from Him finds a safe anchorage.
Christ is the centre of the great plan of redemption, a plan which is a unit, and covers all dispensations. He is the “Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” He is the Redeemer of the fallen sons and daughters of Adam in all the ages of human probation.
Christ is the centre to which all should be attracted.
Christ is the chief corner-stone, and we must build upon this foundation. Each must have a spirit of self-denial and self-sacrifice.
Christ is the Chief Shepherd of the flock. He has intrusted the care of his flock to under shepherds. He requires these shepherds to have the same interest for his sheep which he has ever manifested, and to ever feel the responsibility of the charge he has intrusted to them.
Christ is the Chiefest among ten thousand. Praise the name of the Lord!
Christ is the complete system of truth. He says, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”
Christ is the connecting link between God and man.
Christ is the Creator and the Redeemer of man.
Christ is the Creator of the universe. “By him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him.” Of old He laid the foundation of the world; the heavens are the work of His hand. By the arm of His power He upholds His creation.
Christ is the Desire of Ages.
Christ is the divine channel for the revelation of the Father; we are the channel for the revelation of Christ.
Christ is the door to the fold of God. Through this door all His children, from the earliest times, have found entrance.
Christ is the efficiency of every soul. If a ray of hope or light shines into the soul, it comes from God.
Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth.” Christ is the end, or purpose, of the law. The law condemns the sinner, and thus drives him to Christ for righteousness.
Christ is the example for all Christians. When they are tempted, or their rights are disputed, they should bear it patiently.
Christ is the example for all who go forth as missionaries. His work is the model for all missionary endeavor.
Christ is the example, the standard. If you fail to imitate Christ, your influence leads others to do the same.
Christ is the express image of His Father’s person and character.
Christ is the finished standard of the character to which every one may attain by becoming a partaker of the divine nature. “Ye are complete in Him.”
Christ is the first and the last, the beginning and the end of the creation of God.
Christ is the first in the thoughts of the Christian. He has disciplined Himself to make the Saviour first and last and best in everything.
Christ is the first, and the last, and the efficiency of everything. All things belong to Him, by original and mediatorial efficiency.
Christ is the first; for by Him all things were made, and He is before all things. He is the last; for all things were made for Him, and He is the judge of all.
Christ is the force and power of every message for God that ever fell from human lips.
Christ is the foundation of every true church.
Christ is the foundation of your faith, the corner stone of the building of truth.
Christ is the foundation upon which we are to build.
Christ is the foundation; the church is the channel of communication.
Christ is the fountain of life, constantly receiving to communicate.
Christ is the fountain of life, the only security for man’s salvation, the one great source of immortality.
Christ is the fountain of living waters, and happiness and peace drawn from him will never fail, for he is a well-spring of life.
Christ is the fragrance, the holy incense, which makes your petitions acceptable to the Father.
Christ is the giver of life.
Christ is the glory of the whole plan of redemption. The promises made to us are in and through Him.
Christ is the Good Shepherd. He leads the way, calling upon His sheep to follow Him. Those who hear and obey His voice will follow His example in all things.
Christ is the great central heart from which the life-blood flows to every part of the great body of humanity. He is the head from which extend the nerves that reach even to the most minute and most remote parts of the body.
Christ is the great centre, the source of all strength. His disciples are to receive their supplies from Him.
Christ is the great Centre, the Source of all strength. His disciples are to receive their supplies from Him.
Christ is the great light, and Christians are appointed to reflect that light.
Christ is the great Master-worker. We are labourers together with Him.
Christ is the great Missionary to the poor, the sick, and the suffering.
Christ is the great mystery of godliness. He is as the Master scattering the golden grains of truth, which require tact, skill, and deep laborious search to pick up and link together in the chain of truth. The Word is the treasure house of truth. It puts in our possession all things essential for our preparation for entrance into the city of God.
Christ is the great necessity for everyone. It will be to the peril of our souls that we mingle selfishness with the offering laid on the foundation.
Christ is the great Pattern for all. We are to be workers together with Him.
Christ is the great Pattern; His character must be our character.
Christ is the great Physician, not only of the body, but of the soul. He restores man to his God.
Christ is the great Provider for this world. He has given His own life to save the human family unto eternal life.
Christ is the great remedy for sin. Our compassionate Redeemer has provided for us the help we need.
Christ is the great Revealer of thoughts and intellect. He is sensitive of all that affects His believing children.
Christ is the great storehouse from which on every occasion we may draw strength and happiness.
Christ is the great Teacher of His followers, and He will not leave you to walk in darkness.
Christ is the Great Teacher, the source of all true wisdom.
Christ is the greatest Medical Missionary that ever lived. He never lost a case.
Christ is the greatest Missionary the world has ever known. This world is a vast missionary field. He came to uplift and cheer the sorrowing and distressed, and in this work we are to co-operate with Him.
Christ is the greatest Physician, of the body as well as the soul, that the world has ever known.
Christ is the greatest Teacher the world has ever known. He must dwell in the heart by living faith. Then His Spirit will be through you a vitalizing power.
Christ is the greatest Teacher, the greatest Benefactor upon whom the world will ever look.
Christ is the greatest Teacher, the greatest Educator, that the world ever knew.
Christ is the head of His church, and it will glorify Him the more to have every portion of that church engaged in the work for the salvation of souls.
Christ is the head of His church; the dependence of His people; He will give the needed grace to those who seek Him for wisdom and instruction.
Christ is the head of the body—the Church, and we are to work unitedly with Him. Referring to our relation to Him, the apostle says, “We are laborers together with God.”
Christ is the Head of the church on earth, and He requires that every one who believes in Him as the Redeemer, shall surrender himself to obey His Word, to love God supremely, and to love as Christ loved those who are perishing in sin.
Christ is the head of the church, and He “is the Saviour of the body,” or church.
Christ is the Head of the church, and if those whose names are on the church record do not belong to Jesus, the invisible Head, they are like the fruitless branch of the vine, and are taken away.
Christ is the head of the church; and if those whose names are on the church record do not belong to Jesus, the invisible Head, they are like the fruitless branch of the vine, and are taken away. If one is really a fruitful branch, he will make it manifest by bearing fruit, giving evidence of his absolute allegiance to Christ.
Christ is the head of the church. The members of His body follow the directions of the Head, just as the members of the human body obey the impulses of the mind.
Christ is the hope of glory.
Christ is the householder, travelling into a far country. He has placed husbandmen over His vineyard to act in His stead.
Christ is the ideal for all humanity. He has left a perfect example for childhood, youth, and manhood. He came to this earth, and passed through the different phases of human life.
Christ is the indwelling Saviour.
Christ is the inexhaustible well-spring of truth. He has been the fountain of living water ever since the fall of Adam.
Christ is the Instructor of His people. He would have them sit at His feet as little children and learn the lessons that are so essential for them to know.
Christ is the justifier of those who believe.
Christ is the ladder that is let down in our path today, and that reaches to the battlements of heaven, to the very threshold of glory. All our blessings come from Him. May God help us to work upon the plan of addition, and He will multiply grace to us as we need.
Christ is the ladder that Jacob saw, on which descended and ascended the angels of God, while the glory of God illuminated every round [rung] of the ladder from the highest heaven to the earth. Christ spanned the gulf that separated man from God, and earth from heaven.
Christ is the ladder that Jacob saw, the base resting on the earth, and the topmost round [rung] reaching to the gate of heaven, to the very threshold of glory. If that ladder had failed by a single step of reaching the earth, we should have been lost.
Christ is the ladder to heaven that Jacob saw. The base of this ladder rests firmly on the earth, brought to the very level of humanity, while the topmost round [rung] reaches into the highest heaven and rests firmly on the throne of God. Round after round, you must mount this ladder until you reach the everlasting kingdom.
Christ is the ladder, the foot on the earth in His human nature, the top in heaven in His divine nature. His human arm encircles the race while His divine arm lays hold upon the Infinite. All the intercourse between heaven and earth since the fall is by the ladder.
Christ is the ladder. Round [rung] after round, all are to climb heavenward, making every sacrifice. We lay hold on Christ, climbing up by Christ, resolving to return, broken, contrite, subdued, to the Father above the ladder.
Christ is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.
Christ is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the one who is soon to ride forth conquering and to conquer.
Christ is the life of the soul. We must be in Him and He in us, else we are sapless branches.
Christ is the life of the world, yet they [the Jews] refused Him, and stood apart from Him, criticizing His words and His works. They did not feed upon Him, and receive Him into their spiritual life.
Christ is the Life-giver and the Crown-giver. “To him that overcometh,” He promises, “will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne.” Thank God for such a Saviour!
Christ is the light and life and joy of His self-denying people. And when Christ comes, it will be to be glorified in His saints.
Christ is the light and life, the holiness, the sanctification of all who believe, and His light is to be received and imparted in all good works.
Christ is the light of life, and He designs that all who follow Him shall represent Him in character, and show His all-sufficiency and perfection.
Christ is the Light of the city of God.
Christ is the light of the world and that fresh beams of light are constantly reflected from the source of all light.
Christ is the light of the world, an ever-present and all-sufficient Saviour. All who live in Christ become the light of the world.
Christ is the light of the world, and He says, “He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
Christ is the light of the world, pure, clear, and undimmed.
Christ is the light of the world, the light that shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not.
Christ is the light of the world, the Sun of Righteousness. The world was made by Him; but when He came unto His own, they knew Him not.
Christ is the light of the world. All wisdom and all knowledge flow from Him who is the fountain of wisdom. He bids His followers, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.”
Christ is the light of the world. He has opened His heart in love and pity and sympathy for the whole world, and He invites the fallen sons and daughters of Adam to come to Him and receive free and full forgiveness.
Christ is the light of the world. He is the way; He is the truth and in Him is no darkness.
Christ is the light of the world. He shines in our hearts. His light in our hearts shines forth from our faces. By beholding the beauty and the glory of Christ, we become changed into the same image.
Christ is the light of the world. In all that we do, let us walk in this light. In the Word of God our work is laid out before us.
Christ is the light of the world. Pure, clear, and undimmed this light shines out in sharp contrast with Satan’s darkness.
Christ is the light of the world. Those who walk in this light are charmed by its beauty, and are filled with a desire to share it with others.
Christ is the light of the world. Through Him light is shining amid the moral darkness.
Christ is the light of the world. Turn your face from Him, and you walk in darkness. Keep your eyes fixed on His perfection, and you walk in the light of heaven.
Christ is the light of the world. We are to walk in His light, for He is “that true Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.”
Christ is the light of the world. When He shines into our hearts, we reflect His light to others, thus making sunshine all about us. We must have the light that He alone can give.
Christ is the light which lighteneth every man that cometh into the world. From Adam, through the patriarchal age, this light made plain the way to heaven.
Christ is the light, and the Christian is appointed to reflect the light.
Christ is the light, the life, the joy of His people.
Christ is the link that binds earth to heaven, and connects finite man with the infinite God.
Christ is the living Vine.
Christ is the Lord our righteousness. Let us take our stand on His side.
Christ is the Master Workman. All are to work under His supervision, letting Him work for and through His workmen. He gives them tact and skill, and if they heed His instructions, crowns their labour with success.
Christ is the mighty Healer of all spiritual and physical maladies, and He employed every means to arrest the attention of the impenitent.
Christ is the mighty Healer of the sin-sick soul. These afflicted ones need to have a clearer knowledge of Him whom to know aright is life eternal.
Christ is the minister of the true tabernacle, the High Priest of all who believe in Him as a personal Saviour, and His office no other can take. He is the High Priest of the church, and He has a work to do which no other can perform. By His grace He is able to keep every man from transgression. His ambassadors, those who receive Him, are born again and are thus fitted to represent Him.
Christ is the minister’s model. How directly to the point, how well adapted to the purpose and circumstances, are Christ’s words! How clear and forcible are His illustrations! His style is characterized by simplicity and solemnity.
Christ is the model of perfection, both in outward manner and inward grace, for He was meek and gentle of heart.
Christ is the most perfect educator the world ever knew. To receive wisdom and knowledge from Him was more valuable to Moses than all the learning of the Egyptians.
Christ is the mystery of godliness. God calls for a humble reliance upon Him. His divine aid is promised in the Holy Scriptures.
Christ is the mystic ladder uniting the earth with the universe of heaven, and as our faith lays hold upon Him, we see Him standing as our Advocate, our assurance, our life.
Christ is the One after whom we are to pattern in our character-building. In His life upon the earth He plainly revealed the divine nature. We should strive to be perfect in our sphere, as He was perfect in His sphere.
Christ is the one to whom all are to look for guidance.
Christ is the One who gives His disciples their work.
Christ is the One who has redeemed sinners from the penalty of the law. The Law points to the remedy for sin—repentance toward God and faith in Christ.
Christ is the one who imparts all knowledge.
Christ is the only hope of the world.
Christ is the only one who can release men from the consequences of breaking the divine Law; and that it is only by repentance for their past transgressions, faith in the atoning sacrifice of Christ, and a life of obedience, that men can hope to receive the favor of God.
Christ is the only path to true greatness and true honor.
Christ is the only propitiation for sin; He is the complete and all-sufficient sacrifice, for the sins of the whole world, securing the pardon of all who will believe on Him as God hath appointed.
Christ is the only Saviour we have.
Christ is the only strength and hope of His people. He took upon Him the nature of man. He erected the cross between humanity and divinity, between earth and heaven, that it might be the center of attraction and draw men across the gulf of separation and sin to Himself, the Life-giver, whom God the Father hath sealed.
Christ is the only successful antagonist that sin has ever encountered.
Christ is the only true centre. When He draws us to Himself, we are hidden with Him in God, and we show to the world that God loves us as He loves His Son. God imparts His Spirit to us.
Christ is the only true One who can read the soul, the only One who can measure the repentance and know its genuine worth.
Christ is the only true standard of character, and he who sets himself up as a standard for others is putting himself in the place of Christ.
Christ is the originator of all truth. By the work of the enemy the precious gems of truth had been torn from their setting and placed in a frame-work of error. Christ came to replace the jewels of truth in their rightful position.
Christ is the originator of divine truth. He knew the height and depth, length and breadth and fullness of the compassion of divine love, as no mortal man can know it.
Christ is the pattern after which all that live on the face of the earth are to be fashioned and to follow.
Christ is the peace principle exercised in your soul.
Christ is the pearl of great price. After His resurrection, He ascended to His appointed honor. Before the heavenly universe and the worlds unfallen He was to be enthroned.
Christ is the pearl of great price. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. His gospel is to be preached as a witness to all nations.
Christ is the perfect revelation of God. Let those who desire to know God, study the work and teaching of Christ. To those who receive Him and believe on Him, He gives power to become the sons of God.
Christ is the power of God unto salvation to all them that believe.
Christ is the pre-existent, self-existent Son of God.
Christ is the Prince of life, the rightful Sovereign of all the byways and hedges, and He knows what we need.
Christ is the propitiation for our sins, and for the sins of the whole world. He brought immortality to light.
Christ is the propitiation for our sins. Laying aside His royal robe and kingly crown, He stepped from His high command, and clothed His divinity with humanity. For our sakes He became poor, that we through His poverty might be made rich.
Christ is the reality of all types, the fulfilment of all promises.
Christ is the Redeemer of the world. He is the purifier and the cleanser of everyone.
Christ is the representation to the world and to the church of the tree of life.
Christ is the representative of God to man and the representative of man to God. He came to this world as man’s substitute and surety, and He is fully able to save all who repent and return to their allegiance.
Christ is the restorer. The Great Physician Himself stands beside His faithful workers.
Christ is the resurrection and the life. In our Saviour the life that was lost through sin is restored; for He has life in Himself to quicken whom He will.
Christ is the rightful owner of man. He says to him, “You are Mine. I have bought you with a price. I gave My life for you, that your life might be made harmonious and symmetrical. If you will surrender yourself willingly to Me, I will guide you aright. You are a rough stone, but if you will place yourself in My hands, I will polish you.
Christ is the rock upon which the church is built.
Christ is the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star, and that it is through His church, His people in their unity, that He is to shine in undimmed lustre to the world.
Christ is the root, and he sustains every branch by his divine power; but those who make finite man their dependence will certainly fall.
Christ is the root, and He sustains every branch by His power. If you make finite men your dependence you will certainly fail.
Christ is the root; his disciples are the branches. Great dis-honor is done to Christ by those who profess to be His disciples, and are not.
Christ is the same compassionate physician now that He was during His earthly ministry.
Christ is the Saviour of the body as verily as He is the Saviour of the soul. His first sermon at Nazareth shows this.
Christ is the science and eloquence of the gospel, and His ministers are to hold forth the Word of life
Christ is the Sin-bearer. Confess your faults one to another, and rend your hearts and not your garments. He bears the iniquity of all who repent and believe, all who accept His robe of righteousness.
Christ is the sinner’s Advocate. Those who accept His gospel behold Him with open face. They see the relation of His mission to the Law, and they acknowledge God’s wisdom and glory as revealed by the Saviour.
Christ is the sinner’s only hope. By His death He brought salvation within the reach of all. Through His grace all may become loyal subjects of God’s kingdom. Only by His sacrifice could salvation be brought within man’s reach. This sacrifice has made it possible for men and women to fulfil the conditions laid down in the councils of heaven.
Christ is the sinner’s Saviour. Christ’s death has redeemed the sinner. This is our only hope. If we make a full surrender of self, and practice the virtues of Christ, we shall gain the prize of eternal life.
Christ is the sinner’s substitute and surety. He has obeyed the Law in the sinner’s place, in order that the sinner may believe in Him, and grow up into Him in all things to the full stature of a man in Christ Jesus, and thus be complete in Him.
Christ is the Son of God, the Redeemer of fallen man. The condition of entrance into the kingdom of heaven is humility. No one can enter there who exalts self.
Christ is the Son of the living God, and that He is able to give salvation, even eternal life, to all who believe in Him.
Christ is the Son of the living God. We are His children and we are to follow every example He has left in His Word.
Christ is the source of all temporal, as well as all spiritual blessings.
Christ is the source of all true strength. He reveals His grace to every true believer. He imparts to them His own merits in grace and goodness, that they may bear fruit unto holiness.
Christ is the source of every right impulse. He is the only one who can arouse in the natural heart enmity against sin.
Christ is the source of light and power for His church. If the heart is pure and right, if godliness is dwelling there, it will be revealed in the life. It will pervade the conversation and all the relations of man to his fellow man. He will be a doer of the words of Christ.
Christ is the source of our life, the source of our immortality. He is the tree of life, and to all who come to Him He gives spiritual life.
Christ is the source of our strength. He is the vine, we are the branches. We must receive nourishment from the Living Vine. Deprived of the strength and nourishment of that Vine, we are as members of the body without a head.
Christ is the sower of the seeds of truth. He came to sow the world with truth. Not one tiny seed of error does He cast into the ground. By His teaching He enabled the natural mind to understand the things of the spiritual world.
Christ is the Sower, who scatters the precious grain in the fallow ground of the heart.
Christ is the star of hope that illumines our darkness.
Christ is the substance and the source.
Christ is the substance or body which cast its shadow back into former dispensations. And when Christ died the shadow ceased. The transgression of the moral code made the shadowy system necessary. And at the death of Christ, which event had been shadowed forth by the blood of beasts from the time of Adam, these offerings, and not the law of God, the violation of which had made them necessary, was abolished. At the death of Christ, the typical system was done away; but the law of God, whose violation had made the plan of salvation necessary, was magnified and made honourable.
Christ is the sure foundation.
Christ is the sympathetic, compassionate Redeemer. He has given His commission: “Go ye into all the world.” Mark 1:15. In His sustaining power men and women become strong to resist evil.
Christ is the true head of the medical profession. The chief Physician, He is at the side of every God-fearing practitioner who works to relieve human suffering.
Christ is the true Light, “which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” Shall this light shine in darkness and the darkness comprehend it not?–God forbid.
Christ is the true Shepherd and leader, and if we do not follow Him by doing as He did, then we are none of His.
Christ is the true Teacher, the true Leader.
Christ is the True Vine; His disciples are the branches in that Vine, and they are one with Him. He is the Root, the sustaining life of every believing soul. If His followers abide in Him, they will bear His fruits. There are many branches that are grafted into the parent stock; but in their individual diversity there is a marked unity, for the branches absorb the nourishment of the Vine. Christ is the Root, the Sustaining life of every believing soul.
Christ is the truth and the “Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” John 1:9. The Spirit of truth has been sent to guide men into all truth.
Christ is the Truth and the Light. He is the mirror from which to reflect truly every work done to His name’s glory.
Christ is the truth of all that we find in the Father. The definition of heaven is the presence of Christ.
Christ is the truth, because He is the fulfilment of ancient prophecies.
Christ is the truth, the hidden treasure in the field of God’s Word. He is the pearl of great price, which we must gladly sell all we have to obtain.
Christ is the Truth, the Life and the Light of the world, and by beholding Him His followers will be changed into the same image, from glory to glory.
Christ is the truth. His words are truth, and they have a deeper significance than appears on the surface.
Christ is the truth. In His teaching He used language that could be easily comprehended. Yet He taught truths of deep meaning. By means of parables and simple illustrations He taught truths of eternal importance.
Christ is the uniting link in the golden chain which binds believers together in God.
Christ is the very substance, the fountain of life, to every believing heart.
Christ is the vine, His disciples are the branches. He says to them, “Abide in me.”
Christ is the Vine, we are the branches, and only branches. And if we would grow and flourish in the Vine, we must continually draw sap and nourishment from the Living Vine, for without the Vine we have no strength.
Christ is the vital principle by which spiritual health and strength and righteousness are imparted to the life, to be revealed in the Christian’s daily practice.
Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He declares: “Without Me ye can do nothing.” John 15:5.
Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He says, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me.”
Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. His life on this earth was one of self-denial. He desires us to walk even as He walked.
Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. In him is no darkness at all; therefore, if we are in Christ, there will be no darkness in us.
Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The truth of His Word enlightens our minds, showing us the principles that should control us. The Holy Spirit is the Teacher, the Comforter, the Author of sanctification. The Holy Spirit only can sanctify. God’s Word, studied and obeyed, brings sanctification. It is as the leaves of the tree of life, which are for the healing of the nations.
Christ is the wisdom of God. He is the great “I AM” to the world.
Christ is the Word of God; and we must take this Word and bring it into our nature, and thus we are receiving nourishment from Jesus Christ as the natural stalk receives nourishment from nature. So we are to connect with Christ if we would have a part with Him. We must live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Christ is the world’s Redeemer, and men who do not have an experimental knowledge of what He is and what He will be to them, are in darkness.
Christ Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the Genesis of the Old Testament, and the Revelation of the New. Both meet together in Christ. Adam and God are reconciled by the obedience of the second Adam, who accomplished the work of overcoming the temptations of Satan and redeeming Adam’s disgraceful failure and fall. The two Adams will meet in Paradise and embrace each other, while the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet, and all who have refused the opportunities and privileges given to them at such an infinite cost, and have not returned to their loyalty, will be shut out of Paradise.
Christ Jesus is the great Power for correcting all the threads of influence that Satan would appropriate to compose his web.
Christ Jesus is the old and the new. His self-sacrificing love for man dates back before the creation of our world, yet it is ever new.
Christ Jesus is the only Judge of the fitness of human agents to receive eternal life.
Christ’s Spirit will open the way before us and give us success because Christ is our recommendation to the people.
Christians are to be one in Christ. By their unity they are to bear witness to the world that Christ is the Sent of God. Christian strength is obtained by serving the Lord faithfully. Young men and young women should realize that to be one with Christ is the highest honor to which they can attain.
Eternal life means more than we can estimate. It is Christ’s gift to the world. Christ is the bread of life and the water of salvation, which we are to eat and drink.
Faith in Christ is our only hope of salvation.
Faith in Christ is the most powerful of all agencies in making men wise unto salvation and in preparing them to receive the truth.
Faith in Christ is the only condition upon which justification can be received; and the gift is bestowed only upon those who realize that they are sinners, and undeserving of mercy. The merits of the blood of Christ must be presented to the Father as the offering for the sins of men.
Faith in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ is the assurance of pardon.
From Jesus is our life derived. In Him is life that is original,–unborrowed, underived life.
God bids you with one hand, faith, take hold of His mighty arm, and with the other hand, love, reach perishing souls. Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. Follow Him.
God does not want any poor soul to bear the sins of any. Christ is the sin-bearer.
God has declared His love; Jesus Christ is the expression of that love.
God is our Father, Christ is our Saviour. (See 2 Peter 1:16-21.)
God is the Father of Christ; and Christ is the Son of God. To Christ has been given an exalted position. He has been made equal with the Father. All the councils of God are opened unto His Son.
Have faith in Him at all times and under all circumstances. This faith is a constant representation of Christ’s character, for it is a faith that works by love and purifies the soul from all defilement. Christ is the Author of this faith, and He demands that it be constantly exercised.
He bids us rejoice because we are the heritage of the Lord, because the righteousness of Christ is the robe of His saints, because we have the blessed hope of the soon coming of our Saviour.
He is our Advocate, presenting our prayers and offerings as spiritual sacrifices to God.
He who has sound faith finds that Christ is the life of the soul, that He is in him as a well of water springing up unto everlasting life, and he delights to conform every power of the soul to the obedience of his Lord.
He who is man’s Creator and Redeemer will be to all who trust in Him a Restorer. While Satan is the destroyer, Christ is the Restorer.
If Christ is our centre, we shall bear His likeness, and our words will glorify Him.
If Christ is our companion, because we wear His yoke and lift His burdens, we shall gain advanced victories.
If Christ is our personal Saviour, we shall be meditating upon his goodness and mercy and love.
If Christ is the abiding principle in the heart, you may read purity, refinement, peace, and love in the features.
If Christ is the theme of contemplation the thoughts will be widely separated from every subject which will lead to impure acts. The mind will strengthen by exercise in dwelling upon elevating subjects.
If we will indeed believe that Christ is our personal Saviour and that He made an infinite sacrifice that we might have the gift of everlasting life, then our life is hid with Christ in God.
If we would see heaven, we must have heaven below. We must have a heaven to go to heaven in. We must have heaven in our families, through Christ continually approaching unto God. Christ is the great centre of attraction, and the child of God hid in Christ, meets with God, and is lost in the divine being.
In Christ is our help. When we come with repentance and faith, however polluted and sinful we may be, we shall find Him the sinner’s Saviour.
In Christ is our only hope. God has daily victories for His people to gain.
In Christ is the fountain of all knowledge. In him our hopes of eternal life are centred.
In Christ is the life of the soul.
In Christ is the strength of His people; for to Him all power has been given.
In Christ is the tenderness of the shepherd, the affection of the parent, and the matchless grace of the compassionate Saviour.
In Christ is the very help needed, but how few will come to Him for that help. Said Jesus when upon the earth: “Ye will not come to Me, that ye might have life.”
In Christ Jesus is a revelation of the glory of the Godhead.
In Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free, male nor female. We are all one in Christ Jesus, and Christ is our head.
In His intercession as our Advocate Christ needs no man’s virtue, no man’s intercession. Christ is the only Sin-bearer, the only Sin-offering.
In Jesus Christ is our help and our sufficiency to carry the work forward intelligently.
In our character-building Christ is our example. He placed Himself at the head of the human race to show us how to live in a way that God can approve.
In taking upon Himself humanity, our Saviour unites His interests with those of the fallen sons and daughters of Adam, while through His divinity He grasps the throne of God. And thus Christ is the medium of communication of men with God, and of God with men.
In the cross of Christ is the sure evidence that there is pardon for sin. Christ crucified is the source of all wisdom and virtue for man.
In the crucifixion of Christ is the proclamation of peace and pardon to every repentant, sin-sick soul; but for the impenitent there is none.
In the life of Christ is the great Gift that God has prepared for every soul who will believe Him and accept the promise.
In the plan of redemption Christ is the Alpha and the Omega–the First and the Last.
In this life we must meet fiery trials and make costly sacrifices, but the peace of Christ is the reward.
It is not sufficient for any soul to have a nominal faith, to merely admit that Christ is the Redeemer of the world. Is He your personal Redeemer? Have you a personal interest in Him? Is your soul hungering and thirsting for salvation? Do you long for a better knowledge of Jesus Christ?
It is the voice of Christ that speaks to us through the Old Testament. “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Revelation 19:10.
Jesus Christ is our Captain and Leader. We are to obey His orders in doing the work appointed us, which is to sow and reap and garner up His harvest.
Jesus Christ is our chief director.
Jesus Christ is our dependence, and the Lord calls upon His people to beware of following a course that would rob them of their usefulness.
Jesus Christ is our efficiency, our healer, our strength, our front guard, and our rearward.
Jesus Christ is our example in all things. He began life, passed through its experiences, and ended its record, with a sanctified human will.
Jesus Christ is our heavenly Father. Jesus Christ is the Father with us. God is the Father, and there is the link of the chain brought right down to bind His children in connection with the Father.
Jesus Christ is our leader. Every one who bears the seal of God will do as His Leader did. He will go about doing good, forgetting self in the effort to help others.
Jesus Christ is our Pattern, the great Standard of moral character.
Jesus Christ is our personal Saviour, that He saves us from sin and transgression, but not in sin.
Jesus Christ is our Redeemer and we are to feel indeed that He has died to purchase humanity, to give us freedom and liberty which can be given only through Him.
Jesus Christ is our representative; “and looking unto Jesus, who is the Author.” It does not stop there. “Author of your faith”—but it does not stop there—“and finisher of your faith.” He carries you through your faith, and Christ gives you the lessons of simplicity. “Ask, and ye shall receive; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; for whosoever asketh receiveth, he that seeketh findeth, to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” Now what we want is to give more time to prayer and less to useless conversation.
Jesus Christ is our righteousness. Every step that Christ takes and we follow, the glory of the Lord is our re-reward.
Jesus Christ is our Saviour today, and He is willing to work in our behalf, if we will not put our dependence upon some other power.
Jesus Christ is our spiritual touchstone. He reveals the Father.
Jesus Christ is our substitute and surety, and that we belong to Christ as His purchased possession.
Jesus Christ is our surety. “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the world.” Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us.
Jesus Christ is the Captain of our salvation. He clothed His divinity with humanity, and took the field Himself, that He might teach us how to fight the battles of the Lord.
Jesus Christ is the Captain of the Lord’s host.
Jesus Christ is the great Healer, but He desires that by living in conformity with His laws, we may co-operate with Him in the recovery and the maintenance of health.
Jesus Christ is the great Teacher. He spake as never man spake. He poured out to men the whole treasure of heaven in wisdom and knowledge.
Jesus Christ is the great trustee of divine revelation. It is through Him that we have a knowledge of what we are to look for in the closing scenes of this earth’s history.
Jesus Christ is the great truth for this time. In Him are bound up all the truths that concern our salvation. “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.”
Jesus Christ is the knowledge of the Father, and Christ is our great teacher sent from God.
Jesus Christ is the life of every blessing, every grace, every religious ordinance, the life of all that is precious and valuable to the children of God.
Jesus Christ is the One altogether lovely, the Chiefest among ten thousand. Why should we not love Him and give Him our undivided service?
Jesus Christ is the one great Unity; He possesses the attributes that harmonize all diversities. And He, the Gift above all others, was given to our world to give expression to the mind and character of God, that every intelligent being, if he will, may see God in the revelation of His Son.
Jesus Christ is the one that bears our sins.
Jesus Christ is the only name given under heaven whereby we can be saved.
Jesus Christ is the only refuge in these perilous times.
Jesus Christ is the originator of all the missionary work done in our world. He worked miracles to heal the sick, but He never worked a miracle in His own behalf.
Jesus Christ is the Pattern, and every one who copies the Pattern will estimate the value of his own soul as the purchased possession of Christ.
Jesus Christ is the Prince of peace. And from Him alone comes that true peace which the world can neither give nor take away.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He is still crying to the sons of men, “If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.” Who will hear His invitation?
Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He came into the world to heal sick and suffering humanity.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He was manifest in the flesh. What was His work in this world?- -To put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself on the cross of Calvary. He was tempted in all points like as we are, yet without sin. By His prayers and strong supplications He overcame. In His human nature, He perfected a character after the divine similitude. By a life of perfect obedience to every requirement of God, He procured redemption for all who will be obedient. The divine nature is imparted to those who receive and acknowledge Him as their Saviour. They become partakers of the divine nature; they overcome the assaults of Satan; and they escape the corruption that is in the world through lust. Christ energizes by His Spirit those who seek Him with the whole heart.
Jesus Christ is the unseen Medical Missionary, and we are to be His co-labourers.
Jesus Christ is the world’s only hope of salvation.
Jesus is a compassionate intercessor, a merciful and faithful high priest. He, the Majesty of heaven–the King of glory– can look upon finite man, subject to the temptations of Satan, knowing that He has felt the power of Satan’s wiles.
Jesus is a complete and living Saviour.
Jesus is a Lover of children.
Jesus is a mighty helper, a never-failing support.
Jesus is a pattern for humanity, complete, perfect. He proposes to make us like Himself,–true in every purpose, feeling, and thought,–true in heart, soul, and life.
Jesus is a perfect pattern, and we must imitate His example. A Christian is the highest type of man, a representative of Christ.
Jesus is a present help in every time of need, if we will only believe.
Jesus is a risen Saviour. He is our Advocate in the heavenly courts. As soon as the sinner sees his sin in the light of God’s Word and repents, seeking with contrition of soul for pardon, the Lord hears and answers.
Jesus is a sin-pardoning Saviour. Jesus kept His Father’s commandments, and He says, Blessed are they that do; they shall enter in.
Jesus is a very present help in every time of trouble.
Jesus is our Advocate, our high priest, and our intercessor. We occupy a like position to that of the Israelites on the day of atonement. When the high priest entered the most holy place, representing the place where our High Priest is now pleading, and sprinkled the atoning blood upon the mercy seat, no propitiatory sacrifices were offered without. While the priest was interceding within, every heart was to be bowed in contrition before God, pleading for the pardon of their transgression.
Jesus is our atoning sacrifice; we can make no atonement for ourselves, but by faith we can accept the atonement that has been made. “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God.” “Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, . . . but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.” “The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.”
Jesus is our centre. He is the parent stock that bears the branches. In Him our eternal life is centred. The words that He has spoken unto us are spirit and life, and those who feed upon His Word, and are doers of His Word, represent Him in character.
Jesus is our compassionate Saviour. Why will we not accept His gracious offer of mercy, believe His words of promise, and not make the way of life so hard?
Jesus is our constant friend. We are to look to Him moment by moment, and by looking to Him we are to live.
Jesus is our efficiency in all things; His Spirit is to be our inspiration; and as we place ourselves in His hands, to be channels of blessing, our means of doing good will never be exhausted.
Jesus is our ever-present help in time of need. Only call upon Him in faith, and He has promised to hear and answer our petitions.
Jesus is our example in all things; and when our human nature was upon Him, prayer became to Him a necessity and a privilege. He found joy and comfort in communion with His Father.
Jesus is our example in all things; but He has given us no example of such selfishness as we see manifested by many who profess to be his followers.
Jesus is our example, and we must form our characters after His. By beholding His purity and perfection, we shall be changed into the same image. If Christ is dwelling in us, we shall reveal Him in all our actions, and we shall see new charms in Him every day.
Jesus is our example. His voice was musical, and was never raised in high, strained notes while He was speaking to the people. He did not speak so rapidly that His words were crowded one upon another in such a way that it made it difficult to understand Him. He distinctly enunciated every word, and those who heard His voice bore the testimony that “never man spake like this man.”
Jesus is our friend; all heaven is interested in our welfare. We should not allow the perplexities and worries of everyday life to fret the mind and cloud the brow.
Jesus is our friend. All heaven is interested in our welfare; and our anxiety and fear grieve the Holy Spirit of God.
Jesus is our great Exemplar, and in His life and death He taught the strictest obedience. He died, the just for the unjust, the innocent for the guilty, that the honor of God’s Law might be preserved, and yet man not utterly perish.
Jesus is our great High Priest in heaven. And what is He doing?–He is making intercession and atonement for His people who believe in Him. Through His imputed righteousness, they are accepted of God, as those who are manifesting to the world that they acknowledge allegiance to God, keeping all His commandments.
Jesus is our helper, and He will have a care for all those who trust in Him.
Jesus is our Intercessor and Advocate.
Jesus is our minister, and we are never to think that we are left alone. Jesus never forsakes the flock of His pasture. “This man, because he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood.”
Jesus is our only hope; let us cling to Him. The promise of eternal life is on condition of obedience.
Jesus is our only safe pattern; and His life is one continuous experience of privation, self-denial, and sorrow. “He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”
Jesus is our only Saviour; and although millions who need to be healed will reject His offered mercy, not one who trusts in His merits will be left to perish.
Jesus is our pattern, and it is from Him that we receive strength and grace to walk in humility and contrition before God. But whatever may be our trials, God understands them, and invites us to share the blessing that he has pronounced upon the meek and lowly in heart.
Jesus is our pattern. He has given us an example that we should follow in His steps. Many will have to pass through scenes similar to those through which Jesus passed.
Jesus is our Pattern. He laid aside His royal crown to come to our world.
Jesus is our Pattern. The Majesty of heaven, the King of glory, was tempted in all points like as sinful man is tempted.
Jesus is our perfect Pattern; and when we look to Him who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, we should be aroused to greater earnestness. He has led the way to the heavenly reward in glory. He passed through fiercer conflicts than man will ever be able to endure.
Jesus is our Saviour today. He is pleading for us in the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary, and He will forgive our sins.
Jesus is our Saviour, and that life would not be enjoyable, nor afford us peace or hope, if He had not loved us and given Himself for us.
Jesus is our Saviour, our Redeemer, our wisdom, our sanctification, our righteousness.
Jesus is our strength and happiness. He is the great storehouse from which we may draw grace and power. How grieved He is when, after He has declared His willingness to help us, we withdraw our eyes from His sufficiency to behold and bemoan our weakness.
Jesus is our Surety and Mediator, and has placed at our command every resource, that we may have a perfect character.
Jesus is our surety. “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” Christ, our Passover, has been sacrificed for us. Every drop of blood shed by the Jewish sacrifices pointed to the Lamb of God. All the typical offerings were fulfilled in Him. Type met antitype when He died on the cross. He came to make it possible, by the sacrifice of Himself, to put away sin. He paid the ransom for our redemption. We are bought with a price; and Christ calls upon us to let Him take our sins, and impute to us His righteousness.
Jesus is the “chiefest among ten thousand, and the one altogether lovely.”
Jesus is the bread of life, to be eaten every day; He is the water of life to the parched and fainting soul, and all may partake of his grace.
Jesus is the bread of life. If I feed upon Him, I shall be one with Christ in God.
Jesus is the Captain of our salvation.
Jesus is the Christ born of God.
Jesus is the Christ, the Lord of heaven and earth, to the glory of God the Father.
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.
Jesus is the foundation and the Author and Finisher of our faith.
Jesus is the fountain head of knowledge, the treasure-house of truth.
Jesus is the fountain of all wisdom.
Jesus is the fountainhead of wisdom, and our supply must be received from Him.
Jesus is the Friend of sinners, and His heart is touched with their woe.
Jesus is the fullness of our expectation.
Jesus is the gift of God to the entire world.
Jesus is the Good Shepherd who has given His life for the sheep. He cares for His feeble, sickly, wandering sheep. He knows them all by name.
Jesus is the great light which lights every man that comes into the world.
Jesus is the great Restorer.
Jesus is the great Worker.
Jesus is the great, sinless propitiation, and through his merit, God and man may hold converse together.
Jesus is the Head of the race.
Jesus is the Helper of us all.
Jesus is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.
Jesus is the light of the world, and you are to fashion your life after His.
Jesus is the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He is the light of the world, and He bids us come unto Him, and learn of Him.
Jesus is the living centre of everything.
Jesus is the Master Worker.
Jesus is the mother’s sympathizing friend and counselor.
Jesus is the one of whom Isaiah said: “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.”
Jesus is the One to learn the secret of the heart.
Jesus is the One who steadies the nerves.
Jesus is the only hope of the soul.
Jesus is the only one that has ever walked in the flesh who is able to judge righteously.
Jesus is the only One who can give us peace.
Jesus is the only one who can remove these defiled garments of sin, and clothe us in the robe of Christ’s righteousness.
Jesus is the only safe and true pattern.
Jesus is the only sure guarantee for intellectual success and advancement.
Jesus is the pattern for all childhood.
Jesus is the perfect pattern, and it is the duty and privilege of every child and youth to copy the pattern. His example in a pure and spotless life should be continually presented as a model for the youth.
Jesus is the pledge of our acceptance with God.
Jesus is the promised Messiah.
Jesus is the Redeemer of the world.
Jesus is the remedy for sin.
Jesus is the Restorer; Satan is the destroyer.
Jesus is the Saviour of the world
Jesus is the sin-bearer.
Jesus is the sin-pardoning Saviour as well as the only begotten Son of the infinite God.
Jesus is the sinner’s Friend, the sinner’s Redeemer. His heart is ever open, ever touched with human woe
Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.
Jesus is the source of our comfort strength and fortitude.
Jesus is the source of power, the fountain of life. He brings us to His word, and from the tree of life presents to us leaves for the healing of sin-sick souls. He leads us to the throne of God, and puts into our mouth a prayer through which we are brought into close contact with Himself.
Jesus is the stronghold of His people.
Jesus is the Superior.
Jesus is the Teacher sent from God.
Jesus is the true Pattern. His self-sacrificing life is our example.
Jesus is the true Shepherd. His sheep hear His voice, and follow Him.
Jesus is the Word, the guide-book, which must be received and obeyed in every particular.
Jesus is the world’s Redeemer.
Jesus was the true Sacrifice, who was to die for man’s transgression.
Let all remember that ministering angels are beside every true-hearted son and daughter of God. You do not work alone. Christ is the Restorer.
Let us climb together, and we will see what can be gained by a united study of the Scriptures. Christ is the One who imparts all knowledge.
Let us never lose sight of the fact that Jesus is a well-spring of joy. He does not delight in the misery of human beings, but loves to see them happy.
Like the wave-sheaf, which was the first ripe grain gathered before the harvest, Christ is the first-fruits of that immortal harvest of redeemed ones that at the future resurrection shall be gathered into the garner of God.
Love for Christ is the principle which unites man to his fellow man.
Love for Jesus is the motive power of the life-work, and the sustaining strength for every duty.
Many seem to think that Jesus is a great way off, but our Saviour is very nigh to those who call upon His name.
Many think that Jesus is a great way off, high in the heavens, and far from the sound of their prayers; but he says, “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst.” When we assemble for religious service, we may be certain that Jesus is with us.
Meet no low standard. Christ is the Pattern to whom you are all to look.
No idler can be a practical Christian. Christ is our example, and He worked at the carpenter’s trade with His father Joseph.
No one can be compelled against his will, but he can be convinced. Christ is the miracle-working power that can do this.
Of yourselves you can do nothing; but Christ is the great Worker.
Our chief study should be how we can best glorify God. The servant of God whose life and character reflect most of the likeness of Christ is the one who will bring to God the greatest honor.
Our faith is to be demonstrated as a power of which Christ is the Author. And the Bible, His Word, is to make us wise unto salvation.
Our great High Priest completed the sacrificial offering of Himself when He suffered without the gate. Then a perfect atonement was made for the sins of the people. Jesus is our Advocate, our High Priest, our Intercessor. Our present position therefore is like that of the Israelites, standing in the outer court, waiting and looking for that blessed hope, the glorious appearing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Our heavenly Father is the God of the universe, and Christ is the divine Son, the One equal with the Father.
Outward troubles cannot reach that life which we live by faith on the Son of God. Its richest, purest joys are felt when Christ is the theme of thought and conversation.
Preach the simple truth of which Christ is the centre.
Remember that the Lord Jesus is the one who moves upon the heart.
Remember, Christ is the Prince of life, the rightful sovereign of all the highways, byways, and hedges. He knows what we need.
Salvation through Jesus Christ is the only hope set before men in the gospel.
Satan is the destroyer. Christ is the Restorer. The Prince of heaven came to meet the prince of darkness in this world, which Satan claimed as his kingdom.
Shall we not remember that Christ is the One who makes for us the only terms of salvation?
Simplicity in Christ is the pure, sacred dignity of the truth.
Tempt me not to disregard the greatest Author and the greatest Teacher, through whom I have everlasting life. He never mistakes. He is the great Fountainhead whence all wisdom flows. Then let every teacher sow the seed of truth in the minds of students. Christ is the standard Teacher.
That meekness and lowliness which is revealed in the character of Christ is the most important lesson we can daily and hourly learn.
The believers are to be one in Christ. By their unity they bear witness to the world that Christ is the Sent of God. All true disciples will realize that this is the standard they must reach. They will strive continually to help one another.
The best evidence that you are in Christ is the fruit you bear. If you are not truly united to Him, your light and privileges will condemn and ruin you.
The Bible to me is the voice of God. I have the witness in myself that the Word of God is true, and that Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God. I am following no cunningly devised fable.
The blood of Christ is the eternal antidote for sin. It is the only efficient agent for the cleansing of sin.
The blood of Jesus is a never-failing passport, by which all your petitions may find access to the throne of God.
The character of Christ is the one perfect pattern which we are to copy.
The character of Christ is the standard which the Christian is to keep before him.
The characters of Joseph and Daniel are good models for you to follow, but Christ is the perfect pattern.
The Christian thirsts for and seek the pure water of life, of which Christ is the fountain. There the soul may be satisfied.
The church of Christ is the only object on the earth upon which He bestows His supreme regard; yet it has grown feeble and inefficient through selfishness.
The church of Christ is the repository in which heaven’s wealth is stored, to be imparted to others, in the providence of God, as the extension of his work and the upbuilding of his cause shall demand.
The church of Christ is to be clean, pure, and sanctified unto God. Its members stand before the world as representatives of the heavenly government.
The church of Christ is to be in the world, but not of the world.
The church of Christ is to represent His character. Its members, if their names are written in the Lamb’s book of life, will be united by a vital connection with Christ, as the branch is united with the living vine.
The church of Christ is very precious in His sight. It is the case which contains His jewels, the fold which encloses His flock.
The church of Christ may be fitly compared to an army. The life of every soldier is one of toil, hardship, and danger.
The church of Christ on earth was organized for missionary purposes.
The converting power of Christ is the agency that will overcome our individual defects of character, and make us labourers together with God.
The cross of Christ is our only hope. It reveals to us the greatness of our Father’s love and the fact that the Majesty of heaven submitted to insult, mockery, humiliation, and suffering for the joy of seeing perishing souls saved in His kingdom.
The cross of Christ is the assurance that we may be complete in Him.
The cross of Christ is the central pillar on which hangs the “far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.”
The cross of Christ is the instrumentality of God to save perishing man.
The cross of Christ is the mighty agency through which God has planned to move the world.
The cross of Christ is the pledge of our fellowship and union.
the cross of Christ is the power of God for the saving of the soul; but many come to the gospel banquet in a raiment woven in their own loom, a garment from their own wardrobe.
The death of Christ is the convincing, everlasting argument that the Law of God is as unchanging as His throne.
The death of Christ is the sinner’s only ransom.
The divinity of Christ is the believer’s assurance of eternal life.
The exaltation of Christ is the great truth that all who labour in word and doctrine are to reveal.
The example of Jesus is a light to the young, as well as to those of mature years.
The first impulse to come to Christ is the result of His drawing power upon the heart.
The foundation of our hope in Christ is the fact that we recognize ourselves as sinners in need of restoration and redemption.
The fragrance of the blood of Christ is the odour of our perfection. Our reliance is to be upon God.
The gift of Christ is our pledge of help in trouble and of victory in conflict.
The glory of Christ is our great efficiency.
The glory shining in the face of Jesus is the glory of self-sacrificing love.
The Gospel is Christ unfolded, and Christ is the Gospel embodied. We are not to worship the Gospel, but Christ, the Lord of the Gospel.
The gospel ministry is an organization for the proclamation of the truth and the carrying forward of the work for sick and well. This is the body, the medical missionary work is the arm, and Christ is the Head over all.
The gospel of Christ is the good news of grace, or favor, by which man may be released from the condemnation of sin, and enabled to render obedience to the Law of God.
The gospel of Christ is the image of God, it is the true representation of the Father’s Law.
The gospel of Christ is the Law exemplified in character.
The gospel of Christ is the most valuable treasure of the church, and that the grace of God, therein revealed, is freely bestowed upon all who seek it by repentance and faith.
The gospel of Christ is the whole body of God’s Law.
The grace of Christ is our only hope of salvation.
The grace of God in Christ is the foundation of the Christian’s hope, and that grace will be manifested in obedience.
The hand of Christ is the only one outstretched to save.
The history of the daily, earthly life of Jesus is the exact record of the fulfilment of the purposes of God toward man.
The knowledge of God and of Christ is the only knowledge which can lead to true and eternal happiness. This knowledge all may obtain; all may win the crown of glory, and the life which measures with the life of God.
The knowledge of God as revealed in Christ is the knowledge that all who are saved must have. It is the knowledge that works transformation of character.
The knowledge of God in the face of Jesus Christ is the consummation of all knowledge.
The life and spirit of Christ is the only standard of excellence and perfection, and our only safe course is to follow His example.
The life of Christ is our example. He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; He was wounded, He was bruised.
The life of Christ is the pattern for every one who would labour for God.
The life of Christ is to be carefully meditated upon and to be constantly studied with a desire to understand the reason why He had to come at all.
The living oracles of God have been given to us to teach us that Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
the Lord hears the words we speak, and is acquainted with the spirit that prompts our actions? Christ is the defence of all that are hidden in Him.
The Lord Jesus Christ is our efficiency, our all and in all. Let there be no lifting up of self unto vanity; for of ourselves we are unable to do any good thing.
The Lord Jesus Christ is our example. He came to the world as the servant of mankind. He went from city to city, from village to village, teaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing the sick.
The Lord Jesus Christ is our Judge and our Lawgiver.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the Captain of our salvation, and we are to obey His orders.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the fountain of all knowledge.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the greatest gospel missionary the world ever knew.
The Lord Jesus has given to every man precious lessons of instruction in His Holy Word. The Lord Jesus is our Pattern. The impress of the image of Christ will be manifest upon the entire character of those who yield themselves to Him.
The Lord Jesus is a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother.
The Lord Jesus is a never-failing storehouse from which human beings may draw strength and courage.
The Lord Jesus is a Restorer of all that was lost, and identifies His interests with those of suffering humanity. He lifts up the contrite heart, and refines the mourning soul until it becomes His abode.
The Lord Jesus is our efficiency in all things; His Spirit is to be our inspiration; and as we place ourselves in His hands to be channels of light, our means of doing good will never be exhausted; for the resources of the power of Jesus Christ are to be at our command. We may draw upon His fullness, and receive of that grace which has no limit. The Captain of our salvation at every step would teach us that almighty power is at the demand of living faith. He says, “Without me ye can do nothing;” but again declares that “greater works than these shall ye do; because I go unto my Father.”
The Lord Jesus is our example and our efficiency in all things. Our means of doing good are never exhausted. Our source of power is the fullness of Christ. Upon this we may draw, and draw again. There is no limit to the supply.
The Lord Jesus is our Example, our Pattern, our sufficiency, in all things. He has identified his interest with suffering humanity. He knows just what his children need, how much divine power they will appropriate for the blessing of humanity; and he bestows no more than he sees the human agent will employ in blessing others, and elevating, and ennobling his own soul, and he may be uplifting and refreshing and ennobling those for whom Christ has died.
The Lord Jesus is our example. He came to the world as a servant of mankind. He went from city to city, from village to village, teaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing the sick. Christ spent more time in healing than in teaching.
The Lord Jesus is our great High Priest, our Advocate in the courts of heaven. The solemn position in which we stand to Him as worshippers is not appreciated. For our present and eternal good we need to understand this relation. If we are His children, we are bound together in the bonds of Christian brotherhood, loving one another as He has loved us, united in the sacred relation of those washed in the blood of the Lamb. Bound up with Christ in God we are to love as brethren.
The Lord Jesus is our leader. We must follow where He leads the way.
The Lord Jesus is our only helper. Through his grace we shall learn to cultivate love, to educate ourselves to speak kindly and tenderly. Through his grace our cold, harsh manners will be transformed. The law of kindness will be upon our lips.
The Lord Jesus is our strength and happiness. He is the great storehouse from which the human agent may on every occasion, draw strength and happiness. How grieved He is when, after He has given us a rich experience in His willingness to help us in any emergency, we withdraw our eyes from His sufficiency to look on and bemoan our own weakness.
The Lord Jesus is present on every occasion. He reads every purpose of the heart, and His righteous principles are vindicated in the heart-searching, the heart-humbling, the penitence; and the atonement itself provided by Infinite Love is acceptable to God, and Christ’s righteousness is imputed to the sinner.
The Lord Jesus is the Author of our being, and He is also the Author of our redemption.
The Lord Jesus is the embodiment of the glory of the Godhead.
The Lord Jesus is the great Teacher, and it is His providence to teach us lessons of patient trust.
The Lord Jesus is the maker of the mind which man has debased and enfeebled by sin.
The Lord Jesus is the model teacher, and he has given to the world the Old and New Testaments as a text-book.
The Lord Jesus is the one spiritual Head, and we are the members of His body.
The Lord Jesus is the One to whom men must go for wisdom.
The Lord Jesus is the root, and His believing people are the branches.
The love of Christ is the bond that is to unite believers heart to heart and mind to mind.
The love of Christ is the force and power of every message for God that ever fell from human lips. What kind of a future is before us, if we shall fail to come into the unity of the faith?
The love of Christ is the golden chain which is to bind us to one another and to God. It binds our hearts in the tenderest sympathy with humanity and in complete unity with every soul that believes.
The love of Jesus is a sweet, delightful, glorious gift.
The meekness and lowliness of Christ is the Christian’s power.
The merit of the righteousness of Christ is the only ground upon which the sinner may hope for a title to eternal life; for Christ hath given Himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God, as a sweet-smelling savor.
The name of Jesus is our password, and as we plead in the name of our mighty Advocate, for His sake our sins are washed away. In this world there is neither comfort nor happiness without Jesus. We must acknowledge Him as our Friend and our Saviour. How can we fail to love Him, when He has first loved us? In Him are matchless charms. Oh, that we may all be with Him through the ceaseless ages of eternity!
The name of Jesus is the only “name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12.
The only safe position for any of us to take is to consider ourselves sinners, daily needing divine grace. Mercy through the atoning blood of Christ is our only plea.
The path travelled by Christ is the only safe path for us to follow. The Saviour says, “He that will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.”
The peace of Christ is a constant and abiding peace.
The perfect man in Christ Jesus is the one God will honour.
The position of Christ is the attitude of forbearance and importunity.
The power of the Lord Jesus is the only power that can cope with the fallen spirits who have taken possession of the souls of human beings.
The precious blood of Jesus is the fountain prepared to cleanse the soul from the defilement of sin.
The presence of Jesus is a safe-guard against his [Satan’s] advances. The Sun of Righteousness discloses the hideous blackness of the enemy of souls, and he flies from the divine presence.
The privilege bestowed upon us in doing service for Christ is the highest exaltation that can be given to the human agent.
The reconciliation provided for us in the atonement of Christ is the foundation of our peace.
The religion of Christ is the most desirable thing in the world.
The religion of Jesus is the only genuine religion, and this we should possess, cost what it may, but we should desire nothing of that cheap counterfeit of religion that has a name to live and is dead.
The righteousness of Christ is our only hope of gaining access to the Father.
The righteousness of Christ is the salvation of all who accept Him as their personal Saviour.
The righteousness of Christ is the white robe of His saints, because we have the blessed hope of the soon coming of our Saviour.
The sacrifice of Christ atones for every sinner. Christ is the One “in whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins.”
The salvation of Christ is the water of life, essential for the health and life of the soul.
The spirit of Christ is the missionary spirit that seeks to save that which was lost. This Spirit makes every one who possesses it a worker together with God.
The spirit of Christ is the spirit of doing good.
The standard is high, for Christ is our standard, and He could justly claim perfection in all His works. But how few, in their practice, will follow the Lamb of God whithersoever He goeth. Following Jesus, imbued with His Spirit moment by moment, the human agent would represent Christ, as Christ represented the Father.
The tidings that Christ is our righteousness has brought relief to many, many souls, and God says to His people, “Go forward.”
The treasure indeed is hidden under the garb of humanity. Christ is the unsearchable riches, and he who finds Christ, finds heaven. The human agent who looks upon Jesus, who dwells by faith on His matchless charms, finds the eternal treasure. In the parable he who finds the treasure is represented as so well satisfied with his discovery that he sells all that he has to purchase that field.
The truth as it is in Jesus is a refreshing portion. All may rejoice in the study of the truth.
The truth as it is in Jesus is a wall of fire around the soul that clings to Him. Temptations will pour in upon us, for by them we are to be tried during our probation upon earth. This is the proving of God, a revelation of our own hearts. There is no sin in having temptations; but sin comes in when temptation is yielded to.
The truth as it is in Jesus is the Lord’s mighty cleaver to separate a people from the quarry of the world.
The truth as it is in Jesus is the only available agent by which man may be saved.
The truth as it is in Jesus is the refuge in these days of error.
The tyranny of Rome will be exercised, but Christ is our refuge.
The very first lesson to be learned of Christ is the lesson of self-denial. Said our Saviour, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” In no way can we become disciples of Christ, except by complying with this condition.
The very illustration of being buried with Christ in baptism and living a pledged new life unto Christ is the representation of our redemption in and through our genuine faith daily in Christ Jesus.
The whole army of heaven is enlisted to fight our battles for us, to work out for us a glorious victory, and Jesus is the Captain of our salvation.
The Word of Christ is the bread of life that is furnished for every soul that liveth.
The Word of God is a book of truth. Jesus is a faithful and true witness.
The Word of the living God is the seed, Christ is the sower, and unless He constantly works the soil of the heart, there will be no harvest.
The words of Christ run through the Scriptures as threads of gold, binding the whole together as a complete system of truth, of which Christ is the living centre.
The work before God’s stewards demands faith and courage and hopefulness. We have to pass through moral dangers, and in Christ is our only hope.
The yoke of Christ is the restraint of His Holy Spirit.
There are many who believe that Christ is the Saviour of the world, that the gospel is true and reveals the plan of salvation, yet they do not possess saving faith.
There is no danger of exhausting the supply; for Christ is the inexhaustible wellspring of truth.
There is no merit in self; Jesus is our only hope.
They [the youth] must build upon the only sure foundation, which is Jesus Christ. Their building can never be reared in strength and symmetry unless Jesus Christ is the chief corner stone; the great foundation stone.
Think not that Jesus is the Saviour of your brother only. He is your personal Saviour.
To be one with Christ is the highest honour to which we can attain.
To believe that Christ is our Friend is everything to us who profess to follow Him. Shall we not cease looking to human beings and exalting those who are in positions of trust?
To every believer, Christ is the resurrection and the life. This is typified in the baptismal ceremony.
Truth as it is in Jesus is the creating power of Christ.
Unity with believers in and through Christ is the great strength of the church.
Unless Christ is the ground of our hope, we shall not inherit eternal life.
We are not left to work alone. The angels are ministering spirits, sent forth to minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation. And Christ is our helper.
We are not to follow human leading. Christ is our leader. At all times and in all places we shall find Him a present help.
We are privileged to bear credentials to the world that Jesus Christ is our Redeemer, and that His blood has cleansed us from our sins, making us light to the world.
We are to be Bible Christians. We are to study the Word, and to carry out this Word in every particular. Then we shall know that Christ Jesus is our efficiency, our healer, our strength, our front-guard and our rearward. Then we shall have the help and the power that God alone can give.
We are to carry on a determined warfare against satanic agencies. Christ is our General.
We are to love perfection because Jesus is the embodiment of perfection, the great centre of attraction.
We behold God through Christ, our Creator and Redeemer.
We can be labourers together with Christ in the upbuilding of the kingdom of God in the earth.
We could not scale the battlements of heaven were it not for the fact that Christ is the ladder.
We have an assurance that Jesus is our Saviour, and that we may draw freely from Him. We may partake freely of the rich provision that He has made for us in His Word.
We have separated ourselves from Him. We need to fix the eye of faith upon the cross and believe that Jesus is our strength, our salvation.
We may have the witness in ourselves that the Bible is true, that Christ is the Son of God. We know that we are not following cunningly devised fables.
We must look away from self, for Jesus is our only hope. The language of the soul must be, “He is mine; I will never let go His arm. He will bless me; the cleansing blood will be applied to my soul.”
We need not retain one sinful propensity. Christ is the sin-bearer.
We should know and understand that the Lord Jesus is our ruler. If we follow on to know the Lord, we shall know that His going forth is prepared as the morning. The righteousness and the peace of God will be given to all who will follow on to know the Lord.
When Christ is the object of our affections, those who have received His pardoning love will not stop to calculate the value of the alabaster box of precious ointment.
When the life of Christ is our life, we shall be like fresh foliage, sweet and fragrant.
When the love of Jesus is the theme of contemplation, the words coming from human lips will be full of praise and thanksgiving to God and to the Lamb.
When trials come into our lives, when clouds darken the horizon, how ready we are to forget that Jesus is our Saviour, that behind the clouds the Sun of Righteousness is shining; that angels are close beside us, preserving us from harm.
When we accept Christ, good works will appear as fruitful evidence that we are in the way of life, that Christ is our way, and that we are treading the true path that leads to heaven.
While Christ is the minister in the sanctuary above, He is also, through His delegates, the minister of His church on earth.
Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.”
Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.
Why take inferior sources of instruction when Christ is the great teacher who knows all things?
You may admit that Christ is the Saviour of the world, but is He your Saviour? Do you believe, today, that He will give you power and strength to overcome every defect in your character?
You should show to all around you that Jesus is a tower of strength. In him the Christian may rejoice.